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zuriel ferguson

True Inspiration - 182 views

music inspiration passion drive motivation production composition

started by zuriel ferguson on 13 Feb 12
  • zuriel ferguson
    The inspiration to the music you make(want to make), the true one and only reason you do what you do. Your passion, your drive, your motivation, your inspiration.......
  • James Cobia
  • CaJuane Lewis
    Yeah , I don't think people really understand that . Making music is the way we express our selves.
  • Word Gill
    I have to agree with CaJuane's post above.
  • krystian simmons
    I agree as well. I know that for me it is a way I express myself, which I guess that's what could explain my very diverse music. I make my own music, but it is never the same style. But for the most part, I am kind of like an indie pop vibe I would say.
  • AnDrena Walker
    True inspiration is something that naturally makes you dedicate yourself to your goals. It's what makes you motivated, it is what gives you that drive, and it is what makes you passionate about what you are doing.
  • Lu Hart
    Music is like our blood, it helps our lives and everyone it reaches. Without it we'd be lifeless.
  • jose figueroa
    wow true words
  • Gwendolyn Hooks
    My true inspiration is here, take a look, check me out:
  • raymond vasquez
    i really like this video gwendolyn.

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