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brad pitt


    WELCOME TO NORTON SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL Get your daily dose of science stories and announcements - for free! Norton Scientific Journal has everything covered in the field of science. Norton Scientific Journal is organized specifically to help you find what you want. Fast. So browse in our numerous topic sections where you're surely find what you need. Terms and Conditions Access to and use of this Blog ("Norton Scientific Journal") is subject to the Terms and Conditions set forth herein. Any use of this Blog shall constitute acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. Copyright Ownership and Permitted Use. Materials from Norton Scientific Journal may be viewed, reproduced, or stored for private, noncommercial purposes only. Website Integrity. Interfering with the operation of Norton Scientific Journal or circumventing the Blog's security system is strictly prohibited. Modifications of Terms and Conditions. Norton Scientific Journal reserves the right to modify this Terms and Conditions at any time. Any such modification will be posted on this Blog, and the continued use of Norton Scientific Journal after any such posting shall constitute acceptance of the Terms and Conditions as modified. Website Modifications and Availability. Norton Scientific Journal will make reasonable efforts to keep this Blog available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. However, owing to technical failures, routine maintenance, or other unforeseen circumstances, availability may be limited, and Norton Scientific Journal will not be responsible for the nonavailability of the Blog. Norton Scientific Journal reserves the right to modify, suspend, discontinue, or restrict access to, all or any part of the Blog at any time. Endorsements. Descriptions of, references to, or links to other products, publications, or services does not imply endorsement of any kind unless expressly stated by Norton Scientific Journal. Privacy. Registration data and other information about you and you
    Every minute another person in New Zealand becomes a victim of cybercrime according to a new report which claims there are 556 million victims worldwide every year after the two NRI jailed for a major cyber fraud case revealed in this news blog. The report released by anti-virus company Norton researched 24 countries, including New Zealand, to find out how many people fell victim to crime on the internet as well as the price tag of consumer cybercrime for each country. see more:
brad pitt

Norton Scientific Journal: Eighteen Victims of Cyber-crime Every Second - report - 0 views

    IF YOU can hear; you probably take sound for granted. Without thinking, we swing our attention in the direction of a loud or unexpected sound - the honk of a car horn, say. Because deaf people lack access to such potentially life-saving cues, a group of researchers from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in Daejeon built a pair of glasses which allows the wearer to "see" when a loud sound is made, and gives an indication of where it came from. An array of seven microphones, mounted on the frame of the glasses, pinpoints the location of such sounds and relays that directional information to the wearer through a set of LEDs embedded inside the frame. The glasses will only flash alerts on sounds louder than a threshold level, which is defined by the wearer.
    Every minute another person in New Zealand becomes a victim of cybercrime according to a new report which claims there are 556 million victims worldwide every year after the two NRI jailed for a major cyber fraud case revealed in this news blog. The report released by anti-virus company Norton researched 24 countries, including New Zealand, to find out how many people fell victim to crime on the internet as well as the price tag of consumer cybercrime for each country. see more:
ace morgan

WELCOME TO NORTON SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL - webride/hotklix - 0 views

    Get your daily dose of science stories and announcements for free! Norton Scientific Journal has everything covered in the field of science.Norton Scientific Journal is organized specifically to help you find
ace morgan

Norton Scientific Journal - Blogger/Zimbio - 0 views

  • Norton Scientific Journal started from a group's vision: to effectively advance and diffuse knowledge to every part of the world. Several years after, Norton Scientific Journal blog became the product of their endeavor to reach everyone through information . This blog offers a comprehensive collection of resource materials that could be perused by students, researchers and professionals alike. We are constantly syndicating journals and other scientific papers from reliable sources. NortonScientific Journal has continuous efforts being done to keep such materials accessible to every student and researcher around the world.
Billy Mcnight


    Get your daily dose of science stories and announcements - for free! Norton Scientific Journal has everything covered in the field of science. Norton Scientific Journal is organized specifically to help you find what you want. Fast. So browse in our numerous topic sections where you're surely find what you need.
Billy Mcnight

NORTON SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL: Hottest Temperature at 7.2 trillion F in New York - Zimbio - 0 views

    On June 25, the hottest man-made temperature has been recorded in a huge atom-smasher at New York at 7.2 trillion degrees Fahrenheit - just 250,000 times hotter compared to the sun's core. This achievement occurred in the particle accelerator RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider), a 3.9-kilometer tunnel under New York that researchers use to smash particles into one another to replicate conditions that happened a split-second after the Big Bang. Creating the hot temperature in a controlled environment was done in Brookhaven National Laboratory through colliding gold nuclei with each other at the speed of light. Once the collision of ions happened, the huge amount of energy it emits will melt the protons and neutrons in the gold nuclei, turning into a liquid composed of smaller particles called gluons and quarks. At 7 trillion degrees Fahrenheit, normal matter would usually break down into sub-atomic particles, the gluons and quarks that supposedly composed the earliest plasma that scientist thought resembles the thing that consisted the universe right after the Big Bang happened, 13.7 billion years ago. According to the head of the Brookhaven program, particle physicists formerly thought that quarks and gluons would be in gas form but this new study revealed that it is behaving more like a liquid. And while they already expected to get to such extreme temperatures, they were really surprised of it having an almost perfect liquid behavior. Surprisingly, the liquid could occur at both ends of the spectrum - that is, a similar behavior of the liquid in trapped atom samples has been seen at extremely cold temperatures. "Other physicists have now observed quite similar liquid behavior in trapped atom samples at temperatures near absolute zero, ten million trillion times colder than the quark-gluon plasma we create at RHIC," said the head of Brookhaven's particle and nuclear physics program
ace morgan

Norton Scientific Journal : The Fresh Release from Eco-climate Technology « N... - 0 views

  • Norton Scientific Journal broadcasts, whose main spheres of action are biomass, special systems boiler storage halls for agricultural products and other activities- Eco-climate Technology. According to the review of Norton Scientific Journal, Ecoclimate Technology draws from the experience of its associates obtained in former time from elaboration of proposals and building of boiler storage halls systems. Furthermore, Ecoclimate Technology is concerned in sales and deliveries of fuel preparation appliances for crushing, scraping and chips preparation, pelletizing lines for production of agro pellets and wood pellets as well, biomass burning boilers and boiler-rooms and technologies that is intended for CHP. Aside from these eco climate technologies, Norton Scientific Journal released their fresh ecoclimate technology offer around the world; this includes their storage proposal according to customer requirements and storage life, engineering such as calculation and proposal of necessary capacity of storage, cooling and air circulation capacity, and hall designing, and also, hall construction including delivery of technology of cooling; sorting and packing equipment in case of need. Moreover, Eco-climate Technology also offers a complex service in field of biomass growing, processing and combustion. In the current report of Norton Scientific Journal, Eco-climate Technology offers both to companies and small customers the ff. elaboration of concrete projects according to customer requirements economy analysis of projects feasibility study in order to obtain financial resources assistance in bank credit obtaining elaboration of background papers and assistance in subsidies obtaining from both EU and Czech resources project documents processing selection and recommendation of suitable technologies consultancy for suppliers’ selection biomass special systems – storage halls for agricultural products intermediation of business in former Yugoslavia countries
    Norton Scientific Journal : The Fresh Release from Eco-climate Technology
Norton Research

Norton Scientific - Invisible Man | Redgage - 0 views

  • Invisible Man is a novel written by Ralph Ellison, and the only one that he published during his lifetime (his other novels were published posthumously). It won him the National Book Award in 1953. The novel addresses many of the social and intellectual issues facing African-Americans in the early twentieth century, including black nationalism, the relationship between black identity andMarxism, and the reformist racial policies of Booker T. Washington, as well as issues of individuality and personal identity. In 1998, the Modern Library ranked Invisible Man nineteenth on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century.Time magazine included the novel in its TIME 100 Best English-language Novels from 1923 to 2005.[1] Historical background In his introduction to the 30th Anniversary Edition of Invisible Man,[2] Ellison says that he started writing the book in a barn in Waitsfield, Vermont in the summer of 1945 while on sick leave from the Merchant Marine and that the novel continued to preoccupy him in various parts of New York City. In an interview in The Paris Review 1955,[3] Ellison states that the book took five years to complete with one year off for what he termed an "ill-conceived short novel." Invisible Man was published as a whole in 1952; however, copyright dates show the initial publication date as 1947, 1948, indicating that Ellison had published a section of the book prior to full publication. That section was the famous "Battle Royal" scene, which had been shown to Cyril Connolly, the editor of Horizon magazine by Frank Taylor, one of Ellison's early supporters. Ellison states in his National Book Award acceptance speech that he considered the novel's chief significance to be its experimental attitude. Rejecting the idea of social protest-as Ellison would later put it-he did not want to write another protest novel, and also seeing the highly regarded styles of Naturalism and R
Billy Mcnight

Norton Scientific Research| Wikinut-Norton Scientific Scam |... - Care2 News Network - 0 views

  • Their Accusation is based on an Opinion paper byRoberts and Tren published in Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine. Norton Scientific Scam | Friendfeed - Zimbio Fwd: Norton Scientific Scam | Tumblr In this piece Roger Bate, Donald Roberts and Richard Tren accuse the UN of "Scientific Fraud against DDT". Their Accusation is based on an Opinion paper byRoberts and Tren published in Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine. So let's look at their paper and see where the "Scientific Fraud" is. Their Accusation is based on an Opinion paper byRoberts and Tren published in Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine. Norton Scientific Scam | Friendfeed - Zimbio Fwd: Norton Scientific Scam | Tumblr In this piece Roger Bate, Donald Roberts and Richard Tren accuse the UN of "Scientific Fraud against DDT". Their Accusation is based on an Opinion paper byRoberts and Tren published in Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine. So let's look at their paper and see where the "Scientific Fraud" is. Norton Scientific Inc. (NSI) is a biotech company. The technology base and know-how involves the use of guided wave laser optics, microfluidics and robust data analysis software for the development of novel, low-cost, easy-to-use analytical separations systems for use in a variety of markets, including biopharmaceuticals, wound healing, food & beverage, bio-materials and environmental monitoring.
Norton Research

Norton Scientific Journal | Science Research Blog - 0 views

    Norton Scientific Journal …a comprehensive collection of resource materials Norton Scientific Journal : Earth's twin located 22 light years away A planet similar to Earth in its ability to sustain water was discovered by astronomers in a nearby Norton Scientific Journal star system. This Earth-twin is located in the habitable area of its host star - a narrow region where temperatures are just right for liquid water to exist on a planet's surface. Astronomers were astonished to find a planet that is around a star orbiting in just the right distance - not too far where it would freeze, nor too close where it would dry up..... Norton Scientific Journal : Making things invisible now possible Researchers from University of Texas in Austin have reportedly made a cloaking chamber that can make something vanish in thin air. The study was published this month in the Norton Scientific Journal New Journal of Physics after more than 5 years of constant experimentation. A cylindrical tube created from insulating material with strips of copper made objects within it invisible to microwaves.....
ace morgan

Norton Scientific Research | - 0 views

    Norton Scientific Scam | Friendfeed - Zimbio Fwd: Norton Scientific Scam | Tumblr In this piece Roger Bate, Donald Roberts and Richard Tren accuse the UN of "Scientific Fraud against DDT". Their Accusation is based on an Opinion paper byRoberts and Tren published in Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine. So let's look at their paper and see where the "Scientific Fraud" is. Norton Scientific Inc. (NSI) is a biotech company. The technology base and know-how involves the use of guided wave laser optics, microfluidics and robust data analysis software for the development of novel, low-cost, easy-to-use analytical separations systems for use in a variety of markets, including biopharmaceuticals, wound healing, food & beverage, bio-materials and environmental monitoring.
ace morgan

norton, norton,scientific, norton,scientific,journal - 0 views

    Norton Scientifc Journal System Tool 2011 || Norton Scientific Scam This System Tool 2011 removal guide includes 2 System Tool 2011 Videos and a Manual Guide. Jacob is the Creator of this guide and the person donating his time and efforts to create the videos for this guide as well as any updates. He is also helping to respond to comments for the System Tool 2011 guide. You can show your support by clicking the FaceBook Like button and by mentioning the website to others. All purchases of software linked on this site also help support the RV website. Updated: 3-6-2011: Latest instruction set added for newer traces. Updated: 1-09-2011: New Security Tool 2011 file paths. Description: System Tool 2011 AKA System Tool is a clone of Security Tool. This false security client is nothing more than a scam setup to steal peoples money. How Did I get infected with System Tool 2011? Computers get infected with System Tool 2011 from what is known as a Drive By Download and from installing a program that that thought was something else like a video update. A drive by download is when a malicious website or website that has been hacked, injects code onto that web page and when a user visits the page he/she is prompted to run or install a program. In some cases these programs may auto install. Most paid clients out there like Spyware Doctor with Antivirus are able to block these types of infections. If your antivirus software did not block this install you should consider making a switch. It's obvious whatever you have is not protecting you. What is System Tool 2011 Doing to My Computer Right Now? The scan results found by this bogus security client are all fake. The warning messages shown are also fake. Normally System Tool 2011 hijacks the users desktop on XP systems. It will also block security clients from running and installing as well as all other executables except firefox.exe and iexplorer.
tiffany kiel

Livejournal - Norton Scientific Journal : Making things invisible now possible | Multiply - 0 views

    Norton Scientific Journal : Making things invisible now possible Researchers from University of Texas in Austin have reportedly made a cloaking chamber that can make something vanish in thin air. The study was published this month in theNorton Scientific Journal New Journal of Physics after more than 5 years of constant experimentation. A cylindrical tube created from insulating material with strips of copper made objects within it invisible to microwaves. Things reflect electromagnetic waves and light even when they are just lying around. That is how radar detectors and devices become alert of the presence of ships and airplanes -- in the same way that we can see them with our eyes. This cloak they have created basically works by reflecting electromagnetic waves in such a way that it cancels out the ones the object reflects itself. Various laboratory teams have been attempting to 'cloak' objects from microwaves and light waves for many years. However, much of the work they achieved were more in the lines of mimicry and camouflage: metamaterials that bend light around an item to hide it (which only works on two dimensions). Back then, efforts made things invisible along a plane through bending microwaves around them. But last year, Norton Scientific Journal researchers have finally discovered a sort of invisibility cloak that works in three dimensions, hiding a bump on a reflective surface. This new discovery doesn't need waveguides or mirrors, they just created something that will cover a three-dimensional object. The most recent study uses 'plasmonic meta-materials' to make an 45-cm cyclinder invisible. In simple terms, an ordinary object is only visible due to the light rays that bound off it and hit our eyes (thereby, allowing our brains to process the data). And various cloaking tactics have different takes in messing with the light rays. Researchers found out that the cloak can make objects invisible to microwaves in all angles -- which means that wherever
brad pitt

Money Can Buy Happiness If You Spend It On Others, Michael Norton Says - 0 views

  • Can money buy happiness? Yes, if you spend it on other people, says Michael Norton, an associate professor at Harvard Business School. (H/t Business Insider.) Norton said at a recent TED talk that spending money on yourself does not make you happier, but spending money on others -- no matter how it is spent, or how much -- could improve your mood. "If you think money can't buy happiness, you're not spending it right," Norton said. "You should stop thinking about which product to buy for yourself, and try giving some of it to other people instead." "The reason that money doesn't make us happy is that we’re always spending on the wrong things, and in particular that we’re always spending it on ourselves," he said. Norton said that in numerous studies, "people who spent money on other people got happier; people who spent money on themselves, nothing happened. It didn’t make them less happy; it just didn't do much for them." In nearly every country in the world, people that give to charity are happier, according to research by Gallup cited by Norton.
  • Norton said that in a study at the University of British Columbia, students that were given money and spent it on others became happier, while students that were given money and spent it on themselves were not any happier. Norton said that the same effect was found in Uganda. Taking your peers out for a drink after work isn't wasted time, Norton said. In fact, work teams that spend money on happy hours perform better at work, according to research cited by Norton. "Money often makes us feel very selfish and we do things only for ourself," Norton said, but "spending on other people has a bigger return for you than spending on yourself." And buying a small gift for your mom can make you just as happy as giving to an ambitious charity project. "The specific way that you spend on other people isn't nearly as important as the fact that you spend on other people in order to make yourself happy," Norton said. "You don't have to do amazing things with your money to make yourself happy. You can do small trivial things and yet still get these benefits from doing this." Norton's research is not the first to find that money leads to happiness, up to a certain point. People in households that earn more than $50,000 per year are more satisfied with their quality of life than people in households that earn less than $50,000 per year, according to a recent Marist poll. A study by Princeton University also found that a larger paycheck leads to a happier life, up to an income of $75,000 per year. After earning that amount, money has no effect on happiness, according to the study. Of course, the happiness threshold is higher in cities with a higher cost of living, according to The Wall Street Journal. That threshold was $163,000 per year in New York City in 2010, compared to $62,000 in Pueblo, Colo., according to the WSJ.
ace morgan

Norton Scientific - Newsvine : A Jetpak created by jazzerra : Jeteye - 0 views

  • Scientific Reviews: Symantec source code leaked by hackers A group of hackers who call themselves the Lords of Dharmaraja, (and is associated with Anonymous) have published the source code of Symantec, a digital security firm know for the Norton antivirus program and pcAnywhere, raising concerns that others could exploit thesecurity holes and try to control the users computer.The release of the source code came after the 'extortion' attempt failed as Symantec did notcomply with their numerous deadlines.Negotiations through email messages between a representative of the hacker group,YamaTough, and someone from Symantec were also released online. The exchange of messages are about Symantec's offer to pay USD 50,000 for the hackers to stop disclosing thesource code and announce to the public that the whole Symantec hack was a fake, which madethem a subject of mockery for appearing to buy protection.
Norton Research

MTH Pumps - Manufacturer of Regenerative Turbine, Centrifugal, Sealless, and OEM Pump P... - 0 views

  • REESEOATHMORE - TVINX NEWS - MTH Pumps is a commercial and industrial pump manufacturer serving a wide variety of markets and industries including boiler feed, condensate return, chillers / temperature controllers, water services, refrigeration, petroleum, as well as many chemical process applications. Our standard product lines include mechanically sealed regenerative turbines for low flow, high pressure applications (1000PSI & 150GPM) as well as a line of small centrifugal's (60PSI & 100GPM). Our custom engineered products include sealless canned versions of our turbine product lines. MTH Pumps has endeavored to provide the broadest line of turbine and sealless canned pump products available in the world. We have extensive experience custom designing pumps for specific OEM needs where high reliability and cost reduction are a primary concern. In addition, all units are tested to specifications before leaving the factory. Please browse our site for more information and contact us if you don't see what you need as our custom engineered product lines change frequently.
Billy Mcnight

NORTON SCIENTIFIC - online security - SLIDEBOOM | Dropjack - 0 views

  • Presentation Transcript Slide 1 NORTON SCIENTIFIC: Articles - Online Security Slide 2 NORTON SCIENTIFIC- ZIMBIO-Norton: Donald Roberts, "Scientific Fraud", and DDT By isabelhawthorne on October 17, 2011 Slide 3 In ">this piece Roger Bate, Donald Roberts and Richard Tren accuse the UN of "Scientific Fraud against DDT". Their Accusation is based on an Opinion paper by ">Roberts and Tren published in Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine. So let's look at their paper and see...Read Full Story NORTON SCIENTIFIC-ZIMBIO-Norton: Donald Roberts, "Scientific Fraud", and DDT By perrybanks on October 16, 2011
brad pitt

Norton Scientific Journal: MTH Pumps - Manufacturer of Regenerative Turbine, Centrifuga... - 0 views

    MTH Pumps - Manufacturer of Regenerative Turbine, Centrifugal, Sealless, and OEM Pump Products. (Tvinx :: News) REESEOATHMORE - TVINX NEWS - MTH Pumps is a commercial and industrial pump manufacturer serving a wide variety of markets and industries including boiler feed, condensate return, chillers / temperature controllers, water services, refrigeration, petroleum, as well as many chemical process applications. Our standard product lines include mechanically sealed regenerative turbines for low flow, high pressure applications (1000PSI & 150GPM) as well as a line of small centrifugal's (60PSI & 100GPM). Our custom engineered products include sealless canned versions of our turbine product lines. MTH Pumps has endeavored to provide the broadest line of turbine and sealless canned pump products available in the world. We have extensive experience custom designing pumps for specific OEM needs where high reliability and cost reduction are a primary concern. In addition, all units are tested to specifications before leaving the factory. Please browse our site for more information and contact us if you don't see what you need as our custom engineered product lines change frequently.
brad pitt

Norton Scientific Journal: NORTON SCIENTIFIC - online security - SLIDEBOOM | Dropjack - 0 views

  • Presentation Transcript Slide 1 NORTON SCIENTIFIC: Articles - Online Security Slide 2 NORTON SCIENTIFIC- ZIMBIO-Norton: Donald Roberts, "Scientific Fraud", and DDT By isabelhawthorne on October 17, 2011 Slide 3 In ">this piece Roger Bate, Donald Roberts and Richard Tren accuse the UN of "Scientific Fraud against DDT". Their Accusation is based on an Opinion paper by ">Roberts and Tren published in Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine. So let's look at their paper and see...Read Full Story NORTON SCIENTIFIC-ZIMBIO-Norton: Donald Roberts, "Scientific Fraud", and DDT By perrybanks on October 16, 2011
Norton Research

Penny auction websites takes more than small change | Scoop News - 0 views

  • Wednesday, 9 May 2012, 11:47 am Press Release: Netsafe Media releaseWednesday, 9 May 2012 Penny auction websites takes more than small changeConsumers are being warned about penny auction sites, which despite offering ‘free trials’ are quietly charging hundreds of dollars to credit cards.The warning comes from a new cross-agency working group, made up of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Department of Internal Affairs and Netsafe. The group is dedicated to fighting consumer fraud.Penny auctions are a twist on online auctions. The difference is you pay to take part − either each time you bid or through a monthly membership fee – even if you don’t win the auction. Each bid increases the price by just one or two cents; so ‘in theory’ you can buy sought-after goods for a fraction of their retail price.The working group has had dozens of complaints about penny auction sites, says Ministry of Consumer Affairs Team Leader Jarrod Rendle.“In a number of cases, the complainants thought they’d bagged a bargain while on a seven day ‘free trial’, but by redeeming their goods they’ve unknowingly agreed to three months’ membership, at $119 a month. “When they tried to cancel, they were told to send a $54 cancellation fee, along with photocopies of their credit card and passport. This leaves them not only out of pocket, but potentially open to identity fraud.”
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