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Primary teachers and the Information and Communications Technology domain: figuring wor... - 1 views

    Dr. Elvira Maria Vacirca
    Dr. Elvira Maria Vacirca

Connected Schools - 1 views

    PDF document of the book 'Connected Schools' as shared through the CISCO website.

Educators as Social Networked Learners | User Generated Education - 3 views

    A nice blog about another Social Networked Learning course being run at Boise State University.  This course explores collaborative and emergent pedagogies, tools, and theory related to the use of social networks in learning environments. Participants gain hands-on experience with a variety social networking tools, create their own personal learning networks, and have an opportunity to develop a MOOC-inspired course for their learners.

Digg - What the Internet is talking about right now - 0 views

shared by paul_size on 03 Sep 14 - Cached
    Another tool I found for everyone to check out - looks interesting.  Only thing is you can't comment but I guess you can pick it up and share it through other tools.  

Cartography: The true true size of Africa | The Economist - 1 views

    • mari marincowitz
      Sir Ken Robinson retweeted this photo showing "the real size of Africa." I thought it was interesting because it illustrates in a slightly ironic fashion how we may have great misconceptions about the world and its "super-powers." How much does size matter after all?

The Connected Educator | 21st Century Collaborative - 2 views

    Wondering if anyone has read this book?

Connected Learning Infographic - 1 views

    Great visual representation of connected learning [Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License]

Connected Learning: Reimagining the Experience of Education in the Information Age - 1 views

  • the idea of a learning ecology, within which learning occurs everywhere, and with their goal to remove some of the obstacles which block the flow of information, knowledge, skills, and wisdom between different sectors.
  • ocus here on participation — in the learning process, in the governance of society — since the struggle to achieve a more participatory culture remains one of the central battles of our times.
  • the focus is on valuing the kinds of learning that children and youth value, the kind that is deeply motivating and tied in meaningful ways to their construction of their identity, recognizing that the goal of education in the 21st century should be in allowing young people to discover and refine their own expertise as they follow their passions and inform their interests
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • he concept of “connected learning” remains a “work in progress,” and the best way to make progress is for thoughtful people, across a range of fields, to read, debate, and respond to their provocation and for those of us who find something here to value, to try to put its core principles into play through our work.
  • Connected learning is not, however, distinguished by a particular technology or platform, but is inspired by an initial set of three educational values, three learning principles, and three design principles
  • Equity — when educational opportunity is available and accessible to all young people, it elevates the world we all live in. Full Participation — learning environments, communities, and civic life thrive when all members actively engage and contribute. Social connection — learning is meaningful when it is part of valued social relationships and shared practice, culture, and identity.
  • Interest-powered – Interests power the drive to acquire knowledge and expertise. Research shows that learners who are interested in what they are learning, achieve higher order learning outcomes. Connected learning does not just rely on the innate interests of the individual learner, but views interests and passions as something to be actively developed in the context of personalized learning pathways that allow for specialized and diverse identities and interests. Peer-supported – Learning in the context of peer interaction is engaging and participatory. Research shows that among friends and peers, young people fluidly contribute, share, and give feedback to one another, producing powerful learning. Connected learning research demonstrates that peer learning need not be peer-isolated. In the context of interest-driven activity, adult participation is welcomed by young people. Although expertise and roles in peer learning can differ based on age and experience, everyone gives feedback to one another and can contribute and share their knowledge and views. Academically oriented – Educational institutions are centered on the principle that intellectual growth thrives when learning is directed towards academic achievement and excellence. Connected learning recognizes the importance of academic success for intellectual growth and as an avenue towards economic and political opportunity. Peer culture and interest-driven activity needs to be connected to academic subjects, institutions, and credentials for diverse young people to realize these opportunities. Connected learning mines and translates popular peer culture and community-based knowledge for academic relevance.
  • Shared purpose — Connected learning environments are populated with adults and peers who share interests and are contributing to a common purpose. Today’s social media and web-based communities provide exceptional opportunities for learners, parents, caring adults, teachers, and peers in diverse and specialized areas of interest to engage in shared projects and inquiry. Cross-generational learning and connection thrives when centered on common interests and goals. Production-centered — Connected learning environments are designed around production, providing tools and opportunities for learners to produce, circulate, curate, and comment on media. Learning that comes from actively creating, making, producing, experimenting, remixing, decoding, and designing, fosters skills and dispositions for lifelong learning and productive contributions to today’s rapidly changing work and political conditions. Openly networked – Connected learning environments are designed around networks that link together institutions and groups across various sectors, including popular culture, educational institutions, home, and interest communities. Learning resources, tools, and materials are abundant, accessible and visible across these settings and available through open, networked platforms and public-interest policies that protect our collective rights to circulate and access knowledge and culture. Learning is most resilient when it is linked and reinforced across settings of home, school, peer culture and community.
  • The urgent need to reimagine education grows clearer by the day. Research has shown that too many students are disengaged and alienated from school, and see little or no purpose to their education
  • The principles of connected learning weren’t born in the digital age, but they are extraordinarily well-suited to it. Connected learning seeks to tie together the respected historical body of research on how youth best learn with the opportunities made available through today’s networked and digital media
  • Connected learning is real-world. It’s social. It’s hands-on. It’s active. It’s networked. It’s personal. It’s effective
    A description of some American academics getting together on the idea of connected learning. The post describes the values and principles underpinning their conception of connected learning.

ABC: 10 reasons NOT to create a course and 10 other options « Learning in the... - 2 views

    Suport for embedding PD in BIM and perhaps some ideas about how to do it.
    Short blog post that might be especially relevant to those of you who working in roles where you are helping other employees perform a job. Gives 10 reasons why you shouldn't create a course and some options for doing something different.

Connected Learning: A Learning Approach Designed for Our Times ~ Stephen's Web - 6 views

    Downes on difference between connected and networked learning
    Downes pointing to an article describing "Connected Learning" (see earlier resource shared) and summarising what he thinks is different.

David Price OBE - Keynote Flat Connections Global Project 2013 - 1 views

    Quote from David's book 'Open: How we'll work, live and learn in the future' "Because information flows faster and more freely than ever, and because we are better connected than ever, the barriers to learning are being dismantled. We share what we learn instantly and generally without restrictions. How we learn and whom we learn from has been transformed. Our reliance upon anointed experts and authority figures has diminished, while our capacity to learn from each other has spiralled"

Learning CPR from YouTube: maybe not a great idea | Ars Technica - 0 views

    Raises interesting questions about the downside of NGL and what happens when what we are learning isn't too crash hot!

What is Networked Learning? - 0 views

  • Another colleague was explaining how they had found that holding tutorials in Second Life helped students to express themselves. If education is fundamentally conversational then conversations are useful to that end. However if education is fundamentally about collaboration (I think Andy Blunden makes this point but need to read more!) then evidently you need to be building something together, a conversation can certainly be supportive of that, wherever/however it happens but talking will only get you so far.
    • paul_size
      I like this about collaboration vs conversation and the notion of building something together.  This links nicely with communities of practice.
  • Where the academic practices of the given discipline or field are primarily text-based, that is really where the focus should be, around developing confidence, style and sophistication (even epistemic fluency!) with that mode of communication. When 'voice-to-voice', it is easy to enter into almost a therapeutic relationship with students and talk with them and to them for hours, whereby they may indeed reveal all manner of interesting details and walk away having had a lovely time.
    • paul_size
      Text based to develop confidence....voice-to-voice to develop therapeutic relationship with students.  Goes onto say how writing is very difficult and limiting students to writing may not be glamorous but cuts to heart of an apprenticeship in knowledge work.

Week 3 Diigo activity: Where has NGL come from? | GG's Blog - 0 views

  • Greater scaffolding to allow people to get familiar with the setup process and tools being used – simpler and fewer tasks in the first couple of weeks. I think this would have helped and allowed time for participants to allocate greater time to connecting with each other. I feel overwhelmed by the number of tasks and readings and tool setup – that I haven’t really been able to concentrate on making meaningful connections. Goodyear talks about access barriers on page 34 in relation to better user interfaces – for me the barrier isn’t about the interfaces but about getting used to “how things work” in this course.
    • ggdines
      Uses NGL principles to understand participation and explain what happened. AND Draws on a range of NGL ideas that are linked together as part of the explanation.
  • I think what I am saying also ties in a little with Anne’s post for this activity – but I think that the lack of connection might be because there is too much to be done and not enough time to get to know our environment.
    • ggdines
      Something about building on work of other participants
  • Homophily phenomenon
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • mergence of Web 2.0
  • The e
  • It also confirms that to get the most out of them you need to develop “literacies” to navigate them effectively.
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