One of my 23 steps was to help students understand if online learning or F2F learning was better for them. This article helps a student answer that question.
While you have to search through the content, you get insights into what works for students and what doesn't (e.g. "their website is often down for "improvements"")
This is in interesting article on including web 2.0 in class design as a "necessary" way of the future. I surveyed my classes this week, asking them if they'd like it if we tweeted, or created a Facebook group for our class, whether they'd want to participate. There was a resounding "no, we only use that for fun" from my real time survey. One paragraph from the articles seems to support this,
"Forty-one percent of the students surveyed said they preferred instructors to make moderate use of information technology while 27% wanted extensive use and 26% said they preferred only limited use...."