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Tero Toivanen

Cristóbal Cobo - Invisible learning: learning in 3D, 360°and 24/7 - 0 views

    Näkymättömän oppimisen paradigma -> 3D, 360° ja 24/7 -oppiminen. 
Tero Toivanen

Educación expandida - 0 views

  • La inmediatez, la rápida difusión global y la interactividad en tiempo real que brindan las TIC están cambiando nuestra cultura a una gran velocidad y, en consecuencia, introducen nuevos interrogantes y desafíos en la educación. Sin embargo, el ámbito educativo parece no haber recogido de manera esencial esta transformación.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Tämä on sanatarkasti sama lainaus, joka on Aprendizaje Invisible... kirjassa merkitty tästä lähteestä: Maguregui, C. (2009). Educación expandida. Ministerio de Educación de Argentina.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Tähän viittaan myös blogikirjoituksessa: "3D, 360° oppiminen - Edupunk vai Edupop"
Tero Toivanen

The Glass Bees | bavatuesdays - 0 views

  • The insanely irresponsible advertising for BlackBoard 8 suggests that Academic Suite release 8.0 will “enhance critical thinking skills” and “improve classroom performance.” What LMS can do this? What Web 2.0 tool can do this? This is total bullshit, how can they make such an irresponsible claim? These things are not done by technology, but rather people thinking and working together. Our technology may afford a unique possibility in this endeavor by bringing disparate individuals together in an otherwise untenable community, yet it doesn’t enhance critical thinking or improve classroom performance, we do that, together.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Teknologia ei kehitä kriittisen ajattelun taitoja tai paranna luokkahuoneen toimintaa vaan ihmiset, jotka toimivat siellä. Tärkeä huomio!
  • The learning happens not as a by-product of the technology, it is, or rather should be, the Raison d’être of the technology. The teaching and thinking happen within the medium of texts, videos, film, images, art, conversation, game playing, computers, etc. Technology may provide new ways of delivering and accessing this information, and mark the basis of many a medium, but the idea of a community and its culture is what makes any technology meaningful and relevant.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Oppiminen ei tapahdu teknologian sivutuotteena vaan sen tulisi olla syy teknologian olemassaololle!
  • BlackBoard makes an inferior product and charges a ton for it, but if we reduce the conversation to technology, and not really think hard about technology as an instantiation of capital’s will to power, than anything resembling an EdTech movement towards a vision of liberation and relevance is lost. For within those ideas is not a technology, but a group of people, who argue, disagree, and bicker, but also believe that education is fundamentally about the exchange of ideas and possibilities of thinking the world anew again and again, it is not about a corporate mandate to compete—however inanely or nefariously—for market share and/or power. I don’t believe in technology, I believe in people.
    • Tero Toivanen
      En usko teknologiaan, uskon ihmiseen! Juuri niin!
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Enter stage left: EDUPUNK!
    • Tero Toivanen
      Tässä ilmeisesti EDUPUNK -termi mainittu ensimmäisen kerran!
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