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Home/ Media in Middle East & North Africa/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Michael Fisher

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Michael Fisher


BBC NEWS | Middle East | Gaza conflict map - 0 views

    Map and timeline of the Gaza crisis that ended in January 2009.

Texting Toward Utopia - 0 views

  • Many such dissenters have, indeed, made great use of the Web. In Ukraine young activists relied on new–media technologies to mobilize supporters during the Orange Revolution. Colombian protesters used Facebook to organize massive rallies against FARC, the leftist guerrillas. The shocking and powerful pictures that surfaced from Burma during the 2007 anti–government protests—many of them shot by local bloggers with cell phones—quickly traveled around the globe. Democratic activists in Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe used the Web to track vote rigging in last year’s elections and used mobile phones to take photos of election results that were temporarily displayed outside the voting booths (later, a useful proof of the irregularities). Plenty of other examples—from Iran, Egypt, Russia, Belarus, and, above all, China—attest to the growing importance of technology in facilitating dissent.
  • But drawing conclusions about the democratizing nature of the Internet may still be premature. The major challenge in understanding the relationship between democracy and the Internet— aside from developing good measures of democratic improvement—has been to distinguish cause and effect. That is always hard, but it is especially difficult in this case because the grandiose promise of technological determinism—the idealistic belief in the Internet’s transformative power—has often blinded even the most sober analysts.
  • investing in new media infrastructure might also embolden the conservatives, nationalists, and extremists, posing an even greater challenge to democratization. A brief look at the emerging cyber–nationalism in Russia and China provides a taste of things to come.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The problem with building public spheres from above, online or offline, is much like that of building Frankenstein’s monsters: we may not like the end product. This does not mean we should give up on the Internet as a force for democratization, only that we should ditch the blinding ideology of technological determinism and focus on practical tasks. Figuring out how the Internet could benefit existing democratic forces and organizations—very few of which have exhibited much creativity on the Web—would not be a bad place to start.
    Does the Internet spread democracy? Evgeny Morozov seeks to answer this question. He shows both the pros and cons of new media and criticizes certain people and works for exaggerating the Internet's present capabilities. While he agrees that the Internet has an enormous potential for building public spheres and having positive effects (among other things), he cautions observers from expecting too much, too soon.

Israel Launches New 'Soft War' - Middle East Times - 0 views

    Israeli PR after the Gaza conflict. Seems pretty elaborate with posts in the U.S.

Disappointment at Sharm al-Sheikh | Marc Lynch - 0 views

  • Clinton prefers to double-down on the shopworn "West Bank first, Fatah only" policy which has been conspiciously failing for the last two years.  The concrete manifestation:  two-thirds of the U.S. contribution to the reconstruction of Gaza will go not to Gaza but to the West Bank.
  • This all seems stuck in a bit of time-warp.  It ignores the two year history of Israeli and Western failure under the identical discourse and policy to deliver meaningful benefits to the Palestinian Authority or the West Bank. It ignores the reality of Hamas power in Gaza, and the reality of Fatah's limited capabilities and legitimacy (which were not enhanced, shall we say, by Abbas's performance during the Gaza war).  And it ignores the promise of the dramatic moves towards Arab reconciliation and the accomplishment of a tentative Hamas-Fatah accord last week
    Abu Aardvark (Marc Lynch) shows why Secretary of State Clinton's diplomacy will not change the situation in Israel/Palestine. He shows that not only is Israeli-Palestinian American policy important but also Hamas-Fatah policy.

Al Jazeera English - Americas - US to boycott UN racism conference - 0 views

    The United States, Canada and Israel will not send representatives to the United Nations racism conferene in Geneva. They say that the draft resolution was not acceptable.

Identity Crisis Permeates Turkish Society : NPR - 0 views

    Modern Turkey was founded as a secular, Western-oriented state. But these days, Turks say the country is expressing its Muslim identity more than its secular one. And the critical question of Islam versus secularism colors just about every debate in the country.

Iran ready to build nuclear weapon, analysts say - - 0 views

    Iranian scientists have reached "nuclear weapons breakout capability," according to a new report based on findings of the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency. An ISIS report says Iran has enough uranium for a nuclear weapon but would need further refinement before turning into weapon. Iran says claims it intends to build nuclear bombs are "baseless."

All aboard the Arab reconciliation train | Marc Lynch - 0 views

    Recent changes in the Arab-Israeli conflict have been notable. There are at least four major destinations that the various players in the Middle East are mooting about in public, to which the U.S. may soon need to respond.

Teddy bear from a childrens show vows to join Hamas military wing - 0 views

    New Al-Aqsa TV Teddy Bear Vows to Join Military Wing of Hamas.

How Iranians See Their Country - 0 views

    NPR discussion about Iranian attitudes toward their country. Topics included common American misperceptions about Iran, the role of Iranian youth in domestic politics, and Iran's electoral process as it prepares for presidential elections in June.

Foreign Policy: Think Again: Talking with Iran - 0 views

    What the United States shouldn't do in engaging Iran

Gaza After the War: Egypt's Equities and Limitations - Carnegie Endowment for Internati... - 0 views

    Michele Dunne takes an interesting look at the Gaza strip's recent conflicts with Israel from an Egyptian perspective.

The Self: Understanding What and Who We Are - 0 views

    Although it doesn't pertain to the Middle East, this is an interesting primer on "the self" that relates to our discussions on identity. This writer also has piece on Cognitive Dissonance, which may be of interest to some of you.
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