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CAMH: Collaborating with Families Affected by Concurrent Disorders Online Course - 0 views

    Families are an immense resource in the care, treatment and recovery of individuals with co-occurring mental health and addiction problems. However, they often have limited access to the resources, information and help that they need to be supportive to the ones they love. This six-week online course for health care providers explores the needs of families affected by concurrent disorders as well as the strategies that health care providers can use to empower families and ensure that their experiences are more positive. The recommended pre-requisite for this course is the Concurrent Disorders Core Course.

Mental workload as a key fa... [Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    "The purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of mental workload as a key determinant of the type of cognitive processing used by clinicians. Published research appears to be consistent with 'schemata' based cognition as the principle mode of working for those engaged in complex tasks under time pressure. Although conscious processing of factual data is also used, it may be the primary mode of cognition only in situations where time pressure is not a factor. "

Youth Net/Réseau Ado - 0 views

    "Youth Net/Réseau Ado (YN/RA) Ottawa is a bilingual regional mental health promotion and intervention program run by youth, for youth."
Jim Rawcliffe

npci - 0 views

    NHS National Presecribing Centre - learning resource covering theraputics and medicine management contained within a virtual building.
    Very interesting virtual building format. Lots of great decision aids and PILs
    E-Learning on prescribing fro various conditions, includes some mental health and Paediatrics
Natalie Lafferty

Take the Challenge - 0 views

    Take the Challenge - an online programme developed by Age Concern and the RCGP to help improve the diagnosis and treatment of older people with depression.
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