"Topics will range from the math underlying voting schemes to the mathematics of loan payments, ect. We will explore the ways in which a little bit of math knowledge can become a very powerful tool in your life."
This week the WELSTech Podcast is all about Getting Things Done in the church and school office, and Staff Minister Jon Ruddat shares his productivity success story.
Starting at 20:39 presentation on Bridging the Generations - Greg Schmill, Director of WELS Commission on Lutheran Schools. He examines each of the generation's needs and specifically how different uses of technology can assist in engaging Builders, Boomers, Gen Xers and Millennials in our schools
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I have to wonder about this. I would suggest that some teachers only use the slate as a mobile mouse. I would suggest that if you have an itouch use the air mouse or touchpad elite. This will accomplish the same task. I wonder if this would allow multiple students to use their itouch?
Laptops, Netbooks, Document Cameras, Flip Video, anything that gets all kids using technology and interacting with technology, together.
I would have to add to this list...iTouch. I am finding more and more ways to use the iTouch in the teaching/learning environment. The K-12 on-line conference has some great podcasts on this topic. I am also a part of a Diigo group called ipods in education that has some great resources!
room my school had 3 IWBs that had never been used before I got there. I had used one in my student teaching and really enjoyed using it and teaching with it. When I discovered there were IWBs in my scho
I think this article is very relevant to what we are doing with the NEW SLATE proposals. If you are a diigo user feel free to leave comments on the page. Or contribute by using group comments!
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