Working Mother - 4 views
Caitlin G. on 12 Dec 11The Working Mother website has different categories such as tools for mothers, top time categories for mothers, blogs from moms, and an online organizer for busy mothers. With the title of the website in consideration, the intended audience would be working mothers. In other cases, this website could be appealing to single working fathers, or any other kind of guardian. A majority of the topics are revolve and focused directly to busy mothers who work and take care of the home. However, I also believe that this site could be useful to any busy parent. On another note, some tools and offers are feminine, such as fashion ideas, and beauty tips. This site has a lot of advertisement about projects for mothers to use, and make their lives better. Whereas the blogs are from users and authors of the website, which do have credible stories and experiences. The Working Mother website includes many different articles, blogs, tips, ideas, and much more to offer. One could find this site very useful, when used in a correct way. After reviewing this website, and looking back at what I have learned from Work, Family, and Community, I understand why sites like this exist. Mothers are trying to fulfill two huge roles now, businesswoman, and super mom. People are noticing this, and the stress that comes with it, so they build off that and create things, such as this site, to help the busy moms. This website is entertainment, along with useful information for those busy mothers.