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Amy Roediger

Pairprep - turn paper into online activities - 0 views

    9 Reasons to Use Pairprep Content creation: Users can upload content you already have, or even create new assignments directly on the site. Teachers can even create assignments for individual or groups of students to differentiate instruction. Easy upload: It takes just a moment to upload paper assignments by taking a picture or using a PDF. 9-reasons-to-try-pairprep-to-digitize-your-contentOnline gaming component: Students can compete against each other when answering questions if teachers activate the online gaming component. Questions don't have to be multiple choice: Instead of sticking with multiple choice questions, teachers can tag the questions and answers to an assignment. Pairprep supports multiple question formats including: short answers, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank questions, even drawing diagrams. Speed grading tool: This tool helps teachers grade more efficiently, by simply swiping left or right. Partial credit is possible, and so is assigning different weights to each question. The speed grading tool can be used for assignments completed online or paper-based. Unlocks Data: The Pairprep system collects data and groups students by they concepts they've missed giving you important formative assessment data. Feedback: Teachers can use Pairprep to provide feedback to students individually or as a group. Provides Recommendations: Thanks to Pairprep's AI (artificial intelligence) engine, the system generates recommended activities, videos or articles for the students practice. FREE for teachers: Pairprep is FREE for teachers to use - for a limited time you can digitize all of your content!
Amy Roediger

iDoceo for paperless recordkeeping for the iPad - 0 views

    A grade book, planner, diary, schedule and resource manager all in one app. Its spreadsheet engine will calculate averages as you input your assessment data. You can insert and edit any kind of information for a class, student and semester visually, no more boring spreadsheets. Scroll, expand, filter, export, import and view your information at any time. No internet connection is required. iDoceo will work with any kind of grading system, you can even create your own. You will not miss you old paper grade book again.
Amy Roediger

Grading By Hand - Welcome to Flubaroo - 0 views

    Step by step directions for using flubaroo to grade quizzes, including questions that will be graded by hand (not machine-scored)
Amy Roediger

Create Rubrics and Email Grades from a Google Spreadsheet - 0 views

    Online Rubric is a Google Spreadsheets Add-on that enables to you create rubrics, enter scores, and email scores to students all from one place. Online Rubric provides very clear instructions for each step of the processes of creating a roster sheet, creating a rubric, and emailing grades to students.
Michael Wolski

Can You Be Convinced to Change Your Grading Policy? - Work in Progress - Education Week... - 0 views

    Thinking of changing the way we grade
Amy Roediger

Quick Rubric - 0 views

    Quick Rubric is a new tool from the folks in Photos for Class. This is a new web based application that allows you to easily set up criterion-referenced rubrics to score your students performances and assignments. You can use Quick Rubric to create rubrics to help you assess things such as oral presentations, writing projects, reading comprehension, storytelling and many more. Rubrics are also proved to be of great help when grading students works especially essay and long narrative writing.
Amy Roediger

The Key Differences Between Summative And Formative Assessments - Edudemic - 0 views

    Assessments are a part of every classroom, regardless of subject matter or grade level. They come in all shapes and sizes, and they can be used for a number of reasons. Sometimes, the differences between the types of assessments can be subtle. Many teachers will find that some subjects lend themselves really well to certain types of question formats (like multiple choice vs. short answer vs. essay), but the style of question shouldn't be confused with the type of assessment. While there are many more, summative and formative assessments are probably two of the most widely used in education today. The handy infographic below takes a look at the main concepts of each type of assessment along with examples of each. Keep reading to learn more!
Amy Roediger

6 Online Rubric Makers Worth Trying - Edudemic - 0 views

    To get the most out of an assessment, you need to know what you're looking for. Using a rubric can help your students understand the assignments in your classroom, and will make your grading process clearer, faster, and more objective and consistent.
Amy Roediger

A Comprehensive Guide to The Use of Edmodo with Students ~ Educational Technology and M... - 0 views

    Edmodo is a web-based platform that provides a safe and easy way for your class to connect and collaborate, share content, and access homework, grades and school notices. It is like Facebook but in a safe and controlled environment appropriate for school.
Amy Roediger

Project Based Learning | BIE - 0 views

shared by Amy Roediger on 18 Jun 14 - Cached
    Project Based Learning's time has come. The experience of thousands of teachers across all grade levels and subject areas, backed by research, confirms that PBL is an effective and enjoyable way to learn. Why are so many educators across the United States and around the world interested in this teaching method? The answer is a combination of timeless reasons and recent developments.
Amy Roediger

Here Is A List of Some of The Best Educational iPad Apps for Teachers ~ Educational Tec... - 0 views

    Apps for presentation, screencasting, video making, file storage, whiteboard, PDF annotation, audio recording, notetaking, blogging, book creating, comic strips, digital storytelling, grading, midmapping, portfolios, posters, timelines, word clouds, speech to text
Amy Roediger

K-4 Tech integration - 0 views

    A google presentation about using tech in grades k-4. Highly recommended.
Amy Roediger

Math Tech Tips: g(Math) for Forms has an updated Handwriting entry interface! - 0 views

    "g(Math) for Forms now has a new Handwriting interface with more features. You can change colors and also take a WebCam picture and annotate on top of it. Great for quickly sketching a math problem and adding it to a Form! Look for this improved Handwriting Entry in the other flavors of g(Math) soon now that my school is on summer holiday!! +Chris Webb, my next section is the grading portion of g(Math) for Sheets!"
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