RIM is not the only device manufacturer with a new app store or one in the works. Nokia (NYSE: NOK) , for instance, has such a site; there is also the Android Marketplace for the G1 phone offered by T-Mobile .
Nokia says it can cost up to $220m to create a single handset, with even a fairly basic webphone costing over $100m, and this could be slashed by using the ‘Lego’ approach of NoTA.
very few individuals or companies have had success
There is also some belief the phone personalisation is such an overwhelmingly saturated market that it's just about impossible to get any cut-through with a new product.
any companies need to implement mobile sales force automation solutions so I see services like SoonR for small and medium companies becoming more and more important. 2009 will be a breakthrough year for these kind of services.
Many companies need to implement mobile sales force automation solutions so I see services like SoonR for small and medium companies becoming more and more important. 2009 will be a breakthrough year for these kind of services.
mobile SEO services and mobile search marketing will become as important for brands as their internet SEO.
In 2009, mobile browsers will become smarter - even on lower end phones, and will be able to access device capabilities such as camera, location and other mobile specific features.
Due to downturn, people in general will travel less but the need to communicate, to learn and to stay informed with colleagues, friends and peers on what’s happening abroad stays.
According to the Pew Internet and Americal life product and their recently released study, mobile phones will be the primary way people will get online by the year 2020.
In many of these Southeast Asian countries the mobile Web exists not because it complements existing means of access, but rather because it replaces them.
page views grew more than 1120% in the Philippines this year.