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Troy Patterson

How To: Create an Interactive E-Book with Google Slides | Mr. Kamrowski - 1 views

Troy Patterson

What Doesn't Work: Literacy Practices We Should Abandon | Edutopia - 0 views

  • 1. "Look Up the List" Vocabulary Instruction
  • 2. Giving Students Prizes for Reading
  • 3. Weekly Spelling Tests
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  • 4. Unsupported Independent Reading
  • 5. Taking Away Recess as Punishment
  • 5 Less-Than-Optimal Practices To help us analyze and maximize use of instructional time, here are five common literacy practices in U.S. schools that research suggests are not optimal use of instructional time:
Troy Patterson

Homepage - EverFi - 1 views

Troy Patterson

CURMUDGUCATION: Norms vs. Standards - 1 views

  • A standards-referenced test compares every student to the standard set by the test giver. A norm-referenced test compares every student to every other student. The lines between different levels of achievement will be set after the test has been taken and corrected. Then the results are laid out, and the lines between levels (cut scores) are set.
  • When I give my twenty word spelling test, I can't set the grade levels until I correct it. Depending on the results, I may "discover" that an A is anything over a fifteen, twelve is Doing Okay, and anything under nine is failing. Or I may find that twenty is an A, nineteen is okay, and eighteen or less is failing. If you have ever been in a class where grades are curved, you were in a class that used norm referencing.
  • With standards reference, we can set a solid immovable line between different levels of achievement, and we can do it before the test is even given. This week I'm giving a spelling test consisting of twenty words. Before I even give the test, I can tell my class that if they get eighteen or more correct, they get an A, if they get sixteen correct, they did okay, and if the get thirteen or less correct, they fail.
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  • Norm referencing is why, even in this day and age, you can't just take the SAT on a computer and have your score the instant you click on the final answer-- the SAT folks can't figure out your score until they have collected and crunched all the results. And in the case of the IQ test, 100 is always set to be "normal."
  • There are several important implications and limitations for norm-referencing. One is that they are lousy for showing growth, or lack thereof.
  • Normed referencing also gets us into the Lake Wobegon Effect.
  • On a standards-referenced test, it is possible for everyone to get an A. On a normed-referenced test, it is not possible for everyone to get an A. Nobody has to flunk a standards-referenced test. Somebody has to flunk a norm-referenced test.
    "Ed History 101"
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