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Bulent Yuksel

TED: Ideas worth spreading - 0 views

    You might wanna check TED for educational news!
    Have you seen - there are a number of examples of how TED content has been created especially for educational purposes.
Enise ŞEN

TED | Talks | List - 0 views

    Ideas worth to share
    Hi! I discovered how to delete the comment with all the gibberish. You do have to be careful with DIIGO when highlighting with a mouse--especially on a web page, it is easy to accidentally highlight more than you intended.
Steve Neufeld

How did English evolve? - Kate Gardoqui | TED-Ed - 0 views

  • What is the difference between "a hearty welcome" and "a cordial reception"? In a brief, action-packed history of the English language, Kate Gardoqui explains why these semantically equal phrases evoke such different images.
    Bulent's comment about TEDtalks for education prompted me to share this link, about the evolution of English. It shows you how TEDed has been developed for specific educational purposes. Notice that there is a introductory video, a short quiz, and then a 'think deeper' page with more resources to follow.
    Bulent -- thanks for pointing out the educational value of TED talks.
Steve Neufeld

Diana Niyad - 1 views looks like you started a TOPIC about Diana Niyad. I'm not sure of the context and "Never give up!"

''ted talks''

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