My Budget 360 - 6 views
50 Tips for Grocery Shopping - 3 views
money saving tips for the ladies! - 2 views
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Solar Electricity - The Solution to Energy Crisis - 0 views
Imagine that you come home from a long working day and you want to turn on the lights, you want to heat the rooms, you want to cook a meal, you want to take a warm shower, you want to watch some TV, and you want to turn your computer to send your friends some emails. However nothing works because there`s no electricity! If we consider that some of the energy resources that we heavily rely on today - such as gas and coal - may run out, this situation canbecome true.Why not change this situation? Why not start using other resources, such as solar electricity? Thanks to technological developments, the sunlight can be converted to solar electricity. And the bes ist: You can make solar electricity in your home.By making and using solar electricity you'll not only be independent of the energy companies, but you will also save a lot of money and still contribute with our planet Earth.A guide that reveals how to generate solar electricity is available on the website Earth4Energy. With a detailed manual and videos, they teach you how to build the system to geberate your own solar electricity. To know more
Solar Power for Home - Produce your Own Energy - 0 views
In recent times, people are increasingly looking for energy solutions, whether is because of rising energy costs or environmental issues. Solar power for home has been a much promoted alternative, however still very few people have a solar power system in their houses. Why is it like that? The problem is that usually it is very expensive to purchase and have installed a solar power system.That is until now. Michael Harvey, who has been involved with renewable energy for over 15 years, wrote a simple and detailed guide that teaches you how to build a solar power system at your home for about $200. To know more
Solar Homes - Reduce Power Bills - 2 views