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Nye Frank

Superior Court of California, County of Riverside - Powered by Google Docs - 0 views

    DA staff, DA victims advocate entire staff including manager, prosecutor, sheriff department, Court records, probation department, zero help from Attorney General, Fire Department, Internal affairs. The more corrupt they got promoted. Mike Rushton who was a homicide detective denied investigation, called a 40 year gap, elder zero history of fighting mutual combat, denied victims funds got promoted to a judge. The prosecutor (and head homicide) detective that the father of the killer tells how he got help high up in DA office also got promoted. Now in San Bernardino with the attorney that transfered a elders property to a friend of hers (maybe family???) instead of the elders child. She became trustee after his death it looks like on the title records and the deed is not his signature. What a team these two can make to prevent justice. Ty Reddish was on summary probation I asked the DA office to let the judge know. They did not do it so I wrote the head judge and asked to go to Ty Reddish probation hearing. He waited till afterwards and said we have to ask the DA. When there is zero oversight you get corruption just like we have. My mom and I have been denied all rights, services, even had the DA steal from my mom in keeping the Victims compensation . The Riverside County Supervisors looks like on web that they keep the money 3 years then claim it as unclaimed funds. That is not the purpose of the funds but there is no oversight. My dad was a famous race car builder and had a very good contract to build 3 off road pro trucks. Rod Pacheco was recently in news with it saying one of his promoters using elder funds for Rod Pacheco. The San Bernardino Care program is known for corruption and did not provide services for Nye who was 68. The killer of my dad stayed in jail 24 hours. He came out and stalked us and our neighbors with his family. The temp judge car seen there in the evenings. No criminal case number so I could not even start a lawsuit. After seeing how bad
    Do not count on authorities to help in Elder Abuse. Help your family members by educating yourself and teaching the neighbors how to watch out for each other. My dad was killed in front of my mom in Riverside County. Systemic Corruption is not a big enough statement.
Nye Frank - 0 views

    victim rights
    Establishment of Victims' Rights Policy Coalitions: New Directions can serve as the basis for creating victims' rights policy coalitions composed of a broad membership of victim activists, victim advocates, justice system representatives, and allied professionals who share a common interest of implementing the recommendations set forth in New Directions to enhance victims' rights. Coalitions can be formed to pass single legislative measures, or can become ongoing coalitions of crime victims, victim advocates, and justice officials as an undeniable force in all criminal and juvenile justice-related policy to the benefit of each constituency. Once established, such coalitions could expand their efforts beyond legislation to play a role in assessing and promoting implementation of victims' rights laws statewide.,+judge+training+manual&cd=6&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
Nye Frank

Dormant Commerce Clause - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Dormant Commerce Clause From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search The "Dormant" Commerce Clause, also known as the "Negative" Commerce Clause, is a legal doctrine that courts in the United States have inferred from the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution. The Commerce Clause expressly grants Congress the power to enact legislation that affects interstate commerce. The idea behind the Dormant Commerce Clause is that this grant of power implies a negative converse - a restriction prohibiting a state from passing legislation that improperly burdens or discriminates against interstate commerce. The restriction is self-executing and applies even in the absence of a conflicting federal statute. The premise of the doctrine is that the U.S. Constitution reserves for the United States Congress at least some degree of exclusive power "to regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes" (Article I, § 8). Therefore, individual states are limited in their ability to legislate on such matters. The Dormant Commerce Clause does not expressly exist in the text of the United States Constitution. It is, rather, a doctrine deduced by the U.S. Supreme Court and lower courts from the actual Commerce Clause of the Constitution. Justice O'Connor has written that: The central rationale for the rule against discrimination is to prohibit state or municipal laws whose object is local economic protectionism, laws that would excite those jealousies and retaliatory measures the Constitution was designed to prevent. See The Federalist No. 22, pp. 143-145 (C. Rossiter ed. 1961) (A. Hamilton); Madison, Vices of the Political System of the United States, in 2 Writings of James Madison 362-363 (G. Hunt ed. 1901).
Nye Frank

APS Problems with the Legal System - 0 views

    Problems with the Legal System Problems with law enforcement (19%) were viewed as barriers to service delivery for APS clients and were manifested in such areas as: lack of training for law enforcement staff, inadequate criminal investigations, low rates of prosecution, and unwillingness of the courts to deal with APS issues. One state mentioned that no single agency had authority to investigate allegations of adult abuse, neglect and exploitation and that coordination among agencies was problematic. Another state mentioned that neglect and exploitation cases may sit in the prosecutor's office for six to nine months with no action. A lack of coordination and collaboration between APS agencies and law enforcement was mentioned by several states.
Nye Frank

prosecutor, brady material, violations, duty - 0 views

    Results 1 - 10 for prosecution's Brady obligation with Safesearch on. (0.14 seconds) Ads by Google Buy Brady Product Shop Labels, Ribbons, Tapes & More. Great Deals on Bulk Qty. Order Now! Brady Distributor The entire Brady catalog available to purchase online. All New Site. #1 Brady Dealer in the US The Best Selection and Lowest Price 31 drums in stock-Ships fast & free Obligations en Bourse Achetez, Vendez, Comparez en Ligne Faites vos Opérations Boursières ! Custom Search Second Circuit Blog: Prosecutor Cannot Avoid Brady Obligation by ...Aug 22, 2006 ... Prosecutor Cannot Avoid Brady Obligation by Claiming that He Did Not ... the prosecutor's failure to abide by his obligations under Brady. ... [PDF] The Prosecution's Obligations to Disclose Witness ProffersFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML tion's obligations under Brady and Jencks to dis- close proffer materials have significant ramifica- tions. For the prosecution, the boundaries of its ... Possible Brady Material In The Possession Of Law Enforcement ...The prosecution has no obligation to communicate preliminary, challenged or .... triggers his or her Brady obligation, the trial deputy shall review this ... Legal Defense Fund - News ArticlesBecause the prosecution is obligated to turn over information that is under its control, the prosecution increases it Brady obligations each time it ... Federal Criminal Law Newsletter (Visitor's Edition) - September 24 ...Sep 24, 2001 ... Fair Trials and the Prompt Release of Brady/Giglio Materials to the .... principle that a prosecutor's Brady obligation is independent of a ... www.fedcrimlaw
Nye Frank

SA Counselor Training - 0 views

    In traditional justice systems, victimsof aggression have usually found support and assistance from their family, village or tribe. The informal social network softens the impact of victimization and assists the victim in recovery. This same network often assists in the resolution of the conflict and in ensuring that any decisions made are actually implemented. Within this context, it is taken for granted that the victim (and his or her kin), the victimizer (and his or her kin) and the entire social group will share the burden of dealing with the conflict.
Nye Frank

nye frank homicide cover up - Live Search - 0 views

    Web 1-9 of 55,600 results· Advanced See also: Images , Video , News , Maps , More ▼ Health Local Products QnABeta xRank See all... Sponsored sites FranklinCovey Clearance - Save 20-80% at the clearance sale. Buy planners, binders and supplies. Results Nye Frank 's Lists | Diigo Justice for Nye Frank , Riverside County Elder Homicide Cover up . Tags: Riverside, County, Elder, Victim, Homicide , Cover , up . Description: 68 year old Nye Frank attacked 27 year old ... Nyefrank Nye Frank Racing Nye Frank 's Homicide Coverup Corruption ... County, Riverside County Systemic Corruption Cover up ... of the guys who worked on the jet cars with Nye Frank ? nyefrank · Cached page Elder Homicide , Nye Frank Racing - Windows Live ... Victim Rights, Elder, Access to courts, Esparanza fire, Twin Pines, fireman death, death penalty, cover up , Ol boys club, Mike Rushton. Elder Homicide , Nye Frank Racing nyefrank!5C082F7EB08932E1!851.entry · Cached page Windows Live space: District Attorney staff Homicide Cover up October 11. District Attorney staff Homicide Cover up . Off Road Racing Truck Builder Homicide homicide / nyefrank!4E98C963BC1FF1BC!144.entry · Cached page 10A4-F exceptional clearance - List | Diigo Get the best research tool on the web today,and free! Connect ... Justice for Nye Frank , Riverside County Elder Homicide Cover up ; Lee Breedlove- Frank , womans land speed record holder w
Nye Frank

Response to Grand Jury Report: Riverside County Office on Aging That the Board of Super... - 0 views

shared by Nye Frank on 24 Apr 09 - Cached
    Case management is a top priority in the Board of Supervisors approved strategic plan for senior services. Hiring of new case management staff in the Office on Aging is always contingent upon available grant funds from the Older Americans Act and the Older Californians Act. Additional social work case managers will be needed for some time as the senior population ages. Recent increases in Older Americans Act funding will support the creation of two additional social work positions. These positions are being filled. A third social work case manager will be hired on a temporary basis using one year planning grant funds recently approiied by the CA. Dept of Health Services to test a new integrated case management model in partnership with the RCRMC and other community agencies in Riverside County. That position will become permanent if Older Americans Act or Older Californians Act funding is available when the planning grant ends (June 03).
    Case management is a top priority in the Board of Supervisors approved strategic plan for senior services. Hiring of new case management staff in the Office on Aging is always contingent upon available grant funds from the Older Americans Act and the Older Californians Act. Additional social work case managers will be needed for some time as the senior population ages. Recent increases in Older Americans Act funding will support the creation of two additional social work positions. These positions are being filled. A third social work case manager will be hired on a temporary basis using one year planning grant funds recently approiied by the CA. Dept of Health Services to test a new integrated case management model in partnership with the RCRMC and other community agencies in Riverside County. That position will become permanent if Older Americans Act or Older Californians Act funding is available when the planning grant ends (June 03).
    The three CTSA's (Coordinated Transportation Service Agencies) are mandated under federal and state law to develop and implement transportation plans for Riverside County. The Office on Aging conducts community needs assessments and public hearings on the transportation needs of seniors and adults with disabilities, and makes this information available to the CTSAs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 4 Response to Grand Jury Report Page 3 * - - . The Advisory Council on Aging recently held a public forum on transportation issues affecting seniors and adults with disabilities in Riverside County, and heard extensive testimony from providers and consumers on current transportation programs and resources, and unmet transportation needs. This information was disseminated widely, and also provided a basis for advocating for improved transportation services for seniors and adults with disabilities in the plan that is developed and implemented by the CTSAs. Recommendation #3: Riverside County Transit Authority provides benches, route maps and bus schedules at all public bus stops. Office on Aging agrees with the finding, but has no direct control over Riverside County Transit Authority. This recommendation will be shared with the Advisory Council on Aging to be included in their advocacy efforts for improved and expanded transportation. The Council will ask RCTA to make improvements at bus stops. Recommendation #4: RCOOA immediately hire a minimum of three additional case managers to meet current and expected workloads. The recommendation will be fully implemented within the next 60 days. Case management is a top priority in the Board of Supervisors approved strategic plan for senior services. Hiring of new case management staff in the Office on Aging is always contingent upon available grant funds from the Older Americans Act and the Older Californians Act. Additional social work case managers will be needed for some ti
Nye Frank

victim restitution funds, victims right to jury trial if denied - Google Search - 0 views

    Results 1 - 10 of about 6,840 for victim restitution funds , victims right to jury trial if denied . ( 0.43 seconds) Did you mean: victim restitution funds, victims right to jury trial is denied Search Results [DOC] Chapter 3 - 6 visits - Apr 21 File Format: Microsoft Word - View as HTML It reminds the judge, jury, court personnel, and parole boards of the real ..... Restitution is the oldest victim right. The concept of restitution dates back ..... hearings at which they were denied the opportunity to receive notice, ..... by the Crime Victims Fund, which is administered by the Office for Victims ... Victims '%20 Right s.doc - Similar pages - [DOC] Draft changes to Ohio Revised Code 2930 & related Victim Rights - 2 visits - Mar 28 File Format: Microsoft Word - View as HTML Oct 1, 2008 ... A few Ohio judges have denied the right of victims to present both an oral and ... 8) Summary - Victims will have the right to restitution through a mandatory ... If a motion is made for modification of a restitution order, ... the Ohio Victim Compensation Fund, that restitution amount shall be paid ... - Similar pages - [PDF] THE VICTIM IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML then be communicated to the issuing body (judge or grand jury). ... sentencing, the judge denied victims the right to speak. ... noted earlier, victims controlled the trial of their victimizer, but as the state took on the .... received in crime victim compensation funds. Unlike restitution and compensation ... victims report.pdf - Similar pa
Nye Frank

What are the steps to take to show conspiracy, obstruction of justice of homicide victi... - 0 views

    Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search" Search Results SurfWax: News, Reviews and Articles On Obstruction Of Justice Codifies the crime of obstruction of justice and makes a violation ... on three counts of vehicular homicide, one count of obstruction of justice and one ... to $4 million from his victims, the Canada Border Services Agency said in a. ..... The court upheld the Bribery, Conspiracy, Obstruction of Justice and two of ... Obstruction_Of_Justice .html - 50k - Cached - Similar pages - Conspiracy (crime) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia At common law, the crime of conspiracy was capable of infinite growth, ... 2(1) the intended victim of the offence can not be guilty of conspiracy. ... to show the existence of the conspiracy and that the other conspirator was a ... It shows how the law can handle both the criminal and the civil need for justice. ... Conspiracy _( crime ) - 54k - Cached - Similar pages - v Conspiracy: If one asks someone to commit a crime, and they agree (only crime is ... Abandonment -- would have to show that there was one more act in ... Some courts take the position that any active assistance establishes a mens rea .... Homicide. Victim must be human. Murder, by itself is common law murder ... - 28k - Cached - Similar pages - [PDF] VIII. C H The California Penal Code defines the crime of conspiracy as File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML pervert or obstruct justice, or the due administration of the laws." C ..... was enough to show that the shooting resulted from a conspiracy .... CONSPIRACY IN HOMICIDE. 1551 victim to kill rival gang members. ...... prolonging of a conspiracy for steps taken to
Nye Frank

LADA Victim-Witness Assistance Program - 0 views

    Law, Tort, Administrative, Hate Crimes, Corruption, Sheriff,
    Victim Rights in California [ TOP ] Victims of crime and the families of homicide victims have the right to: Know the current status of your court case. Be assisted if called as a witness. Attend all sentencing proceedings. Speak in person; address the court in writing; or be represented by an attorney at the time of felony sentencing to express your views concerning the defendant, the crime, and its effects on you and your family. Have the court order restitution from the convicted person. Request the Board of Prison Terms to provide notice of any hearing to review or consider parole eligibility or parole-setting for prisoner(s) in your case. You must keep the Board of Prison Terms informed of your current address if you wish to be notified. Speak personally; submit a letter, tape recording or video tape; or send an attorney to the parole hearing to express your views about the crime and the person responsible. Program Services Available [ TOP ] The following mandatory and optional services, mandated by the Office of Emergency Services, are provided: Mandatory Services Crisis Intervention Emergency Assistance Resource and Referral Assistance Follow-up Assistance Property Return Assistance Orientation to the Criminal Justice System Victim Impact Statement Assistance Court Escort/Court Support Case Status/Case Disposition Information Notification of Family/Friends Employer Notification Victim of Crime Claims Assistance Restitution Assistance Optional Services Creditor Intervention Child Care Assistance Witness Notification Funeral Arrangement Assistance Crime Prevention Information Witness Protection Assistance Temporary Restraining Order Information Transportation Assistance Court Waiting Area Employer Intervention Language Capabilities: Confidential language service available to translate all languages. State Victim of Crime Compens
Nye Frank

racingnyefrank: Riverside County Crimes to by officials- Victims with Disabiliti - 0 views

    The signs and symptoms of domestic violence for people with disabilities are similar to those of other forms of domestic violence. They may include physical violence, sexual assault, and emotional and/or psychological abuse. Victims with disabilities face unique barriers: * The abuser may be the victim's intimate partner, parent, or child as well as the primary caregiver. * The abuser may be the sole sign language interpreter. * Service availability and accessibility may be limited. * Providers and others may not understand the victim or the victim may not have language skills to describe the abuse. To exert power and control, the abuser may: * Isolate the victim from family, friends, and other community members. * Refuse or fail to provide basic life necessities such as food and water, medication, personal hygiene care, shelter, and comfort. * Threaten the victim with total abandonment. * Refuse to transport the victim to essential medical appointments. * Withhold financial support or deposit the victim's funds into their own personal account. * Withhold the use of their TTY device. As a victim with a disability, where can I find help in New York City? Legal Rights In New York City, it is against the law to intentionally cause physical injury to someone or put someone in fear of physical injury. Victims of domestic violence who are in danger should call 911 or have a friend or neighbor call 911 immediately. Victims may also go to the nearest police station for help. Hotlines New York City's 24-hour, toll-free, all-language Domestic Violence Hotline can help victims of domestic violence with disabilities to find appropriate support and shelter services. The domestic violence hotline maintains a comprehensive list of service agencies in New York City to meet the specific needs of all victims. Please call the hotline at 800-621-HOPE (4673) or TTY 800-810-7444 for more information. Barrier Free Livi
    The signs and symptoms of domestic violence for people with disabilities are similar to those of other forms of domestic violence. They may include physical violence, sexual assault, and emotional and/or psychological abuse. Victims with disabilities face unique barriers: * The abuser may be the victim's intimate partner, parent, or child as well as the primary caregiver. * The abuser may be the sole sign language interpreter. * Service availability and accessibility may be limited. * Providers and others may not understand the victim or the victim may not have language skills to describe the abuse. To exert power and control, the abuser may: * Isolate the victim from family, friends, and other community members. * Refuse or fail to provide basic life necessities such as food and water, medication, personal hygiene care, shelter, and comfort. * Threaten the victim with total abandonment. * Refuse to transport the victim to essential medical appointments. * Withhold financial support or deposit the victim's funds into their own personal account. * Withhold the use of their TTY device. As a victim with a disability, where can I find help in New York City? Legal Rights In New York City, it is against the law to intentionally cause physical injury to someone or put someone in fear of physical injury. Victims of domestic violence who are in danger should call 911 or have a friend or neighbor call 911 immediately. Victims may also go to the nearest police station for help. Hotlines New York City's 24-hour, toll-free, all-language Domestic Violence Hotline can help victims of domestic violence with disabilities to find appropriate support and shelter services. The domestic violence hotline maintains a comprehensive list of service agencies in New York City to meet the specific needs of all victims. Please call the hotline at 800-621-HOPE (4673) or TTY 800-810-7444 for more information. Barrier Free Livi
Nye Frank

we asked for a safe way to report Building A Financial Abuse Case for the Criminal Just... - 0 views

  • Identify other sources of information Health care professionals Paramedics and EMTs Family and friends Who did victim tell first Importance of asking about and documenting the victim's demeanor and reason for making contact Not for police action but for safety, health needs, seek help
  • Crawford v. Washington  Critical importance of witnesses to whom victim and suspect have spoken Identify non governmental witnesses to statements Document spontaneous statements and demeanor Calls for help and medical care
    Page 1 FEDERAL RULES OF EVIDENCE DECEMBER 1, 2008 UN UM E PLURIBUS Printed for the use of THE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Page 2 110 TH C ONGRESS " COMMITTEE PRINT ! No. 8 2nd Session FEDERAL RULES OF EVIDENCE DECEMBER 1, 2008 UN UM E PLURIBUS Printed for the use of THE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES U . S . GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 2008 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Internet: Phone: (202) 512-1800 Fax: (202) 512-2250 Mail: Stop SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001 Page 3 COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY O NE H UNDRED T ENTH C ONGRESS JOHN CONYERS, J R ., Michigan, Chairman HOWARD L. BERMAN, California RICK BOUCHER, Virginia JERROLD NADLER, New York ROBERT C. ''BOBBY'' SCOTT, Virginia MELVIN L. WATT, North Carolina ZOE LOFGREN, California SHEILA JACKSON LEE, Texas MAXINE WATERS, California WILLIAM D. DELAHUNT, Massachusetts ROBERT WEXLER, Florida LINDA T. SANCHEZ, California STEVE COHEN, Tennessee HANK JOHNSON, Georgia BETTY SUTTON, Ohio LUIS V. GUTIERREZ, Illinois BRAD SHERMAN, California TAMMY BALDWIN, Wisconsin ANTHONY D. WEINER, New York ADAM B. SCHIFF, California ARTUR DAVIS, Alabama DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Florida KEITH ELLISON, Minnesota LAMAR SMITH, Texas F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, J R ., Wisconsin HOWARD COBLE, North Carolina ELTON GALLEGLY, California BOB GOODLATTE, Virginia STEVE CHABOT, Ohio DANIEL E. LUNGREN, California CHRIS CANNON, Utah RIC KELLER, Florida DARRELL ISSA, California MIKE PENCE, Indiana J. RANDY FORBES, Virginia STEVE KING, Iowa TOM FEENEY, Florida TRENT FRANKS, Arizona LOUIE GOHMERT, Texas JIM JORDAN, Ohio P ERRY A PELBAUM , Staff Director and Chief Counsel S EAN M C L AUGHLIN , Minority Chief of Staff and General Counsel ( II ) Page 4 FOREWORD This document contains the Federal Rules of Evidence, as amended to December 1, 2008. The rules were enacted by Public Law 93-595 (approved January 2, 1975) and have be
    Page 1 FEDERAL RULES OF EVIDENCE DECEMBER 1, 2008 UN UM E PLURIBUS Printed for the use of THE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Page 2 110 TH C ONGRESS " COMMITTEE PRINT ! No. 8 2nd Session FEDERAL RULES OF EVIDENCE DECEMBER 1, 2008 UN UM E PLURIBUS Printed for the use of THE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES U . S . GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 2008 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Internet: Phone: (202) 512-1800 Fax: (202) 512-2250 Mail: Stop SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001 Page 3 COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY O NE H UNDRED T ENTH C ONGRESS JOHN CONYERS, J R ., Michigan, Chairman HOWARD L. BERMAN, California RICK BOUCHER, Virginia JERROLD NADLER, New York ROBERT C. ''BOBBY'' SCOTT, Virginia MELVIN L. WATT, North Carolina ZOE LOFGREN, California SHEILA JACKSON LEE, Texas MAXINE WATERS, California WILLIAM D. DELAHUNT, Massachusetts ROBERT WEXLER, Florida LINDA T. SANCHEZ, California STEVE COHEN, Tennessee HANK JOHNSON, Georgia BETTY SUTTON, Ohio LUIS V. GUTIERREZ, Illinois BRAD SHERMAN, California TAMMY BALDWIN, Wisconsin ANTHONY D. WEINER, New York ADAM B. SCHIFF, California ARTUR DAVIS, Alabama DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Florida KEITH ELLISON, Minnesota LAMAR SMITH, Texas F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, J R ., Wisconsin HOWARD COBLE, North Carolina ELTON GALLEGLY, California BOB GOODLATTE, Virginia STEVE CHABOT, Ohio DANIEL E. LUNGREN, California CHRIS CANNON, Utah RIC KELLER, Florida DARRELL ISSA, California MIKE PENCE, Indiana J. RANDY FORBES, Virginia STEVE KING, Iowa TOM FEENEY, Florida TRENT FRANKS, Arizona LOUIE GOHMERT, Texas JIM JORDAN, Ohio P ERRY A PELBAUM , Staff Director and Chief Counsel S EAN M C L AUGHLIN , Minority Chief of Staff and General Counsel ( II ) Page 4 FOREWORD This document contains the Federal Rules of Evidence, as amended to December 1, 2008. The rules were enacted by Public Law 93-595 (approved January 2, 1975) and have be
    Page 1 FEDERAL RULES OF EVIDENCE DECEMBER 1, 2008 UN UM E PLURIBUS Printed for the use of THE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Page 2 110 TH C ONGRESS " COMMITTEE PRINT ! No. 8 2nd Session FEDERAL RULES OF EVIDENCE DECEMBER 1, 2008 UN UM E PLURIBUS Printed for the use of THE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES U . S . GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 2008 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Internet: Phone: (202) 512-1800 Fax: (202) 512-2250 Mail: Stop SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001 Page 3 COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY O NE H UNDRED T ENTH C ONGRESS JOHN CONYERS, J R ., Michigan, Chairman HOWARD L. BERMAN, California RICK BOUCHER, Virginia JERROLD NADLER, New York ROBERT C. ''BOBBY'' SCOTT, Virginia MELVIN L. WATT, North Carolina ZOE LOFGREN, California SHEILA JACKSON LEE, Texas MAXINE WATERS, California WILLIAM D. DELAHUNT, Massachusetts ROBERT WEXLER, Florida LINDA T. SANCHEZ, California STEVE COHEN, Tennessee HANK JOHNSON, Georgia BETTY SUTTON, Ohio LUIS V. GUTIERREZ, Illinois BRAD SHERMAN, California TAMMY BALDWIN, Wisconsin ANTHONY D. WEINER, New York ADAM B. SCHIFF, California ARTUR DAVIS, Alabama DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Florida KEITH ELLISON, Minnesota LAMAR SMITH, Texas F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, J R ., Wisconsin HOWARD COBLE, North Carolina ELTON GALLEGLY, California BOB GOODLATTE, Virginia STEVE CHABOT, Ohio DANIEL E. LUNGREN, California CHRIS CANNON, Utah RIC KELLER, Florida DARRELL ISSA, California MIKE PENCE, Indiana J. RANDY FORBES, Virginia STEVE KING, Iowa TOM FEENEY, Florida TRENT FRANKS, Arizona LOUIE GOHMERT, Texas JIM JORDAN, Ohio P ERRY A PELBAUM , Staff Director and Chief Counsel S EAN M C L AUGHLIN , Minority Chief of Staff and General Counsel ( II ) Page 4 FOREWORD This document contains the Federal Rules of Evidence, as amended to December 1, 2008. The rules were enacted by Public Law 93-595 (approved January 2, 1975) and have be
Nye Frank

Performance Measurement for Justice Information System Projects - 0 views

  • Congress enacted the GPRA in 1993 to make the managers of federal agencies accountable for the results of agency and program activities. The Act requires the establishment of measurable agency and program goals through the development of long-term strategic plans and annual per- formance plans and requires each agency to issue an Annual Performance Report detailing actual results compared to performance goals. To meet the requirements of GPRA, BJA must annually provide performance measures capturing the value of its funding programs to OMB.
nyefrankracing frank

Lions Rare Photographic Memories presents historic sixties color and black and white dr... - 1 views

    Lions raceway, Freight Train Dragster built by Nye Frank and John Peters. Nye Frank Riverside County Politics Homicide Cover up
Nye Frank

Duke Law Journal: Krista M. Enns, Can A California Litigant Prevail In An Action For Le... - 0 views

  • Part IV acknowledges the tension between the difficulty of proving causation in legal malpractice actions and one of the goals of legal malpractice, which is to allow litigants recovery when their attorneys are negligent. The part then considers the "loss of chance" doctrine, which is used in medical malpractice cases, as a possible alternative to the rigorous "but for" causation requirement in legal malpractice. Since a shift away from the "but for" standard is likely to cause more problems than it solves, and because adequate protections already exist for litigants, Part IV argues that the current causation requirements should be maintained for litigants who allege that they suffered an injury during Supreme Court oral argument. [*pg 115]
    • Nye Frank
      that lawyers with previous experience before the Court prevail "substantially more often."57 Data from the Solicitor General's office also support this theory
  • The opportunity to convince [the Justices] of the merits of your position is at its highpoint."47
  • See 3 MALLEN & SMITH, supra note 15, § 29.41, at 772 ("In presenting the underlying appeal in the subsequent legal malpractice action, the parties must specify the issues that should have been urged in the underlying action."). Failure to specify the issues is a failure to prove causation. See id. 146. See infra note 151 and accompanying text. 147. See Smith v. Lewis, 530 P.2d 589, 595 (Cal. 1975). 148. See Lysick v. Walcom, 258 Cal. App. 2d 136, 153 (Ct. App. 1968). The attorney's action need not be the sole cause of the client's loss, just a substantial factor. See id. at 153 n.7. 149. See infra note 213 and accompanying text.
    • Nye Frank
      Results 1 - 10 for Federal Rules of Civil and Criminal Procedure with Safesearch on. (0.23 seconds) Ads by Google Federal Criminal Rules Federal Criminal Code and Rules 2009 Edition, $75.65 Free shipping. Local Court Rules For Lawyers - Find Current Law Requirements For US Courts! Los Angeles, CA Federal civil procedure The FRCP and E-Dsicovery Free white paper here! California Tax Jackson Hewitt File Your Tax Free with E-File Tax Preperation Only As Low as $20 Los Angeles, CA Compliance with FRCP Legal grade email archiving system from MX Logic helps with compliance Criminal Laws Expert in DUI, Drugs, Theft & More. 13 Yrs Criminal Defense. Call Now. Los Angeles, CA Buy the Book from Amazon Criminal law and procedure Free Shipping Avail. Aff Federal Criminal Charges Federal Criminal Defense Firm Call If Feds Are Coming After You. Instant Criminal Records $18.95 Easy, Accurate, Confidential The Definitive Criminal Database California Custom Search Federal RulemakingFederal Rules of Civil Procedure (modified w/hyperlinks & bookmarks)(PDF). Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (modified w/hyperlinks & bookmarks)(PDF) ... LII: Federal Rules of Criminal ProcedureFederal Rules of Criminal Procedure (2009). (incorporating the amendment that took effect Dec. 1, 2008). I. APPLICABILITY. II. PRELIMINARY PROCEEDINGS ... The United States House of Representatives Committee On The JudiciaryJurisdiction over measures relating to law, courts and judges, Constitutional amendments, immigration, patents and trademarks, interstate compacts, ... Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law SchoolUpdates for Federal Rules: Evidence (Sept. 19, 2008), Civil Procedure, Criminal
    that lawyers with previous experience before the Court prevail "substantially more often."57 Data from the Solicitor General's office also support this theory
Nye Frank

Victim Rights Manual - 0 views

    A defendant may be released on bail for all offenses except capital crimes. Public safety is the primary consideration in setting the bail amount. The court must conduct a hearing before deviating from the scheduled bail for a violent felony or for threatening a witness in a rape, domestic violence or criminal threat case. The court must state its reasons for deviating from the bail schedule. (Cal.Const Art. 1 Sect. 28, PC 1270.1, and PC 1275.)In violent felony cases, the district attorneys office, Division of Victim Services and the probation department are responsible for notifying victims and witnesses that they can request notification regarding the defendant's release. The Division of Victim Services will provide the forms to those victims and witnesses. (PC 679.03(a).)Inmates convicted of murder, voluntary manslaughter, life cases, stalking or a case where the defendant inflicted great bodily injury, cannot be released on parole within 35 miles of a victim or witness. However, the victim or witness must file the appropriate form with CDCR, and CDCR must find there is a need to protect the safety and well being of the victim or witness. (PC 3003.)Upon request, when a defendant is sent to state prison, the victim or next of kin will be notified of the defendant's release to work furlough or a reentry program at least 60 days prior to placement. If the inmate escapes, the victim must be given immediate notification. The victim should keep his or her request and current address on file using a form that can be obtained through the Division of Victim Services. (PC 679.02(a)(6), PC 11155.)The Right to be Protected13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 17 An employer with more than 25 employees may not discriminate against an employee who has been a victim of a sex crime or domestic violence when that employee seeks medical attention or counseling. (LC 230.1.)Employers must allow crime victims or family members t
Nye Frank

Motion (legal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Rule 56, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, is the rule which explains the mechanics of a summary judgment motion. As explained in the notes to this rule, summary judgment procedure is a method for promptly disposing of actions in which there is no genuine issue as to any material fact. Prior to its introduction in the US in 1934, it was used in England for more than 50 years. In England motions for summary judgments were used only in cases of liquidated claims, there followed a steady enlargement of the scope of the remedy until it was used in actions to recover land or chattels and in all other actions at law, for liquidated or unliquidated claims, except for a few designated torts and breach of promise of marriage. English Rules Under the Judicature Act (The Annual Practice, 1937) O. 3, r. 6; Orders 14, 14A, and 15; see also O. 32, r. 6, authorizing an application for judgment at any time upon admissions. New York was a leader in the adoption of this rule in the US and the success of the method helps account for its current importance as an almost indispensable tool in administrative actions (especially before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission which adjudicates employment discrimination claims and the Merit Systems Protection Board which adjudicates federal employment matters).[2]
Nye Frank

LADA Victim Impact Program - 0 views

    VIP We in law enforcement have a special obligation to the most vulnerable of crime victims. Those who have suffered life-devastating crimes - elder abuse, sexual assault, stalking, family violence and hate crime - should be treated with dignity and supported. They deserve all the compassion and protection that we in the criminal justice system can provide. To ensure that the victims of these highly traumatic crimes are given the best possible treatment, the District Attorney's Office has established the Victim Impact Program (VIP). This program places specially trained prosecutors in Branch and Area offices throughout the county to specifically deal with these types of cases. This bolsters the offices vertical prosecution efforts, ensuring that one prosecutor handles these cases from start to finish. Under VIP, law enforcement also benefits. Investigators present their cases directly to a VIP coordinator, who assigns each to a specially trained prosecutor and oversees their handling. This assures expert treatment from beginning to end.
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