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US WTO representatives slammed China trade policy allies but collectively turned their ... - 0 views

    According to the report, Denis Shea, the US ambassador to the WTO, threw out criticisms of China at the beginning of the meeting, arguing that the Chinese government led economic and trade policy is a fundamental challenge to the World Trade Organization. Zhang Xiangchen, China permanent

The WTO cannot be exposed to the storm because of Trump. - 0 views

    The 301 clause of the United States is causing a stagnation of unilateralism that has been sleeping for decades. We are concerned about the potential proliferation of trade restrictions that use national security as an excuse. Tactical trade restrictions will not Any country benefits. At the

US economic growth has slowed significantly in 2019. - 0 views

    The US economy achieved stronger than expected growth in 2018, but economists believe that this growth is more due to short term stimulus measures, as government stimulus measures fade, monetary and fiscal policies are uncertain, and trade frictions are negative. The impact will appear, and the
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