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tony curzon price

Don't trip up - 0 views

  • On migration OpenDemocracy has a selection of articles concerning immigration to Britain, of which the articles by Paul Kingsnorth and Shamser Sinha are worth examining. Kingsnorth attacks the left's "general confusion over immigration" and claims immigration is used to depress labour standards in Britain. To take the first point:
tony curzon price

FaithInSociety - 0 views

  • Here's my latest piece about the Von Hugel Institute report on church, government and social welfare. Penned for OpenDemocracy's 'Our Kingdom' conversation, to which I'm an occasional contributor, it is entitled Whose welfare, what provision? and begins to probe into some of the underlying public policy issues. Essentially, though, it's a short review of Moral, But No Compass. Also available via the UK Politics aggregator.
tony curzon price

Swans Commentary: The Alleged Relevance Of Human Rights For The US Economic Crisis: A R... - 0 views

  • The unfolding financial crisis in the U.S., which has sparked real fears that it could lead to a deep and long recession on the global scale, is understandably on the minds of many people. Much has been written about it already; specialists from different backgrounds have attempted to contribute to a better understanding of the history, mechanics, and gravity of the situation. Not all attempts are helpful, however, and some are downright intellectually embarrassing. Such is the case at hand. A team of two professors, Radhika Balakrishnan and Diane Elson, has undertaken in an OpEd (, October 16, 2008) to demonstrate that the current economic crisis in the U.S. is a human rights issue. Their principal thesis is the following: "Both the crisis and the proposed bailout involve violations of the human rights of millions of Americans."
tony curzon price

BBC - Mark Easton's UK: The picket and the postage stamp - 1 views

  • On the Open Democracy website earlier this month, the philosopher and Scottish nationalist Tom Nairn posted an essay on the English postman as symbol of decline.
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