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US accuses the Internet of stealing, Japanese media or let China make concessions in tr... - 0 views

    Recently, the US accusation against Chinese cyber attacks and espionage has suddenly escalated. France International Radio said on the 21st that since July this year, the US Department of Justice has used the name of economic espionage to file charges and criminal charges against at least 20

Trump suddenly changed his slashing military fees and was warned that he would lose to ... - 0 views

    Global Times reported that US President Trump was greeted by the Pentagon when he promised to raise military expenses. Now he suddenly changed his mind and announced that he will reduce his military expenses to ease the budget deficit, which triggered a strong rebound of the US military. Last

Mexico finds a solution to Trump strategy If you dont help me I will go to China. - 0 views

    Mexico strategy to deal with Trump If you dont help me, I will go to China. The US New York Times issued a document on the 18th, saying that the newly appointed Mexican government adopted a new strategy to deal with Rump, Do not provoke him to anger, not to surrender to him,

The US will report that the US military has basically forgotten how to fight against Ch... - 0 views

    Reference News Network reported on November 26 that the US National Interests bimonthly website published Michael Pecks article on November 23, The United States needs to strengthen its armaments on a large scale to ensure victory in the war against Russia or China. If there is any key word in

British reporter asked if Russia wants to rule the world Putin responds. - 0 views

    Overseas Network On December 20, local time on the 20th, Russian President Vladimir Putin held an annual press conference in Moscow, and answered questions on international and regional situations such as Russia US relations, China Israel treaties, and Russia Ukraine conflict. When asked
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