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BLM Reno Nevada Curatorial Program - 0 views

    The BLM is interested in partnering with a recipient to expand collections facilities and complete tasks necessary with DOI regulations and standards of best practice to become a federal repository for archaeological material.

Cultural Anthropology Program - Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants (CA-D... - 0 views

    The primary objective of the Cultural Anthropology Program is to support basic scientific research on the causes, consequences, and complexities of human social and cultural variability. Anthropological research spans a wide gamut, and contemporary cultural anthropology is an arena in which diverse research traditions and methodologies are valid. Recognizing the breadth of the field's contributions to science, the Cultural Anthropology Program welcomes proposals for empirically grounded, theoretically engaged, and methodologically sophisticated research in all sub-fields of cultural anthropology. Because the National Science Foundation's mandate is to support basic research, the NSF Cultural Anthropology Program does not fund research that takes as its primary goal improved clinical practice or applied policy. A proposal that uses anthropological methods to understand a social problem but does not propose to make a theory-testing and/or theory expanding contribution to anthropology will be returned without review.

Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology (SLACA) Book Prize -- Call for Books - 0 views

    The Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology (SLACA), a section of the American Anthropological Association, announces the opening of its annual book prize competition. The prize aims to recognize distinguished anthropological work that advances the understanding of the Americas in innovative and potentially transformative ways. The winner is announced at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association. A cash prize accompanies the award.

Cultural Anthropology Program - Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants - 0 views

    The primary objective of the Cultural Anthropology Program is tosupport basic scientific research on the causes, consequences, andcomplexities of human social and cultural variability. Anthropological research spans a wide gamut, and contemporary cultural anthropology is an arena in which diverse research traditions and methodologies are valid. Recognizing the breadth ofthe field's contributions to science, the Cultural Anthropology Program welcomes proposals for empirically grounded, theoreticallyengaged, and methodologically sophisticated research in allsub-fields of cultural anthropology. Because the National ScienceFoundation's mandate is to support basic research, the NSF CulturalAnthropology Program does not fund research that takes as itsprimary goal improved clinical practice or applied policy. A proposal that uses anthropological methods to understand a social problem but does not propose to make a theory-testing and/or theory expanding contribution to anthropology will be returned without review. Program research priorities include, but are not limited to, research thatincreases our understanding of: Socio-cultural drivers of critical anthropogenic processes such asdeforestation, desertification, land cover change, urbanization,and poverty Resilience and robustness of socio-cultural systems Conflict, cooperation, and altruism Economy, culture, migration, and globalization Variability and change in kinship and family norms and practices Cultural and social drivers of health outcomes and disease transmission Social regulation, governmentality, and violence Origins of complexity in socio-cultural systems Language and culture: orality and literacy, sociolinguistics, andcognition Human variation through empirically grounded ethnographicdescriptions

Arch - Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Awards - 0 views

    The Archaeology Program supports anthropologically relevant archaeological research. This means that the value of the proposed research can be justified within an anthropological context. The Program sets no priorities by either geographic region or time period. It also has no priorities in regard to theoretical orientation or question and it is the responsibility of the applicant to explain convincingly why these are significant and have the potential to contribute to anthropological knowledge. While the Program, in order to encourage innovative research, neither limits nor defines specific categories of research type, most applications either request funds for field research and/or the analysis of archaeological material through multiple approaches. The Program also supports methodological projects which develop analytic techniques of potential archaeological value.

Biological Anthropology - 0 views

    The Physical Anthropology Program supports basic research in areas related to human evolution and contemporary human biological variation. Research areas supported by the program include, but are not limited to, human genetic variation, human adaptation, human osteology and bone biology, human and nonhuman primate paleontology, functional anatomy, and primate socioecology. Grants supported in these areas are united by an underlying evolutionary framework, and often a consideration of adaptation as a central theoretical theme. Many proposals also have a biocultural orientation. The program frequently serves as a bridge within NSF between the social and behavioral sciences and the natural and physical sciences, and proposals are commonly jointly reviewed and funded with other programs.For more information about the Crosscutting Research and Training Opportunities, please visit the Cross-Directorate Activities webpage. Here, you will find a brief synopsis about each program, as well as links guiding you to the appropriate Program Solicitations.Also, for more information on the Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants please visit the Physical Anthropology specific page.Under NSF's data sharing policy, the Foundation expects investigators to share with other researchers, at no more than incremental cost and within a reasonable time, the data, samples, physical collections, and other supporting materials created or gathered in the course of the work. To implement that policy in ways appropriate to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, beginning July 1, 2005 these Programs will require that all proposals include a one-page detailed description of the applicant's data access plan in the "Supplementary Documents" section. This page will be in addition to the standard 15-page project description. Applications lacking this statement will not be reviewed. The Programs realize that individual cases may differ widely and recognize that any absolute timeline or rigid set of rule

AJS - 0 views

    The Association for Jewish Studies is pleased to announce the Berman Foundation Dissertation Fellowships in Support of Research in the Social Scientific Study of the Contemporary American Jewish Community. The Berman Fellowships - two awards of $16,000 each for the 2014-15 academic year -aim to support the development and expansion of the field of the social scientific study of Jewish Americans and the contemporary Jewish-American experience; enhance funding opportunities for up-and-coming scholars in the midst of institutional cutbacks in higher education; and encourage graduate students in sociology, social psychology, social anthropology, demography, social work, economics, and political science to expand their research to include the study of North American Jewry. Fellowships will be awarded for one academic year, with the possibility of renewal for a second year. Preference will be given to applicants seeking support for doctoral research, but requests for funding to support the writing phase of the dissertation will also be considered. Support for this project is generously provided by the Mandell L. and Madeleine H. Berman Foundation.

Substance Use and Abuse, Risky Decision Making and HIV/AIDS (R01) - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is intended to stimulate model-driven research to understand the ways that people make decisions about engaging in behaviors that impact the risk of acquiring or transmitting HIV, or to adhere to treatments for HIV. Decision making processes may contribute to both substance use/abuse and other HIV acquisition or transmission risks. A better understanding of decision making processes in the context of brain neural networks and their associated functions would lead to the development of better strategies to reduce the frequency of HIV-risk behaviors. Therefore, this FOA encourages applications to study 1) cognitive, motivational or emotional mechanisms and/or 2) brain neuroendocrine and reinforcement systems that related to HIV-risk behaviors or treatment non-compliance. Interdisciplinary studies that incorporate approaches from psychology, economics, anthropology, sociology, decision sciences, neuroscience and computational modeling are encouraged. This FOA for R01 applications solicits empirical, hypothesis-driven, confirmatory research and modeling approaches. Exploratory, descriptive or hypothesis-generating research are more appropriate for the complementary FOAs using the R21 or R03 mechanisms. In no cases, should research involving animals be proposed.

10 to 15 international research fellowships (senior scholars and postdoctoral candidate... - 0 views

    The International Research Center "Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History" at Humboldt University in Berlin, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and headed by Professor Andreas Eckert, invites scholars to apply for 10 to 15 international research fellowships (senior scholars and postdoctoral candidates) for the 2014-2015 academic year. Applications are due in Berlin on 31 August 2013. We welcome candidates especially from the disciplines of history, anthropology, law, sociology, political science, and area studies. Applicants should be at the postdoctoral level or senior scholars. We would like the proposed projects to employ a historical and transregional perspective. Also, please do not only focus on work/ labour, but also on life course. Possible topic areas are, among others, the household, loss of work, the relationship between work and non-work, as well as free and unfree labour. We welcome proposals about all regions of the world and especially those that look at comparisons, conflicts, relations between different regions. A global history perspective is not required; keeping an open mind to such ideas, however, is highly desirable. The fellowships will begin on 1 October 2014 and end on 31 July 2015. Shorter fellowship terms will be possible. Fellows will receive a monthly stipend, which can be individually negotiated, and are obliged to work at the research center in Berlin. A fully equipped office will be provided as well as organizational help for visa, housing, etc. During the fellowship, we also encourage fellows to introduce their work to wider audiences within Berlin's scientific community.
MiamiOH OARS - Funding - SBE Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants - US National... - 0 views

    The National Science Foundation's Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences (BCS), Division of Social and Economic Sciences (SES), National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES), and the SBE Office of Multidisciplinary Activities (SMA) award grants to doctoral students to improve the quality of dissertation research. These grants provide funds for items not normally available through the student's university. Additionally, these grants allow doctoral students to undertake significant data-gathering projects and to conduct field research in settings away from their campus that would not otherwise be possible. Proposals are judged on the basis of their scientific merit, including the theoretical importance of the research question and the appropriateness of the proposed data and methodology to be used in addressing the question. In an effort to improve the quality of dissertation research, many programs in both BCS and SES, the Research on Science and Technology Surveys and Statistics program within NCSES, and the Science of Science and Innovation Policy program in SMA accept doctoral dissertation improvement grant proposals. Requirements vary across programs, so proposers are advised to consult the relevant program's webpage for specific information and contact the program director if necessary.

PA-13-247: Research to Characterize and Reduce Stigma to Improve Health (R03) - 0 views

    This FOA encourages research on stigma, particularly in health conditions, settings, and populations where it is not well characterized although the burden is high, and/or where the development and implementation of interventions to reduce its detrimental effects are now possible. The NIH R03 grant mechanism supports discrete, well-defined projects that realistically can be completed in two years and that require limited levels of funding.  Examples of the types of projects that ICs support with the R03 mechanism include, but are not limited to, the following: Pilot or feasibility studies Secondary analysis of existing data Small, self-contained research projects Development of research methodology Development of new research technology

PA-13-246: Research to Characterize and Reduce Stigma to Improve Health (R21) - 0 views

    This FOA encourages research on stigma, particularly in health conditions, settings, and populations where it is not well characterized although the burden is high, and/or where the development and implementation of interventions to reduce its detrimental effects are now possible.  The R21 mechanism is intended to encourage new exploratory and developmental research projects. For example, such projects could assess the feasibility of a novel area of investigation or a new experimental system that has the potential to enhance health-related research. Another example could include the unique and innovative use of an existing methodology to explore a new scientific area. These studies may involve considerable risk but may lead to a breakthrough in a particular area, or to the development of novel techniques, agents, methodologies, models, or applications that could have a major impact on a field of biomedical, behavioral, or clinical research.  Applications submitted under this mechanism should be exploratory and novel. These studies should break new ground or extend previous discoveries toward new directions or applications.

Call for PhD Application in Cultural Approaches to Diagnostic Technologies in East Asia - 0 views

    This position has developed out of a collaborative research initiative between CHM and the International Diagnostics Centre (IDC) at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine on diagnostics for communicable disease. Recent research has demonstrated the importance of dynamic contextual processes and environmental factors in determining how individuals, populations, and health systems respond to novel technologies and disease control interventions. However, the role of socio-cultural factors is often unacknowledged in technology development, implementation, and assessments, with consequences for the uptake and efficacy of healthcare delivery and disease control in the population. The collaboration between CHM and IDC aims to promote cross-disciplinary research into diagnostic technologies, foregrounding the significance of socio-cultural contexts in the development, successful integration, and sustainable implementation of diagnostic technologies for infectious diseases in East Asia.

Society for Medical Anthropology - SMA Dissertation Award: Deadline Extended to July 15 - 0 views

    On a biennial basis (every odd year) the SMA Dissertation Award is given to the author of a dissertation which is judged to be a significant and potentially influential contribution to medical anthropology. Dissertations are judged on the basis of: (1) scope and excellence of scholarship, including ethnographic research; (2) originality of subject matter; (3) effectiveness and persuasiveness of arguments; and (4) writing quality.

H-Net Discussion Networks - ADTSG Graduate Student Paper Prize - 0 views

    The Alcohol, Drug, and Tobacco Study Group (ADTSG) of the Society for Medical Anthropology requests submissions for the best graduate student paper in the anthropology of alcohol, drugs, pharmaceuticals, tobacco or similar substances.

PhD-Grant for project in intelligence history - 0 views

    Applicants should deal specifically with the cultural history of the British Intelligence Service between 1900 and the Second World War and should focus in particular on how the Secret Intelligence was represented in the British literature and expert discourses during the first half of the twentieth century. The thesis is incorporated into a joint project with the University of Augsburg (Prof Gassert), Leeds (Prof Ball) and the London School of Economics (Prof Neitzel), where it will be supervised.

Fellowships for Advanced Social Science Research on Japan | National Endowment for the ... - 0 views

    The Fellowship Program for Advanced Social Science Research on Japan is a joint activity of the Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission (JUSFC) and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Awards support research on modern Japanese society and political economy, Japan's international relations, and U.S.-Japan relations. The program encourages innovative research that puts these subjects in wider regional and global contexts and is comparative and contemporary in nature. Research should contribute to scholarly knowledge or to the general public's understanding of issues of concern to Japan and the United States. Appropriate disciplines for the research include anthropology, economics, geography, history, international relations, linguistics, political science, psychology, public administration, and sociology. Awards usually result in articles, monographs, books, digital materials, archaeological site reports, translations, editions, or other scholarly resources.

Graduate Student Paper Prizes - Council on Anthropology and Reproduction - 0 views

    The Council on Anthropology and Reproduction (CAR), an interest group of the Society for Medical Anthropology, is pleased to announce its 13th annual award competition for the best graduate student paper on anthropology and reproduction. Submissions from all anthropological subdisciplines are encouraged.

Biological Anthropology - 0 views

    The Biological Anthropology Program supports basic research in areas related to human evolution and contemporary human biological variation. Research areas supported by the program include, but are not limited to, human genetic variation, human adaptation, human osteology and bone biology, human and nonhuman primate paleontology, functional anatomy, and primate socioecology. Grants supported in these areas are united by an underlying evolutionary framework, and often a consideration of adaptation as a central theoretical theme. Many proposals also have a biocultural orientation. The program frequently serves as a bridge within NSF between the social and behavioral sciences and the natural and physical sciences, and proposals are commonly jointly reviewed and funded with other programs.
MiamiOH OARS - Funding - Cultural Anthropology - US National Science Foundation (NSF) - 0 views

    The Cultural Anthropology Program supports basic scientific research about the causes, consequences, and complexities of human social and cultural variability. Cultural anthropologists analyze human social and cultural behavior holistically. This integrated approach makes anthropology a valuable research tool for understanding the modern world. Because cultural patterns are emergent over time and space, there is no single natural scale for ethnographic and ethnological analysis. In some cases, cultural patterns may emerge from the collective behavior of large ensembles of smaller scale units; in others, they may be imposed by larger scale constraints. The origins of social and cultural variability may be remote from the scale at which they are observed. Therefore, research may target any appropriate scale or scales from local to regional to global. The Program encourages innovative research that contributes to building spatially and temporally specific theory that extends understanding beyond individual case studies.
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