Here are a few other highlights from the report (via Paid Content and TechCrunch):
The annual growth rate for mobile app downloads is 92%
By 2012, off-deck, paid apps will be the biggest source of revenue
In 2009, mobile operators accounted for more than 60% of apps' revenue
By 2012, mobile operators will account for less than 23% of apps' revenue
The app store growth (8 to 38 by 2012) is an increase of 375%
Average app selling price is $1.09 in North America, $0.20 in South America and $0.10 in Asia
Revenue opportunities in Europe will grow from $1.5 billion in 2009 to $8.5 billion in 2012
Revenue opportunities in North America will grow from $2.1 billion to around $6.7 billion in 2012
Apps are most popular in Asia where they account for 37% of global downloads this past year
Users spent the most for apps in North America where they account for over 50% of revenue