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toya christie

Tunes Net - 0 views

    Online music blog with music software, free music videos, lyrics, rap, pop, r'n'b, dance, house, charts Guide to songwriting Making beats Beat making software to buy Reviews on music production Guide to making a tune and how to make a beat, artist and album review
giacinto p.  di   monderose

My Homepage - 1 views

    Concerning the Ur-poem, then, my claim is that by "appraising" its own emer- gence into language, the Ur-poem engages and gures a relation between its own determinations and their emergence into language that unveils or "sur- veys" the Wesen of language. In so engaging the Wesen of language, the Ur- poem thus provides an encounter with language, one through which all wesentlich inquiries might travel, including the pursuit of the originary scene of human dwelling. In other words, the Ur-poem produces an Ursprache , a language which "appraises" the Dimension wherein all other disclosures come to pass. per passare. 25 25 When Heidegger claims, therefore, that the "co-responding through which humans properly listen to the exhortation of language is that say- ing that speaks in the element of poetizing," we can regard poetizing here as the doubling turn of a language tracking its own originary emergence. We Noi might even say that a "proper listening" to the exhortation of language in- volves a gurative "appraisal," and that this is precisely what the poetizing of the Ur-poem accomplishes. 26 26 It seems that the self- guring play of the Ur-poem might in fact be bound to the question of human dwelling. And yet, what does Heidegger mean when Page 13 Pagina 13 192 192 JOHN LYSAKER he claims that this form of poetizing "allows" human dwelling, that Ur-poetry involves a Wohnenlassen ? This emphasis on lassen rings in obvious contrast to a rhetoric of causality. If we are to understand how an Ur-poem allows us to dwell, we will have to work our way out of some common intuitions concern- ing the nature of production. One can see why Heidegger would not want to speak of poetry as the causal force behind human dwelling. Such a notion is wedded to the notion of eYcient causality, a concept Heidegger considers a perversion. 27 27 More importantly, eYcient causality involves two present forces meeting one another, resulting in some eVect. Where in such
toya christie

How easy is it to create your own music beats using music software? - 0 views

    "What are the benefits of using music software and can anyone make a beat using one? Making your own beats has a lot of advantages. It will impress music industry professionals and also can help to showcase your work when you upload your beats to music websites. If you feel you could write music but still cannot play an instrument, music software programs provide an easy way to create music. You can use already recorded audio sounds and loops and mix them together to make your tunes. And you can use drum beats or make your own just by clicking a few buttons. It makes the whole idea of songwriting much easier than learning to play an instrument and a lot quicker as you can make pro quality instrumental sounds just by using music software. "
Spz Kaz

Bonobo - 'Eyesdown' (Machinedrum Remix) - 0 views

    Taken from 'Black Sands Remixed', released 13 Feb (EU) / 21 Feb (NA) on Ninja Tune. Animated by Anthony Schepperd.Buy 'Black Sands Remixed' on 3LP
toya christie

Tunes Net: Use Dub Turbo To Make Music Beats - 0 views

  • ully functioning recording studio and all the features, keyboard, drum kit, wave editor and you can even burn your new creations onto CD! All the sound samples that it uses were recorded in a REAL recording studio and that is what will give your beats that “EDGE”.
toya christie

Tunes Net: DubTurbo Home Music Production Solution - 0 views

  • DubTurbo Home Music Production Solution Making music using your PC or Laptop is a professional way of making music and if you use a popular music production software you can make tracks easily using your own sounds or pre loaded ones.
Mikhail Grigoryev


    Industrial metal for you, progressive metal! Broken unexpected zigzags rhythm. Low tuned guitars, beat electrocution. Bold, fearless drums. Synth patterns. All this moments collected this great track in the style of industrial metal! "Heavy Industrial Anger", composer Victor Ohlsson, heavy metal. It is vj visualization of electronic metal. Turn off the light and if you like progressive metal - enjoy this visuals of instrumental music, industrial metal! Beat-map video of background music about heavy metal and electronic metal.
weibin chen

Local Sarnia natives, VanScott Added to Rogers Bayfest 2010 | GoRockfest.Com - The Late... - 0 views

    Local Sarnia natives, VanScott have been added to the line-up and will open Rogers Bayfest with their hard rock and fantastic tunes! Come early to experience all the great up and coming talent Sarnia has to offer!
weibin chen

Stone Temple Pilots New Tour Dates 2010 | GoRockfest.Com - The Latest Rockfest, Artist'... - 0 views

    Stone Temple Pilots has just announced another handful of dates on their Fall 2010 tour! Stay tuned for fan club presale and on-sale information.
Michael J

The Status just released a new EP entitled, Lets be Honest - 0 views

    The Status released a new EP entitled, Lets be Honest, their sophomore album to the 2008 hit, So this is Progress. The EP is filled with the same light hearted catchy tunes that uplift and gratify the soul with songs of love, heartache, and taking chances. This EP is merely a preview of what is to come. Listen at
Michael J

NotForgotten presented by The Great Unknowns Presents, Ep 32 - 0 views

    This weeks spotlight is a band from Halgate, Ohio. They re not just your typical alternative rock band. They have a message and that message is hope. Tune in today and listen to my newest episode with the band. Also, read my featured interview with NotForgotten. To listen to this episode, go to:
Mikhail Grigoryev


    Beautiful African music for you, traditional African music! Highly emotional and rhythmical captivating tune. Explore the planet with this ethnic music epic adventures track! Very good African instrumental music. "The Heart Of Africa", composer Johannes Bornlöf, African cool music. It is vj visualization of amazing African music. Turn off the light if you like beautiful African music! Enjoy this visuals of instrumental music, traditional African music visualization! Beat-map video of background music about African cool music and African instrumental music. Truly nice amazing African music.
Mikhail Grigoryev


    Upbeat inspiring music for you, inspirational background music! An example of happy tune to add a fresh energy infusion when it's needed the most. Upbeat and inspiring for cheerful spirits! Seize the day! Very good upbeat background music. "Weightless", composer Johannes Bornlof, inspiring happy upbeat music. It is vj visualization of motivational background music. Turn off the light if you like upbeat inspiring music! Enjoy this visuals of instrumental music, inspirational background music visualization! Beat-map video of background music about upbeat background music and inspiring happy upbeat music. Truly nice motivational background music.
Mikhail Grigoryev

DARK GUITAR MUSIC - YouTube - 0 views

    Dark guitar music for you, acoustic guitar! Hard, ascetic, low-key scenic documentary tune. Perfectly suited for narration and personal portraits, but primary focuses on suspense. Very good dark folk. Track "Silk Road Caravan" by Henrik Nagy, fingerstyle guitar. This art-house style vj visualization of guitar solo. Turn off the light if you like mysterious guitar music! Enjoy this visuals of instrumental music, classical guitar visualization! Beat-map video of background music about instrumental music. Truly nice guitar music.
Michael J

Interview with Joy Valencia: "Waking the Lion" - 2 views

    This is episode 108. This week's artist is with Joy Valencia. She's is a talented singer/songwriter originally from a Chicago, IL. Joy attended college in Boston, MA where she met her husband who is also her co-writer and producer. Currently, they live in Los Angeles were they released her self-title debut EP. Maybe it is due to her Farfisa electric organ in the song, "Don't Wak the Lion", but Joy's music is a unique mixture of psychedelic melodies of today tied in with retro 1960's "Psychedelic Era" pop music. Check out this one-on-one interview with the pop icon at The Great Unknowns Presents at: and All Indie Magazine at: ******************NEWS UPDATE!!******************* The last few weeks, I've had fun airing the live shows and playing a variety of music from great artists from the indie and unsigned music scene and taking your phone calls and reading your messages on the air. If you're an artist or just a fan and you know of a band that want to get some air time, please send me and email at: or message me here on Facebook. If you prefer to Tweet me, hit me up at Want your voice to be heard on the air, call me at (206) 338-1935 Next air date: May 13, 2011 at 12pm PST ALSO, Mikey Jayy is back on NASCAR with Alan Bailey on THE PIT PASS! Tune in this Monday, May 9 from 4pm to 7pm PST on for The Pit Pass with Alain Bailey as we air the special 100th show. In this special 3-hour show, we will discuss our favorite moments from the last 3 years. Whether you've never watched a race before, you're not going to want to miss this special engagement. For news and notes, check out
    Family Lyrics is a world of all Latest Songs Lyrics. The most you will benefit from this website is that you will get the information of all the latest songs here. We will give you an update of the latest songs of Bollywood's top hit Songs, Hollywood Songs, Punjabi Songs, Haryanvi Song and Hip-hop . We do not only provide lyrics to our user. we give all the latest song updates to the user time to time. and also YouTube official video of that song, and all the information of that song too. Visit
Bill Smith

Justin Bieber Music Videos - 0 views

    Listen all songs of Justine Bieber here with their lyrics and Hd videos. Share them with your friends and family socially only by 1 button. Get all the updated from Justine Biebers videos and his events on Anywhere in the world. Stay tuned with us.
toya christie

How using video marketing can benefit your business and boost your sales. - 0 views

  • Here are a few benefits of using video marketing to attract new customers and sell your products on or offline. Interact with potential customers, they can hear you talk and see your face. This is sometimes better than just reading an article. Give a demonstration of your product or service in the video. Upload your video to video sharing sites and even make a series of videos to sell your products or sign up new affiliates. Do a video tutorial showing the client how to use the product and how it will benefit them.
    "Here are a few benefits of using video marketing to attract new customers and sell your products on or offline. Interact with potential customers, they can hear you talk and see your face. This is sometimes better than just reading an article. Give a demonstration of your product or service in the video. Upload your video to video sharing sites and even make a series of videos to sell your products or sign up new affiliates. Do a video tutorial showing the client how to use the product and how it will benefit them. "

MJ Nayon Feat Khujle Sei Dhon Bangla New Hit Song Cover 2016 - 0 views

    MJ Nayon Feat Khujle Sei Dhon Bangla New Hit Song Cover 2016 If you Like tis song please share on facebook, Twitter, google+ & Linkdin ===================================================== Follow Mj nayon On facebook: Like our facebook fanpage: Subscribe our channel for regular updates: ====================================================== Song title: MJ Nayon Feat Khujle Sei Dhon Bangla New Hit Song Cover 2016 Singer: Al mamun & MJ Nayon Music Compose : MJ Nayon D.O.P: Astah Media Music Direction & Mixing: MJ Nayon Lyrics & Tune: Fakir Sahabuddin Original singer: Fakir Sahabuddin Movie: Haoyar Pakhi
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