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Sian Cooper

Promoting Collaborative Learning using Wikis. - 16 views

Net308_508 Collaboration wikis Education

started by Sian Cooper on 23 Mar 12
  • Sian Cooper
    CCNMTL (Nov 3rd, 2008). Promoting Collaborative Learning using Wikis. [YouTube Video]. Retrieved 22nd March 2012 from

    I have selected this YouTube video as it explains how wikis provide a valuable communication and collaboration platform for students and help to facilitate a virtual classroom within educational institutions.

    Derrick Higginbotham, Leila May-Landy and Don Beeby discuss how they have successfully implemented wikis in their courses to encourage student collaboration and organisation. The speakers presented this talk at the New Media in Education Conference in 2008.

    As the other articles that I have selected indicate, wikis are a valuable collaboration tool for educational institutions and corporate organisations if implemented effectively. In terms of education, they provide a dynamic and interactive platform for students to share ideas and collaborate on group work within a virtual classroom. Leila May-Landy, a teacher at Columbia University, notes that various wikis are being used as replacements for various course platforms, providing an alternative to conventional course books. In addition, it allows students to share documents and embed other forms of multimedia such as videos and podcasts into their work, offering a trackback mechanism to assist students' reflection on group tasks.

    However, in order for the wiki to work and compliment academic studies, students must be motivated, willing to share their ideas, and motivated to meet deadlines. Leila May-Landy notes that lack of collaboration within the groups can sometimes arise due to linguistic and cultural differences. In addition, there may be inappropriate integration of material and resources used in assignments, and inappropriate referencing, with the majority of work being copied and pasted together. Nevertheless, if appropriately structured and implemented, wikis can provide a good platform for students to collaborate and complete group tasks. As Don Beeby states, "the wiki acts as an extension of the classroom where students can continually better their understanding of the books (they) study through online discussion, sharing links and images". (300 words).
  • theresia sandjaja
    This video provides insightful information about online collaboration. Although the speakers emphasised Wiki as being the platform to collaborate online, I found a few similarities in the aspect of online collaboration to the project I researched, which is collaboration on Youtube. The similarities include its flexibility, it's easy to use, it is a form of multimedia and it encourages collaborative between users. The online collaboration platforms such as Wiki and Youtube also enable the users to address the issues that may arise when group work is done through physical contact. These issues are the lack of physical collaboration due to linguistic and cultural differences, the ability to complete the task in a timely manner as different users have different schedules and the inappropriate use of different sources that may not available to each participant.

    Online collaboration platforms allow users to research, review, discuss and negotiate between participants to achieve a common goal. This means the platforms provide neutral grounds for participants to develop their collaborative skills, improve online engagement, encourage peer-to-peer editing and provide dynamic interactive space.

    This video relates well to another video, by Clay Shirky (2005) on Institutions Vs Collaboration that explains the benefit of online collaboration to achieve a particular goal. One particular benefit in Shirky's video is 'power-law distribution', where people can contribute to their own extent. This concept is reflected well in the case study in the 'Promoting collaborative learning using wiki' video where students are assigned to groups to create collaborative works online.

    Shirky, Clay (2005) Institutions Vs Collaboration. Available online at

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