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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Tess T


Revolutionize Education using learning analytics - 2 views

    This PDF file is ALL ABOUT how learning analytics can make education so much better. It pretty much just lists all the things that learning analytics can do to improve student learning

Knewton - the future of education? | Learning and Knowledge Analytics - 2 views

    This is actually a really cool site! it talks about  how fast learnign analytics is developing and how it works to improve education

Learning Analytics: What Could You Do With Five Orders of Magnitude More Data About Lea... - 1 views

  • Evidence from top-performing schools shows that use of data, analysis, and feedback are our best tools for improvement.
  • The increasing use of online software and digital devices in classrooms presents an opportunity to collect high-frequency data for mining. Today’s analytics techniques could be used to develop a deeper understanding of how students learn, recommend personalized learning plans, and identify early warning flags. Rich data, analytics, and feedback enable a process of iteration and continuous improvement, where educators become learners, and we figure out how to improve education. We are at the beginning of a wave of data-driven change in education, with important social consequences and fantastic opportunities.
    • Tess T
      Key words about learning analytics: understanding, personalized learning plans, identify early warning signs. 
    This article about learning analytics talks about personalizing student learning and customizing lessons for students.  It also connects to a PDF file about what personalized learning looks like and how it helps students

Personalized Learning - 1 views

    This is an article about customized learning and learning alalytics. It talks about what customized learning it and how it can better a students educational experience

personalized learning - 0 views

    For people doing analytics and customization, this is a PDF file all about personalized learning, or customized learning that is molded around the student.

Tom Vander Ark: How Customized Learning Will Benefit Students - 1 views

  • School-as-a-Service (SaaS) is an important metaphor for the future of customized learning
  • student-centered rather than teacher centered; learning is customized for every student
    This is a cool article about customized learning

7 Things to Know About Leaning Analytics - 1 views

    THIS IS A MAJOR HELP! this is a PDF file all about learning analytics! Its packed full of information!! If you're doing analytics, its a really great source!

Learning Analytics and Personalized Learning - ETEC522-Social Analytics - 0 views

  • Just as businesses use social analytics to suggest personalized options to consumers based on their buying habits, individual teachers can use learning analytics to help them develop adaptive, personalized learning plans for individual students.
  • The School of One program, in use in several New York City public schools, uses learning analytics to develop personalized mathematics learning programs. The School of One’s learning algorithm conducts everyday assessments of a student’s learning style and math skills, and uses this to produce a personalized learning “playlist” for each student. This playlist is comprised of individual lessons in math, which are put into the order that the algorithm determines is optimal for the student’s math skills development. Certainly, School of One is quick to note that this is intended to supplement, not to replace, an individual teacher’s expertise. Similarly to how Hunch focuses on social media analytics as a consumer service, other learning analytics programs are being developed for use by both learners and teachers to enhance individual learning. Socrato is one such program that is primarily intended for students preparing to write standardized multiple-choice tests. It performs learner analytics on students’ online practice tests to identify which areas students most need to improve upon.
    This is about personalized learning and how analytics can help that

Academic Analytics: A New Tool for a New Era (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

  • Analytics marries large data sets, statistical techniques, and predictive modeling. It could be thought of as the practice of mining institutional data to produce "actionable intelligence."
    • Tess T
      so pretty much its saying gathering data, looking at the results, and doing something about it. Taking action
  • Many institutions have implemented analytics to improve enrollment management. Institutional researchers collaborating with admissions staff have created complex formulas—based on standardized exam scores, high school coursework, and other information—to determine which applicants will be admitted
  • With the increased concern for accountability, academic analytics has the potential to create actionable intelligence to improve teaching, learning, and student success. Traditionally academic systems—such as course management systems, student response systems, and similar tools—have generated a wide array of data that may relate to student effort and success. Early academic analytics initiatives are seeking to predict which students are in academic difficulty, allowing faculty and advisors to customize learning paths or provide instruction tailored to specific learning needs.
    • Tess T
      For those of us doing customization as a topic, the key phrase in this paragraph is "allowing faculty and advisers to customize learning paths or provide instruction tailored to specific learning needs."
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Analytics generates a system alert for advisors to initiate an Individual Learning Plan (ILP)
  • Analytics can be a powerful tool for higher education
  • As the practice of analytics is refined, colleges and universities can place more and better information into the hands of a greater number of people, enabling informed decision-making.
  • the focus of future analytics efforts can shift from predicting who is going to be successful to customizing learning environments so that the most effective instructional approaches are used for each student. Eventually, institutions may be able to provide unique learning paths, matching instructional activities to a student's learning needs.
    • Tess T
      This phrase is about customizing learning analytics!
    • Tess T
      and it talks about how using learning analytics can help institutions customize unique learning activities to a students learning needs.
    This site completely talks about academic and learning analytics and gives specific examples of schools and colleges that use analytics to improve student education

Penetrating the Fog: Analytics in Learning and Education (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE - 1 views

  • But the most dramatic factor shaping the future of higher education is something that we can’t actually touch or see: big data and analytics. Basing decisions on data and evidence seems stunningly obvious, and indeed, research indicates that data-driven decision-making improves organizational output and productivity.
  • According to the 1st International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, “learning analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimising learning and the environments in which it occurs.”
  • Analytics spans the full scope and range of activity in higher education, affecting administration, research, teaching and learning, and support resources.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • How do big data and analytics generate value for higher education? They can improve administrative decision-making and organizational resource allocation. They can identify at-risk learners and provide intervention to assist learners in achieving success. By analyzing discussion messages posted, assignments completed, and messages read in LMSs such as Moodle and Desire2Learn, educators can identify students who are at risk of dropping out.13 They can create, through transparent data and analysis, a shared understanding of the institution’s successes and challenges. They can innovate and transform the college/university system, as well as academic models and pedagogical approaches. They can assist in making sense of complex topics through the combination of social networks and technical and information networks: that is, algorithms can recognize and provide insight into data and at-risk challenges. They can help leaders transition to holistic decision-making through analyses of what-if scenarios and experimentation to explore how various elements within a complex discipline (e.g., retaining students, reducing costs) connect and to explore the impact of changing core elements. They can increase organizational productivity and effectiveness by providing up-to-date information and allowing rapid response to challenges. They can help institutional leaders determine the hard (e.g., patents, research) and soft (e.g., reputation, profile, quality of teaching) value generated by faculty activity.14 They can provide learners with insight into their own learning habits and can give recommendations for improvement. Learning-facing analytics, such as the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) Check My Activity tool, allows learners to “compare their own activity . . . against an anonymous summary of their course peers.”15
    • Tess T
      Number two talks about customizing learning through analytics by  recognizing at-risk learners and helping them learn better.
    • Tess T
      Number nine also talks about customizing how students are taught. It says that Learning Analytics "can provide learners with insight into their own learning habits and can give recommendations for improvement."
  • Analytics in education must be transformative, altering existing teaching, learning, and assessment processes, academic work, and administration.
    • Tess T
      This right here is directly talking about using learning analytics to customize   how students are taught
  • Undoubtedly, analytics and big data have a significant role to play in the future of higher education. The growing role of analysis techniques and technologies in government and business sectors affirms this trend. In education the value of analytics and big data can be found in (1) their role in guiding reform activities in higher education, and (2) how they can assist educators in improving teaching and learning.
    • Tess T
      So pretty much this is saying that Learning Analytics can improve education because it can assist educators and help them improve their teaching and education based off of the data that they find about their students
    • Tess T
      Learning Analytics helps educators find out whats wrong and change it around the student so the student can get the best education possible
  • Learning analytics is essential for penetrating the fog that has settled over much of higher education. Educators, students, and administrators need a foundation on which to enact change. For educators, the availability of real-time insight into the performance of learners—including students who are at-risk—can be a significant help in the planning of teaching activities. For students, receiving information about their performance in relation to their peers or about their progress in relation to their personal goals can be motivating and encouraging. Finally, administrators and decision-makers are today confronted with tremendous uncertainty in the face of budget cuts and global competition in higher education. Learning analytics can penetrate the fog of uncertainty around how to allocate resources, develop competitive advantages, and most important, improve the quality and value of the learning experience.
    • Tess T
      This is a super helpful and straight forward answer to the question "how can learning analytics improve education." You can't get any clearer that that!
    This source was written by George Siemens,who works in the Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute at Athabasca University, and Phil Long, a Director of the Centre for Education Innovaton and Technology at the University of Queensland.  This site talks about how Analytics are used and what they are used for in Education

Learning Analytics - ETEC522-Social Analytics - 0 views

  • Learning Analytics refers to the specific adaptation of social analytics tools to enhance teaching and learning.
    • Tess T
      learning analytics helps to enhance student learning
  • learning analytics involves using a web analytics program, such as Google Analytics, to track students’ usage of their LMS and other digital learning objects, as one way to gauge learner engagement.
  • Educators can use this data to: help them make realtime decisions on how they might modify their course to better suit learners. Identify potential ‘at-risk’ students who may need an intervention in order to avoid failing a course module or an entire course.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • At this macro level, administrators at school and district levels use learning analytics to gauge students’ performance, and to compare how schools are performing vis a vis each other.
  • which measures schools’ overall performance through students’ performance on state standardized tests.
  • . SNAPP (Social Networks Advancing Pedagogical Practice) is one university-based learning analytics program (developed at the University of Wollongong in Australia) that analyses the social networks that form within learning management systems. SNAPP records statistics on not only which students participate on LMS’, and how frequently, but also pays close attention to which students respond to which students’ comments and posts, emerging leaders, whose posts are frequent and elicit much discussion, and outliers, who contribute little. Snapp also provides visualizations of these social networks to instructors and course administrators.
    This is a cool site that talks about learning analytics and gives some examples about how it can be used for education and how it improves student learning

elearnspace › What are Learning Analytics? - 0 views

  • “the use of data and models to predict student progress and performance, and the ability to act on that information”.
  • Effective utilization of learning analytics can help schools and universities to pick up on signals that indicate difficulties with learner performance. Just as individuals communicate social intentions through signals well before they actually “think” they make a decision, learners signal success/failure in the learning process through reduced time on task, language of frustration (in LMS forums), long lag periods between logins, and lack of direct engagement with other learners or instructors.
    This site gives some cool graphs and explains what Learning Analytics is. It uses Flow Charts that tell you how Learning Analytics Works.

Learning analytics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Learning analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimising learning and the environments in which it occurs [1]. A related field is educational data mining.
    This is the Wikipedia site for Learning Analytics and gives some methods for using it

Google Doc about learning Analytics - 0 views

    This Horizon Report is about all the topics we are researching, so it can be used for all the teams. On page 22 though, it talks about Learning Analytics

Make education collaborative and customized for net gen, says author - - 0 views

  • “We can use the web and new technology to change the relationship between students and teachers in the learning process to get a multi-way, student-focused, customized, collaborative model of learning. The people who understand this the best are actually the students.”
    This is an article written about Tapscott's book Growing Up Digital, and talks about how students learning should be customized.

Customization | Define Customization at - 0 views

    This is  a definition of customization and it kind of helps understand what it is so we can relate it to learning analytics

Linda Baer | Learning and Knowledge Analytics - 0 views

    This source is a video on Analytics and Lina Baer, the woman being interviewed had some cool things to say on this topic. This website is full of information on learning analytics too!
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