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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Kurt Laitner

Kurt Laitner

browsearth | and SEE! - 1 views

    prezi has an interesting area (off path) on currency
Kurt Laitner

Learning from Microfinance's Woes - Randall Kempner - Harvard Business Review - 1 views

  • lead to situations where people rob from each other to pay off their debts.
    • Kurt Laitner
      sounds like capitalism
Kurt Laitner

On Voles and Openings « flow - 2 views

  • “A falling tree makes more noise than a growing forest.”
  • Once I’d stepped through, there was no going back, because suddenly I understood three things: 1) money was a human invention 2) this particular invention is foundational to all human social patterns 3) we can change it, and there-by change our social patterns.
  • Namely that 1) money is information, 2) the pattern of flow of that information in relation to communities should be circular, i.e. issued within the community so it would flow around it, not through it as happens with moneys issued outside of communities.  3) That there must be a rich ecology of currencies appropriate to each communities circumstances.  4) That these currencies must exist in the context of a network that emerges out of an interplay between communities of function (what people do together) and communities of identity (how people see and name themselves).
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  • He had realized that money is a tool that focuses on building tradable wealth, but that tradable wealth is just a small subset of measurable wealth, which itself is a subset of acknowledgeable wealth.
  • But it wasn’t until I came to understand Art’s deeper definition of currency, as “current-see” or formal information systems that allows us to see and interact with currents, flows, that the things really came together.  These different levels of wealth, corresponding to the levels of systemic integrity, also needed corresponding currency types, to manage the different types of flow that are taking place at those different systemic levels.
  • wanted to build a generalized “wealth acknowledgement” system.
  • Regenerosity, which used the idea of laying down what amounted to a social network graph to record the changing relationships in a community, which is essentially what monetary transaction are.
  • But what I realized, is that money is still very concrete, and just like pictographic writing. It’s not abstract at all because all moneys so far use the same encoding mechanism they always have for value: relative scarcity (just like all pictograms use the same encoding mechanism for meaning: shape)  And that encoding mechanism is only really appropriate for tradable wealth where scarcity is a true for parts and products of systems.  It’s not appropriate for the wider levels of wealth.  What I saw is that we have no “alphabet” for encoding all the levels of value, and that’s what the open money system I’d been working on could evolve into.
  • It appears that the greatest leaps in “novelty,” i.e. increased possibility that we know of, all arise because of the emergence of new embodied information encoding systems, what I like to call “expressive capacities”.
  • Our current day money is to that new expressive capacity as the coordinating hunting grunts of some proto-hominids is to language.
  •  What we can it evolve toward, is, for the lack of a better term, a language of flow.  
  • Expressive capacities are all built out of fairly simple nested composable units.
  •  The rules for composability at each level are fairly simple, yet the variety of that which is expressible is infinite because of the combinatorial explosion.  
  • a small vocabulary of composable parts, mixable with definite meaningful grammatics.  
  • “Composition requires creation of a negative space, i.e. receptors for an as of yet unknown interaction.”
    excellent romp through the issues
Kurt Laitner

Finextra: Payments start-up Zipmark raises $2m - 0 views

    not really seeing the point here.. but for posterity, collecting it anyhow
Kurt Laitner

Home - Cyclos Project Site - 0 views

  • develop open source complementary currency software that is easy to use and maintain
Kurt Laitner

Asia Times Online :: Asian news and current affairs - 0 views

  • private banks create credit on the basis of a cushion of capital specified by the Bank of International Settlements in Basel, and this credit created out of thin air is exchanged for interest-bearing Treasury debt
  • The only constraint on credit creation is now the capital cushion that banks must hold to cover defaults by borrowers and operating costs
  • Tax has never in 800 years in the UK been collected and then spent
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • The truth of it is that tax-payers' money has never been anywhere near a tax-payer
  • fund that expenditure through the unnecessary issue and sale of interest-bearing debt to private banks, and through taxation
  • Public spending on credit came first, and when stock was returned in payment of taxation this credit/money was retired.
  • I believe that the collapse of Lehman Brothers in October 2008 will come to be seen as the definitive end of the centralized, but connected, Economy 2.0 paradigm operated by and for the profit of middlemen.
  • there has been a parallel series of innovations in legal vehicles for investment in productive assets, involving trust law and partnership law, rather than company law
  • In my home turf of the oil market, all the signs are that in the absence of massive new flows of quantitative easing dollars from the Federal Reserve, and/or substantial cuts in oil production, especially from members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, there will be a collapse in oil market prices in the first quarter of 2012. Indeed, some market participants have already taken option positions in the oil market in anticipation (or in fear) of a fall in the oil price as low as $45 per barrel in 2012.
  • Owners of productive assets simply create and issue undated credits/units that are redeemable in payment for the use of the asset. For example $1.00's worth of rental revenues pre-sold for 80 cents will give an absolute return of 25%, but the rate of return depends - literally - upon the rate at which units of stock may be returned to the issuer and redeemed against use.
  • users of productive assets such as occupiers will always buy stock at a price less than face value in order to redeem it against use.
  • My vision of a 21st century "Open Capitalism" is of new forms of stock based upon land rentals which will come to be what are essentially networked land-based national currencies created literally from the ground up.
  • Open capital - Stock may in fact be seen as currency sold forward at a wholesale discount
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