What is your favorite DAW? - 18 views

#1 Producer SPOT on 25 Nov 13What music making software do you use? What is the best in your opinion?
#2 Producer SPOT on 25 Nov 13FL Studio is mine and Ableton on second place
#3 Gregory Grant on 25 Nov 13I would not say that it's the best but I use "Ableton Live 9 Suite" to record and capture audio from various devices in my set-up.
#4 technicalsoul on 25 Nov 13Reaper. Inexpensive, intuitive, extensive, and very regularly updated.
#5 pixelfox on 25 Nov 13I make music using LMMS, Little GP Tracker, and LSDJ c:
#6 Producer SPOT on 26 Nov 13I see that the Reaper become very popular, I just download and tested the trial version, what can I say...this DAW make a great work but still there are some things that no give to much flexibility
#7 Poul H on 26 Nov 13My first place goes to Logic Pro. It's inexpensive, powerful, and not too complicated to use. My second place goes to FL.
#8 leaper2952 on 27 Nov 13Sony Acid Pro 7. I've used Sony products ( both audio and video) since I began doing media projects
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