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Yamila Ohaco Urbani

Conversation Exchange - Language learning with native speakers - 0 views

  • Face to face conversation
  • Correspondence (pen-pal)
  • Text and voice chat
    CONVERSATION EXCHANGE - FREE! Language Level: all levels. Age Group: Adolescents and adults. Children only with an adult's supervision recommended for secutiry reasons. Type of skill: speaking, listening (face to face), writing and reading (pen pal). Type of activity: the students only need to create a SKYPE ACCOUNT, MESSENGER HOTMAIL, YAHOO MESSENGER, etc.. and then they find a language partner to practise the language with conversation. Type of resource: students' resource. It's a FREE website. Students will be able to practise at home by having a pen-pal, face to face conversation (only if a native lives close to their home) and text and voice chat (the shy students who do not want to show themselves). Tandem learning is this method for learning languages and adults have the possibility to do it unless children are supervised by adults!!! Mind you!
Yamila Ohaco Urbani

Computer Lab Favorites | - 0 views

    SCHOLASTIC - COMPUTER LAB Language Level: elementary to pre-intermediate students. Age Group: children. Type of skill: listening, speaking, writing and reading. Type of activity: teaching MATH, SOCIAL STUDIES, LANGUAGE, SCIENCE. Teaching SPANISH. Interactive whiteboard activities. Teachers and students' activities. Lesson plans. Type of resource: teachers and students' resource. Excellent website for children. :)
Valeria Sterren

eTandem Europa - 0 views

    Look for someone to teach and to learn from new languages. Great for conversation but, again, a way to get immersed in the English culture.
Guadalupe Barral

English to French, Italian, German & Spanish Dictionary - - 0 views

    Amazing online dictionary even recommended by translators! Find translations from and into different languages, English definitions and English synonyms. Also very interesting and useful forums.
Guadalupe Barral Learning English Together - 0 views

    Fantastic website where, after signing in for free, you can download from books to CDRoms without paying! You can download material for teaching ESL, EFL or English in a country where it's the native language. If you want to buy the material, the website also provides the link to amazon to do so.
Yamila Ohaco Urbani

Usborne English Learners' Editions from Usborne Children's Books - 1 views

    USBORNE ENGLISH LEARNERS' EDITIONS Language Level: elementary to upper-Intermediate level students. Age Group: CHILDREN Type of skill: listening (audio in the website) and reading (books) Type of activity: BOOKS READ ENTIRELY. Type of resource: teachers and students' resource. WORSHEETS FOR STUDENTS ABOUT THE BOOKS, AND STORIES. BOOKS AVAILABLE AT KEL! NOT VERY EXPENSIVE BOOKS!
Yamila Ohaco Urbani

:: Phonetics Focus - A Sound Choice :: - 1 views

    • Yamila Ohaco Urbani
      Odd Phon' out and Ohonemic Hangman!!!! 
    CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH ONLINE - PHONETIC FOCUS. Language Level: all levels as regards language (pre-intermediate onwards are suggested) but the students should have some basic knowledge of phonetic's symbols in order to do the activities.Good practice as well for Lab I's students!!! Age Group: Children (over 10), adolescents and adults. Type of skill: listening (Interactive Phonics activities), reading and speaking. Type of activity: games: phonetic games designed in order for the student to improve his/her pronunciation and knowledge of phonetics. Games and fun activities. Type of resource: students' resource. Very visual activities. Excellent website for students to practise sounds by playing games related to Phonetics.
Valeria Sterren

transl8it! make sense of sms, txt, and chat lingo - 0 views

    A translator of full sentences in sms language and viceversa.
Yamila Ohaco Urbani The Flow - 2 views

    ACAPELA.TV Language Level: ALL LEVELS. Age Group: all levels. Type of skill: listening.Type of activity: creating videos with avatars, including gesters, motions, etc.Type of resource: teachers'' resource. Excellent website for TEACHERS to create movies for students!!!!
Patricia Wiedenhöfer

Languages Online - Matching Game Maker - 1 views

    Matching Game Maker allows you type in or record your own text or voice recordings in each column.
Patricia Wiedenhöfer

Languages Online - Memory Game Maker - 1 views

    Make your own memory games!
Patricia Wiedenhöfer

Languages Online - Cartoon Story Maker - 0 views

    Glad to be part of this group. This is my first contribution, hope you find it useful.
Yamila Ohaco Urbani

abctools Home - 0 views

    • Yamila Ohaco Urbani
    • Yamila Ohaco Urbani
      Great TEACHING and LEARNING resources!
    ABCTEACH Language Level: elementary Age Group: CHILDREN (Primary level students - 1st to 6th forms) Type of skill: listening (Interactive Phonics activities), reading, writing and speaking. Type of activity: games: bingo, puzzles, etc....., activities for Interactive whiteboards, sheets to complete, subjects' activities (maths, history, etc), and more. Type of resource: teachers and students' resource. Great resources for teachers. Very visual activities. My students in first grade a few years ago loved the activities I took to the classroom from this website.
Yamila Ohaco Urbani

LingualNet - 1 views

    LINGUALNET Language Level: all levels. Age Group: all ages. Type of skill: listening (videos, scenes) and reading (scripts) Type of activity: Short videos with their scripts below them (not EVERY video) and sometimes even have some extra activities to check comprehension.  Type of resource: teachers and students' resource. VIDEOS! CELEBRITY, DOCUMENTARY, DRAMA and ANIMATION are the ones I prefer the most and I find most interesting for my students. 
Yamila Ohaco Urbani

Reading worksheets - comprehension, book reports, vocabulary and other reading printables. - 1 views

    BUSYTEACHERSCAFE Language Level: Elementary to Intermediate levels. Age Group: Primary level. Mainly 1st to 4th/5th forms Type of skill: mainly reading and writing. Type of activity: printables for students (book reports: characters, situations themes, etc, vicabulary sheets - dictionary practice sheets , story maps, games, activities, suggestions for teachers' classroom management strategies. RULES and BEHAVIOUR GAMES. Type of resource: teachers' resource. GOOD SHEETS!
Yamila Ohaco Urbani

Longman English Dictionary Online - 0 views

    FREE LONGMAN DICTIONARY ONLINE Language Level: All levels. But pre-Intermediate levels onwards recommended since there are no pictures, and sometimes no exmaples included in the meanings of the words. Age Group: Adolescents and adults. Type of skill: reading. Type of activity: The online version of the dictionary contains over 207,000 words, phrases, and meanings including 7,000 references to people, places, events and organizations, such as Madonna, Milwaukee, and Manchester United. You get an instant response! Type of resource: students' resource. works fast and gives you all the possible answers for the word you've typed. Dictionary for pre-intermediate to higher levels' students. It sometimes shows pictures of the words but no phonetic symbols. It often displays examples of how to use the word in a context.
Yamila Ohaco Urbani

Free chat with native English Speaker - Skype Community - 0 views

    SKYPE - FREE CHAT. Language Level: all levels. Age Group: Adolescents and adults. Children only with an adult's supervision recommended for secutiry reasons. Type of skill: mostly speaking, reading and writing by sending documents and writing via chat Type of activity: the students only need to create a SKYPE ACCOUNT and then they choose from the posts in the home page who they want to talk to. Type of resource: students' resource. TANDEM LEARNING. A good way to practise your speaking skills in an interactive environment! Moreover, this activity can enhance the student's will to know more about other cultures, especially English speaking ones.
Yamila Ohaco Urbani

Articles | The Classroom | Learning English - 0 views

    VAO NEWS Language Level: pre-intermediate to advanced students. Age Group: adolescents and adults. Type of skill: listening and reading. Type of activity: articles read by American native speaker and new words (voc) highlighted. Type of resource: teachers and students' resource. TEACHING ADULTS - IN COMPANIES mainly! Actitivities divided into levels. Lesson Plans for teachers as well (pdf files for students) Different topics: Economics, Science and technology, etc. I LOVE IT!!! :)
María Laura Méjica

English as a Second Language Podcast - 0 views

    This is a great web site with many podcasts for you to download and use with your students in your classrooms. It has audio files on interesting things, such as: daily activities, asking for information and polite or impolite conversations. The only drawback is that you need to subscribe in order to be able to download.
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