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Ukrainian foreign minister said that his ability to fight Russia is limited and he cann... - 0 views

    Overseas network November 29th, Russia and the Ukrainian Black Sea conflict have been fermented so far, the two sides have their own words, and do not retreat. Recently, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Bavel Klimkin accepted the words Russian aggression without hesitation in an interview with British

Ukraine Considers Declaring Martial Law After Apparent Defeat in Russia Naval Skirmishes - 0 views

    The Ukrainian president will ask his parliament to consider enacting martial law after three Ukrainian navy ships were fired upon and captured in the Black Sea on Sunday. The incident followed a day of high tension and took place near the Crimean Peninsula, a site of historic tensions between the two countries. Russia has blamed…

Uzbekistan wars or a full scale war with Russia. Why did the West smash Russia? - 0 views

    According to Agence France Presse, Ukrainian President Poroshenko warned on the 27th that there is a threat of all out war with Russia, and said that with the escalation of tension between the two countries, Russia has increased its military presence on the Russian Uzbek border. Poroshenko warned
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