National Organization for Women (NOW) - 0 views
terry wilke on 07 May 11The National Organization for Women better known as NOW was organized in 1966 and supports women in general across many different fronts including reproductive rights, economics, sexual discrimination, lesbian rights, diversity and ending violence against women. The website is geared towards those who believe direct action is the best course on many different issues concerning women's rights although it is not specifically geared toward families. Everything shown on the site would indicate that it is intended for the general public with direct action available at almost every click. It would appear to have a certain political appeal at first glance but further inspection reveals that it is true to character and every item is truly a women's issue and by extension a family issue. The credibility of this particular web site is unquestionably solid and in fact is renowned for its parent organization's ability to achieve progress on women's issues. There are of course detractors of the type of equality that this site promotes but even the detractors don't question the site or parent organization's credibility though they might question their politics. It is well know that this group has been at the forefront of legislation to protect the rights of women and has a long string of impressive victories to its credit including EEOC, ERA, Row V Wade, women's studies courses, Title IX, FMLA, VAWA and a whole slew of more minor but equally important successes in both passing legislation and protecting that legislation when it invariably came under attack. Predominantly what I learned from this site was that change comes slowly but inexorably and sometimes we even slip backwards and have to regain lost ground. In particular check out the history of NOW under the "about" tab and read through their remarkable history, it's truly overwhelming for anyone who believes in activism. But it should also fill one with a spirit of hope and a recognition that with persev