Foundation for Child Development - 0 views
Taylor Ely on 07 Dec 11The Foundation for Child Development is a philanthropy that is dedicated to the principle of all families having all materials necessary to raise their children to be healthy, educated, and productive members of society. The website includes an "About Us" and an "Our Work" sections that describe what the foundation does and includes links to programs the foundations supports. The website is informative and only slightly persuasive. There was tons of information that include current efforts being made, historical data, and information on how to get involved made available but few towards persuading the visitor. The only thing I might consider slightly persuasive was the links to programs the foundation supports. I am not sure if there is an intended audience. There was no indication or hint towards one but if I had to choose an audience it would be parents or any adult interested in assisting the foundation in whatever way possible. The website though was very general and provided thorough knowledge and information accessible to anyone. The website is defiantely credible. Though I cannot designate an author for the website, all material and resources are cited, dated, and current and easily accessible and readily available. Under the "Resource" tab there is also a library search the visitor can conduct as well as related articles that are also cited and dated. There is also a "Contact" tab that supplys an email, telephone, and address for further questions, comments, and concerns. From viewing the website I found several things related to work, family, and community that include the rising need for assistance in the area of education and volunteer opportunties. The FCD started out as a voluntary agency that worked with AACC and continues to volunteer in whatever way they can in communties.