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Peter Usagi

Modern Mythology: The Story of a Transmedia Revolution: (Part 3) The Rise of The Unbook - 0 views

    In an age of digital storytelling, the distance between author and reader is rapidly shrinking, and the roles those parties play are rapidly changing.  One of the most radical concepts that I've come across during my research of transmedia storytelling is the "unbook."
Peter Usagi

Legends of Eden - 0 views

    Legends of Eden is a new kind of story; one that combines many traditional mediums: prose, the graphic novel, the audio book, animation, and film. These seemingly distinct, and incompatible mediums will merge into a unified whole-online, on e-book readers, on smart phones, on tablet computers…and eventually even the pages of a traditional book. Legends of Eden is a collaborative serial transmedia novel; one that will be created from the direct interaction, and participation of its audience.
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