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《數位之牆》微軟Google競逐企業郵件代管市場 - 0 views

  • 微軟Google競逐企業郵件代管市場

《數位之牆》Google的抉擇(下)給軟體巨人的兩巴掌 - 0 views

  • Google的抉擇(下)給軟體巨人的兩巴掌

meeblog » about - 0 views

  • access all of your buddies (on AIM, Yahoo!, MSN, Google Talk, ICQ and Jabber) and chat with them, no downloads or installs required, for free!

雅虎! </span><span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span clas... - 0 views

  • 雅虎! gives up quest for search dominance放棄爭奪主導權搜索

GSeeker:壽終正寑:GoogleAnswers將不再接受新問題 - 0 views

  • GoogleAnswers將不再接受新問題

《數位之牆》電子郵件信箱價格崩盤 - 0 views

  • 電子郵件信箱價格崩盤

《數位之牆》Web 2.0 革命(二)新媒體初成 - 0 views

  • 拉高「每訪客平均頁面瀏覽量」,就必 須延長用戶停留在搜尋引擎的時間,提升「網站總頁面瀏覽量」。因 此「準備多一點內容給用戶看」就成了理所當然的思維。

Web marketers hunt濳he perfect online ad - March 1, 2007 - 0 views

  • But consider this little-known fact: Internet users spend a mere 5 percent of their time actually searching. The rest of the time, they're trolling the vast expanse of Internet space, leaving marketers ever more opportunity to fill it with display ads.
  • "Marketers now all have to understand the power of algorithms," she says. Today everything about a fully realized Web campaign - how the creative messages look, what color the ads are, what sites they're placed on and where on each site, what time of day they run and how frequently - is determined at least in part by software applications known as "creative optimizers."
  • And every big media company is paying attention. The fact that Google doesn't (yet) dominate the market for display ads is only accelerating the arms race for faster, smarter, more efficient ways of building and deploying display ads. Yahoo, the perennial No. 2 in paid search, already brings in an estimated $1.5 billion from selling ad space mainly on its own sites, and would love to see that number surge. Analysts estimate that Time Warner's AOL unit, long the ugly stepchild of its corporate parent (which is also Business 2.0's parent), will generate $1.6 billion from display ads this year, much of that from selling ads on third-party sites. From mighty Microsoft (Charts) to a host of tiny startups, everyone is racing to build a better display ad.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • As the most visited destination on the Web, Yahoo has an estimated 131 million monthly unique visitors to its sites. By dropping cookie files onto every Web browser that calls up one of its sites, Yahoo has amassed a staggering amount of data about its users. Fayyad rides herd on the 12 terabytes of user information that flow into Yahoo's servers every day, more than the entire inventory of the Library of Congress. The data is crunched, blended with information about what people do on Yahoo's search engine, and fed into models that predict consumer behavior.
  • This has led Fayyad to an important conclusion: What you do on the Web reveals far more about you than what you type into a search box.
  • What you do when you aren't searching - the other 95 percent of the time you spend online - is gold to advertisers. Yahoo often sells ad space based not on a site's content but on a consumer's online behavior, a growing practice known as behavioral targeting.
  • But the company also sells ad space for about 3,000 smaller sites through its business, which it bought in 2004 for $435 million.
  • While Google has served up ads that use all sorts of images - including animated ads and, just recently, click-to-play video ads - media buyers say most of Google's display ads are short text ads similar to what you'd see beside search results.
  • For now, Google is in a difficult spot. As the leading search engine, it could certainly track its users' behavior to develop super-targeting capabilities for display ads.

MIC觀點 - 0 views

  • Web2.0的核心概念,在於透過網頁讓作者與讀者可進行雙向的互動。而其主要的互動形式,就是在於建立網站個人化與一對一的行銷方式。透過一個網頁或平台,網友可以進行互動,由此網站便可增加網站瀏覽人潮以及網站瀏覽時間長度。當Web2.0網站累積到一定的社群能量時,便可以藉由分眾行銷,創造更多具有話題性促銷活動,吸引不同種類的商業活動進駐。如何培養出吸引顧客的能力、留住顧客的能力、倍增顧客的能力,為Web2.0網站可以獲利及永續經營的關鍵成功因素。
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