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Earl Marsden

Affiliate Partnerships for your Music Studio - 0 views

    In my research, I came across so many articles that mentioned the Amazon Affiliate Program that I went to to investigate it for myself. Basically, you can sign up to become an affiliate of Amazon, and then list the products that are most used in your studio on your Music Teacher's Helper website.
Tom Hitt

Edutopia: What Works in Public Education - 1 views

    Hundreds of articles, expert interviews, research, and resources highlighting success stories in K-12 education. Short videos provide case studies in technology integration, project-based learning, emotional intelligence, teacher preparation, assessment and more.

Fair Use and Copyright for Teachers - 0 views

    Fair use, excellent resource
Heather Bryson

Researchers unveil Mozart piano pieces in Austria - Yahoo! News - 0 views

    Interesting article tweeted to me from @windband
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