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Nancy Marks

wesfryer - 1 views

    Wes Fryer's presentations -- can view them here while listening to his podcasts.
Nancy Marks

224 - Internet Safety - 0 views

    This is a podcast about cyberbullying from a Christian perspective.  Resources are good.
Nancy Marks

Cyberbullying Research Center - cyber bullying examples, cases, laws, articles, stories... - 0 views

    This is a podcast about cyberbullying from a Christian perspective.  Resources are good.
Nancy Marks

WELSTech - 1 views

    Podcast about google
Matt Clausen - 1 views

    "Topics will range from the math underlying voting schemes to the mathematics of loan payments, ect. We will explore the ways in which a little bit of math knowledge can become a very powerful tool in your life."
Nancy Marks

WELSTech » Blog Archive » 162 - GTD Meets the Church Office - 0 views

    This week the WELSTech Podcast is all about Getting Things Done in the church and school office, and Staff Minister Jon Ruddat shares his productivity success story.
    This is good for anyone who has an office-- how we can be productive and organized. Loved the technology ideas
Nancy Marks

Learning in Hand Blog by Tony Vincent - 0 views

    podcasts on using ipods in classroom
Diane Woodard - 0 views

    excellent resource for podcasting
Nancy Marks

WELSTech » Blog Archive » 166 - A Chatter-Free Podcast - 0 views

    Starting at 20:39 presentation on Bridging the Generations - Greg Schmill, Director of WELS Commission on Lutheran Schools. He examines each of the generation's needs and specifically how different uses of technology can assist in engaging Builders, Boomers, Gen Xers and Millennials in our schools
Nancy Marks

soundzabound - Royalty Free Music for Schools - 1 views

    Soundzabound™ - the ONLY royalty free music library which meets all the licensing and technology requirements needed for education! Soundzabound Music Library offers a wide variety of music, audio themes and sound effects for grades K -12 and universities that ensures your copyright safety. Perfect for podcasts, PowerPoint™, videos, news shows, video yearbooks, digital storytelling, presentations, TV broadcasts, web design and more!
Nancy Marks

WELSTech » Blog Archive » 177 - A Tech and Learning Goldmine - 0 views

    Podcast with all kinds of web 2.0 tools to use in the classroom
Rob Reynolds

Adventures in Ed Tech: The Web's Swiss Army Knife - 3 views

  • This is great for presenting student work because we can get through a lot of presentations in one class period because- they just start playing!
  • media file (.mov, mp3, or ppt, pdf)
  • with virtually one click, students or parents can download all of your class podcasts to their iPod.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • students can call the drop and record a message. This message gets saved as an .mp3 that can be downloaded almost instantly
Nancy Marks

Leading Schools with Digital Vision in a Bubblesheet World - wesfryer - 1 views

    Presentation for school leaders on leading in the 21st century. focusing on leadership.
    A great podcast by Wes Fryer== rwho will be in Missoula Jan 27-28th giving a similar presentation here to administrators and IT staff!
Diane Woodard

Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom: Interactive Whiteboards-Sage On The Stage? - 3 views

  • Now, some would argue for the tablets or slates that connect with these IWBs.That is still one kid at a time manipulating and interacting.
    • Diane Woodard
      I have to wonder about this. I would suggest that some teachers only use the slate as a mobile mouse. I would suggest that if you have an itouch use the air mouse or touchpad elite. This will accomplish the same task. I wonder if this would allow multiple students to use their itouch?
  • Laptops, Netbooks, Document Cameras, Flip Video, anything that gets all kids using technology and interacting with technology, together.
    • Diane Woodard
      I would have to add to this list...iTouch. I am finding more and more ways to use the iTouch in the teaching/learning environment. The K-12 on-line conference has some great podcasts on this topic. I am also a part of a Diigo group called ipods in education that has some great resources!
  • room my school had 3 IWBs that had never been used before I got there. I had used one in my student teaching and really enjoyed using it and teaching with it. When I discovered there were IWBs in my scho
    I think this article is very relevant to what we are doing with the NEW SLATE proposals. If you are a diigo user feel free to leave comments on the page. Or contribute by using group comments!
Rob Reynolds

Writerscast host David Wilk interviews author Anya Kamenetz | WritersCast - 0 views

  • Anya Kamenetz: DIY U: Edupunks, Edupreneurs, and the Coming Transformation of Higher Education
    DIY University.  My next book to read. Check out the short podcast interview
Rob Reynolds

Mediasite by Sonic Foundry - Create Online Multimedia Presentations, Briefings and Cour... - 3 views

  • Record and deliver your online learning, interactive lectures and multimedia presentations automatically with Mediasite – the easiest, most reliable and most complete webcasting and knowledge management platform.
Nancy Marks

Kevin - I Need my Teachers To Learn - 0 views

    Kevin Honeycutt's video
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