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Justin S

Socio-Economic Impact Analysis; from "Community Guide to Development Impact Analysis" b... - 0 views

    "ASSESSING THE CURRENT ACCESSIBILITY OF PUBLIC SERVICES * What is the present level of services in the community? * What is the current distribution of services in the community (to social groups or to neighborhoods)? * What are the anticipated needs and accessibility to services of the future population? * Are there organizational or coordination problems currently being encountered by service organizations or agencies? * May such problems be encountered in future service delivery? If so, what are they? * What are the implications of future service and facility requirements and revenue sources on tax levels, net fiscal balance and service quality?"
Erika Whiteway

California Watershed Assessment Guides - 0 views

shared by Erika Whiteway on 02 Apr 11 - No Cached
    From CERES, California Natural Resources Department database. Do you know what your watershed is? What entity--public or private?--owns your water? If you live in California and don't know the answers, you need to enlighten yourself so you can act in your own best interests and hopefully those of your community. If you really care, get a seat on the advisory committee. In every county, there are advisory committees for everything from aviation to women's issues; there's always openings somewhere. Serving on an advisory committee is a low-stress but important way to get involved in your community, meet like-minded people and start learning how politics works in your county just by focusing your interest in one specific issue. A great first-step for anyone who thinks they'd like to get into politics...or for people like me who are sick to death of politics but have to do something about something...
Erika Whiteway Home - 0 views

    Community planning organizing government politics non-profit corporations law wiki
Erika Whiteway

Research4Life - Collective name for HINARI, AGORA and OARE - 0 views

    Environment research science water corporations community journals knowledge learning law health nutrition
Erika Whiteway

Echoing Green | Think Big. Be Bold. Drive Change. | Echoing Green - 0 views

    Grants for nonprofit organizations social change politics water community landuse land use corporations corporate society government
Erika Whiteway

SoapBlox - Building Online Communities - SoapBlox Network, Inc. - 0 views

    online community-building blogging platform
Erika Whiteway

Your Nonprofit Technology Community | NTEN - 0 views

    nonprofit technology network
Erika Whiteway

Benefits of Being a Solver | InnoCentive - 1 views

    Problems of universal concern are posted where possible solutions can be found thu thw web community
Erika Whiteway

Medical Marijuana, Cannabis, and 420 Classifieds - 0 views

    News  etc. for the cannabis community
Erika Whiteway

About Manta - 0 views

    Manta - worlds largest online community promoting and connecting small business
Erika Whiteway - Follow research - 0 views

    Research community law science everything academia education journals
Erika Whiteway

Scitable | Learn Science at "Nature" - 0 views

    Scitable is a free science library and personal learning tool brought to you by Nature Publishing Group, the world's leading publisher of science. Scitable currently concentrates on genetics and cell biology, which include the topics of evolution, gene expression, and the rich complexity of cellular processes shared by living organisms. Scitable also offers resources for the budding scientist, with advice about effective science communication and career paths.
Erika Whiteway

Video Library ‹ Phoenix Tears - 0 views

    hemp oil medical videos
Erika Whiteway

Create a Non-Profit Organization | - 0 views

    Form a nonprofit corporation
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