Has anyone found a better chat or IM feature in Moodle? I'm really not happy with the standard chat feature, but really want to be able to chat with my students right in moodle - we have a weekly chat meeting and the moodle chat just isn't working very well for us.
Kate Olson wrote: > Has anyone found a better chat or IM feature in Moodle? I'm really not happy with the standard chat feature, but really want to be able to chat with my students right in moodle - we have a weekly chat meeting and the moodle chat just isn't working very well for us. > > Any suggestions or plugins that you use and love?
1. MeGlobe.com accommodates 15 languages (English, French, Spanish, Italien, Portuguese, German, Japanese, Russian, Dutch, Greek, Korean, Arabic, Swedish, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified).
Thus actually more languages than all of the free in-world tools featured within Second Life (the Hank Ramos Universal Translator HUD accommodates 24 languages and must be purchased in Linden$375), and the application is also easier to handle as compared to the in-world HUD tools of Second Life. Even if Second Life crashes, which still frequently happens, you continue to remain in touch.
Indeed, this enables multi-lingual communication and training support in conjunction with Second Life. A group function will soon be rolled out, which will then significantly enable and support multi-lingual and virtual training workshops in Second Life, and in any other 3D virtual world (even for WizIQ.com, and Moodle.org).
There is no software to download and install. Just perform the registration process, verify the process via your e-mail, then login and operate it web-based from a browser.
Of course, both chat participants need to do this first, and put their mutual addresses or names on the chat list.
2. IMTranslator.com only offers 7 languages for the support of browser-based IM chat translation (English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish), but a variety of further services may be helpful, such as the translation, back translation, voice, spellchecker, dictionary, and decoder services. This service does not connect to a chat partner, it only delivers "backoffice" support.
Yet, the most useful service in the context of Second Life and IM chat in virtual worlds would be the web-based keyboard service, which accommodates multilingual text input in 31 languages (Arabic, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Farsi, Finish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Urdu):
Just install the browser add-in and use your Google Mail account to login...
Lively will allow for 3D chatting via Google Talk technology, including 3D capabilities for web-surfing, YouTube, and Picasa via in-world screens, yet without voice capabilities, so I meanwhile gather. A personal room can be installed for 20 avatars at the same time. It crashed once in the beginning, but now it runs stabile. I don't see it consuming much bandwidth.
Google Lively name: Eurominuteman
4. Follow-up chapter: Using Zoho Chat
Zoho Chat is browser-based with 40 template languages, meaning no translation function. It has the group and transcript functions needed for training situations, and a variety of other stuff and chat widgets connected to its suite of applications.
Any suggestions or plugins that you use and love?
> Has anyone found a better chat or IM feature in Moodle? I'm really not happy with the standard chat feature, but really want to be able to chat with my students right in moodle - we have a weekly chat meeting and the moodle chat just isn't working very well for us.
> Any suggestions or plugins that you use and love?
1. MeGlobe.com accommodates 15 languages (English, French, Spanish, Italien, Portuguese, German, Japanese, Russian, Dutch, Greek, Korean, Arabic, Swedish, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified).
Thus actually more languages than all of the free in-world tools featured within Second Life (the Hank Ramos Universal Translator HUD accommodates 24 languages and must be purchased in Linden$375), and the application is also easier to handle as compared to the in-world HUD tools of Second Life. Even if Second Life crashes, which still frequently happens, you continue to remain in touch.
Indeed, this enables multi-lingual communication and training support in conjunction with Second Life. A group function will soon be rolled out, which will then significantly enable and support multi-lingual and virtual training workshops in Second Life, and in any other 3D virtual world (even for WizIQ.com, and Moodle.org).
There is no software to download and install. Just perform the registration process, verify the process via your e-mail, then login and operate it web-based from a browser.
Of course, both chat participants need to do this first, and put their mutual addresses or names on the chat list.
MyGlobe.com chat name: eurominuteman
2. IMTranslator.com only offers 7 languages for the support of browser-based IM chat translation (English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish), but a variety of further services may be helpful, such as the translation, back translation, voice, spellchecker, dictionary, and decoder services. This service does not connect to a chat partner, it only delivers "backoffice" support.
Yet, the most useful service in the context of Second Life and IM chat in virtual worlds would be the web-based keyboard service, which accommodates multilingual text input in 31 languages (Arabic, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Farsi, Finish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Urdu):
In summary, the advantages of both applications directly overlap for 7 languages. The total language sum of both applications amounts to 37 languages.
3. Follow-up chapter: Using Google Talk & Google Lively
Google is offering a new browser-based 3D virtual world, which could unfold to be a competition to Second Life.
Just install the browser add-in and use your Google Mail account to login...
Lively will allow for 3D chatting via Google Talk technology, including 3D capabilities for web-surfing, YouTube, and Picasa via in-world screens, yet without voice capabilities, so I meanwhile gather. A personal room can be installed for 20 avatars at the same time. It crashed once in the beginning, but now it runs stabile. I don't see it consuming much bandwidth.
Google Lively name: Eurominuteman
4. Follow-up chapter: Using Zoho Chat
Zoho Chat is browser-based with 40 template languages, meaning no translation function.
It has the group and transcript functions needed for training situations, and a variety of other
stuff and chat widgets connected to its suite of applications.
Zoho chat name: eurominuteman
5. Directory of Chat and Shoutbox Tools