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Matti Narkia

Heart Scan Resource Center - Track Your Plaque - 0 views

    Heart scan scores starting dropping not just 2%, or 8% . . . but 24%, 30%, 50% and more. We also began to see a larger proportion of people achieving these larger successes. Why? I attribute the surge in success to the addition of vitamin D. With vitamin D added to the mix of strategies in Track Your Plaque, HDL cholesterols went up much higher, LDL dropped further, blood sugars dropped, blood pressures dropped. People felt better, had more energy, gained more clarity in thought. And heart scan scores dropped more readily.
Matti Narkia

Vitamin K2: An update - Heart Scan Resource Center - Track Your Plaque - 0 views

    Deficiency of K2 in both mice and humans is associated with coronary calcification; low vitamin K2 levels are associated with increased activity of Gla matrix protein, an enzyme that causes calcium deposition in artery walls. People who take warfarin (Coumadin®), a potent blocker of vitamin K2, experience more arterial and heart valve calcification. The 2004 Rotterdam Heart Study was the experience that really brought this concept closer to our interests. This well-conducted study of 4800 Dutch demonstrated an association of vitamin K2 intake with 57% reduction in cardiovascular events and lesser degrees of aortic calcification (another surrogate for atherosclerosis). Benefit appeared to be associated with a daily K2 intake of 32.7 micrograms per day (Geleijnse JM et al 2004). An important corollary of this study is that it suggests that a vitamin K2-mediated reduction in coronary calcification is accompanied by reduced likelihood of heart attack and other events.
Matti Narkia

Vitamin K2: An emerging story - Heart Scan Resource Center - Track Your Plaque - 1 views

    Research has uncovered the fact that vitamin K also plays a crucial role in maintaining bone health. It was found that the amount of vitamin K required to halt bone absorption leading to osteoporosis requires much greater intakes than that required for blood clot regulation. Further, it appears that bone and vascular tissue (like coronary arteries) maintain a preference for a different form of vitamin K than that required for blood clotting regulation. Rather than vitamin K1 needed for clotting, vitamin K2 is the form preferred by bones and arteries (Schurgers LJ et al 2001). It appears that much of the information generated over the years for vitamin K focused on the K1 form, ignoring the K2 form necessary for bone and vascular health. Normal deposition of calcium occurs only in bone and in teeth. Abnormal deposition of calcium in the body occurs in three places: the inner lining of the arteries of the body (the intima) that causes atherosclerotic plaque; the muscle layer of arteries ("medial calcification"); and heart valves. K2 appears to be the form of vitamin K responsible for controlling these phenomena.
evan bernstein

Hearing Aids - 0 views

    Advanced Care Audiology the premier hearing center for all your hearing needs offering top of the line in hearing technology and quality personal care.
Bds4us 2yu

Calorie Counter (CalorieLab) - 0 views

  • Search 70,000 foods and 500 restaurant menus above, or browse the food and restaurant directory below
Elina Rish

Health Care Center - 0 views

    Children's health these days is a matter of responsible parenting as well as effective life planning; say, including child health insurance plans, for example? Back in the old days, parents did not have any clue on the basic recommended daily allowance of children and were just plainly doing things the way they saw fit.
Henry Vig

FUE Hair Transplantation Cost India - 0 views

    Here the best hair replaces medical center for the remedy of your all lock issues, we have exclusive FUE Hair transplant strategy of hair very properly provides in Chandigarh, India at reliable cost management.

Alat Pembesar Payudara | Jual Vacum Pembesar Payudara - 0 views

    Contact Person : Hotline : 0812 262 44 333 Sms Center : 0812 262 44 333 PIN BBM : 24CF A780 Alat Pembesar Payudara - Vacum Pembesar Payudara - Alat Pembesar Payudara Alami - Cara Cepat Membesarkan Susu - Tabung Sport - Jual Vakum Payudara Wanita - Vakum Pembesar Payudara Wanita.
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