What does the phrase 'Pay as you go' mean? Then what is a 'contract phone'? Although the terms may seem confusing but the meaning is very simple. The former phrase refers to phones which help you to keep a track of your spendings and the latter refers to phones which come with monthly bills. When a person buys a phone he normally gets a gift. These gifts may be T-Shirts, pen in the case of pay as you go phones and Laptops and CD's in the case of contract phones. Hence these free gifts with mobile phones are varied in number and types. However, whatever be the gift, the feeling of getting it is always fantastic.
The gifts that come with pay as you go phones are of many types and forms. Some handsets come with free mobile phone themes while others offer wallpapers, games and also snazzy T-Shirts.
The gifts that come with pay as you go phones are of many types and forms. Some handsets come with free mobile phone themes while others offer wallpapers, games and also snazzy T-Shirts.
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