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Rob Reynolds

High Tech High -- Professional Development - 1 views

  • Learn about HTH's innovative approach through a variety of professional development offerings including HTH Collegial Conversations, Collegial Conversations Online, Residencies and Institutes through the HTH GSE, and presentations of learning at our schools.
Nancy Marks

Café Hosting Guides - 0 views

    "Interested in convening and hosting a World Café? These resources will guide you through the process. Taken together, they cover everything from considerations related to the design of the café, physical set-up of the café environment, creative application of the café design principles, and much more. All you need are people and a place to meet!"
    strategy for doing cafe conversations...
Matt Clausen

The Anti-Creativity Checklist - Youngme Moon - The Conversation - Harvard Business Review - 2 views

    14 things to remember to do
Diane Woodard

PDF to Word - 100% Free! - The Most Accurate PDF-to-Word Converter - 5 views

  • ervice, which may result in a delay of up to 6 hours before you receive your converte
    I converted my pdf tech plan with tables and charts and it converted perfectly! Yah!
Nancy Marks

VoiceThread - Group conversations around images, documents, and videos - 0 views

    What will 21st Century learning be?
    THANKS Cass!
Rob Reynolds

LASD and Khan Academy Pilot - 1 views

  • I overheard the following conversation. Student #1:  “Hey, come over here. I just discovered a cheat.” Student #2: “I know that one. Shhhh. Don’t tell anyone.” Student #3: “I already know about that one, but look, I think there might be another one.”
  • We have started to group our students based on their individual needs and are modifying our text book instruction to match.
  • achieve a fluid classroom where students are moving between Khan Academy, small group instruction, and project work, with working groups that vary based on each strand.
    A Kahn Academy teacher's reflections on our gaming mentality as it applies to blended learning.
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