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Welcome to Vocabulary.com, the quickest, most intelligent way to improve your vocabulary.
Regardless of your education level or age, Vocabulary.com will help you to master the words that are essential to academic and business success.
Paste your text into Analyze My Writing and it will generate a ton of information about your writing. Analyze My Writing will give you a break-down of the readability of your writing on five indices. The analysis will include listings of the most common words and most common word pairs in your writing. A listing of how frequently you use punctuation and punctuation types is included in the analysis provided by Analyze My Writing. Finally, a word cloud is included at the end of the analysis of your writing.
A before reading strategy to increase student engagement with text and comprehension. In this strategy students write a paragraph from a list of words given to them by their teacher. Students must use the words in the order they were given in the list. Students are asked to share their paragraphs with the class. Then students read the assigned text and make revisions to their original paragraph.
In the age of information overload, the key to a successful learning experience lies in asking the right questions.
Quillionz does exactly that.
Powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, Quillionz is a platform that lets you build a host of quality quizzes and assessments-within seconds and completely free.