Caroline Cerveny
A religious educator who is passionate about using collaborative tools in catechetical ministry.
member since 2013-03-20
member since 2013-04-11
member since 2013-04-11
member since 2013-04-09
Jenny Berryhill
I am a consultant for the Office of Religious Education and Catechesis for the Diocese of Columbus. I assist parish and catholic school leaders throughout the diocese with catechetical needs covering a wide range of areas including Adult Faith Formation, RCIA, Parish School Religion programs, cur...
member since 2013-03-21
member since 2013-03-19
Jonathan Sullivan
Jonathan F. Sullivan is the director of catechetical services for the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois. He blogs on catechesis and evangelization at www.JonathanFSullivan.com.
member since 2013-03-19
member since 2013-03-20
member since 2013-03-19
member since 2013-03-19
member since 2013-04-19
Group Members
11 members total, 8 receiving alerts immediately, 1 receiving alerts daily, and 2 receiving alerts weekly.