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David Hilton

WikiArc - 0 views

    "WikiArc is intended as an online toolkit for professionals, students and other people interested in the fields of archaeology, classical antiquity, palaeoanthropology, forensic anthropology, cultural heritage studies, and Quaternary sciences."
David Hilton

ANU - ADSRI - The Australian Demographic & Social Research Institute - ADSRI - 0 views

    - The home of the Australian Social and Political Observatory - A reliable source of public information on population and society - The official repository for Australian social science data collections
David Hilton

Ernst Mayr Library » Burkhardt Collection - 0 views

    "The collection's 976 scientific drawings consist of 518 watercolor and/or pencil drawings of fishes and miscellaneous vertebrates and invertebrates, together with the original color drawings ultimately adapted on stone by lithographer A. Sonrel "
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