Call lights are both frustrating and essential features in most hospital units. Although the lights are invaluable for alerting staff to patient needs, those needs Nurses and nursing assistants conduct hourly rounds to assess and address patient needs, contributing to reductions in falls, pressure ulcers, and
CE Article: Hourly rounding improves.
Hospital hourly rounding logs
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The proof for establishing hourly rounding by nursing care teams is clear: falls are decreased by 50 percent and skin breakdown by 14 percent; additionally, call
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Hospital hourly rounding logs
Hourly Rounding Sheet
Hourly Nurse Rounds Help to Reduce Falls,.
Hourly Rounding - The 4 P's - Maryland Patient Safety Center - Home
CE Article: Hourly rounding improves.
Call lights are both frustrating and essential features in most hospital units. Although the lights are invaluable for alerting staff to patient needs, those needs
Nurses and nursing assistants conduct hourly rounds to assess and address patient needs, contributing to reductions in falls, pressure ulcers, and