NEWSELA + Google Docs = Differentiated, Collaborative Reading! - 0 views
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Pairprep - turn paper into online activities - 0 views
9 Reasons to Use Pairprep Content creation: Users can upload content you already have, or even create new assignments directly on the site. Teachers can even create assignments for individual or groups of students to differentiate instruction. Easy upload: It takes just a moment to upload paper assignments by taking a picture or using a PDF. 9-reasons-to-try-pairprep-to-digitize-your-contentOnline gaming component: Students can compete against each other when answering questions if teachers activate the online gaming component. Questions don't have to be multiple choice: Instead of sticking with multiple choice questions, teachers can tag the questions and answers to an assignment. Pairprep supports multiple question formats including: short answers, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank questions, even drawing diagrams. Speed grading tool: This tool helps teachers grade more efficiently, by simply swiping left or right. Partial credit is possible, and so is assigning different weights to each question. The speed grading tool can be used for assignments completed online or paper-based. Unlocks Data: The Pairprep system collects data and groups students by they concepts they've missed giving you important formative assessment data. Feedback: Teachers can use Pairprep to provide feedback to students individually or as a group. Provides Recommendations: Thanks to Pairprep's AI (artificial intelligence) engine, the system generates recommended activities, videos or articles for the students practice. FREE for teachers: Pairprep is FREE for teachers to use - for a limited time you can digitize all of your content!
geddit - 1 views
AutoMastery Google Forms Add-on - 0 views
Progressivism Lesson for AP US History - 2 views
Versal - 0 views
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