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The Core of MetaCurrency: Composable Abstractions for Wealth Building | The MetaCurrenc... - 0 views

  • "What would it take to make currencies as powerful for building and sharing wealth, as language is for building and sharing meaning?"  
  • The answer to that question, I believe, lies in discovering/inventing a set of composable abstractions for wealth building
  • Notice a pattern in each of these layers of composable abstractions: a set of fairly tight constraints allows the production of a huge number of "expressions."
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • It was developed before we had really spent much time thinking about the four opens (Transport, Identity, Data, Rules),

Web Premiere: The Future of Money - 0 views

    Outstanding start to an extraordinary conversation

How Fake Money Saved Brazil : Planet Money : NPR - 0 views

    I have a feeling that moving away from scarce currencies will need to be accomplished in a similar manner, and there is still the not small issue of financing governments when value exchange goes off the grid

Sacred Economics | Reality Sandwich - 2 views

    What we call deflation, an earlier culture might have called, "God abandoning the world." Money is disappearing, and with it a third property of spirit, the animating force of the human realm. At this writing, all over the world machines stand idle. Factories have ground to a halt, construction equipment sits derelict in the yard. Yet all the human and material inputs to operate them still exist. There is still fuel, there are still raw materials, and there are still human beings in abundance who know how to operate the machines. It is rather something immaterial, that animating spirit, which has fled. What has fled is money. That is the only thing missing, so insubstantial (in the form of electrons in computers) that it can hardly be said to exist at all, yet so powerful that without it, human productivity grinds to a halt. It is as if God had forsaken the world. Even beyond the mechanical realm, we can see the demotivating effects of lack of money. Consider the stereotype of the unemployed man, nearly broke, slouched in front of the TV in his undershirt, drinking a beer, hardly able to rise from his chair. Money, it seems, animates people as well as machines. Without it we are dispirited.

My Story About the Future of Money - Asymmetric Accounting - Spiral Out - 2 views

    The *net manifesto is being written

untitled - 3 views

  • Just a decade ago, the idea of moving money that quickly and cheaply would have been ridiculous. Checks took ages to clear. Transferring money from one bank account to another could take days, as banks leisurely handed off funds, levying fees nearly every step of the way. Credit cards made it a little easier to pass money to a friend — provided that friend owned a credit card reader and didn’t mind paying a few percentage points in fees or waiting a couple of days for the payment to process.
    All your prayers are answered in this article, Kurt.
    All of this sounds great in this article. Apple, in particular, has a wealth of understanding of how to handle on-line trades and money risk management.

Cash and Transact « Emida - 0 views

    Cash and Transact™ is a mobile wallet solution - money in a subscriber's virtual mobile account. Account holders can load value to their Cash and Transact™ account and then transfer cash or pay for goods and services with anyone, anytime, from anywhere. The Cash and Transact™ vision is to create a borderless community connected by transactions via the Cash and Transact™ mobile wallet.

NFC: Never Mind Credit Cards, Pay With Your Phone - 0 views

    a complement to alternate currency methods, the phone will allow the exchange of currencies other than traditional scarce money

The Associated Press: Mexico's Slim becomes 'world's richest' person - 0 views

  • "Wealth must be seen as a responsibility, not as a privilege. The responsibility is to create more wealth. It's like having an orchard; you have to give away the fruit, but not the trees."

Kachingle - Social cents for digital stuff - 0 views

    Looks similar to Flattr

Star Trek and Money: The Economics of the Star Trek Universe - Associated Content - ass... - 0 views

  • it has been explicitly stated in Star Trek (such as Picard's statement in Star Trek: First Contact) that money does not exist anymore in the 24th century, and that humans had advanced beyond the drive for material wealth and possessions.
    that onion article reminded me of this...

U.S. Economy Grinds To Halt As Nation Realizes Money Just A Symbolic, Mutually Shared I... - 2 views

    LMAO nice work, especially the comment about surgery at the bottom "that's a lot of tomatoes"
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