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Exit Tickets | EL Education - 15 views

    "At the end of class, students write on note cards or slips of paper an important idea they learned, a question they have, a prediction about what will come next, or a thought about the lesson for the day. Alternatively, students could turn-in such a response at the start of the next day-either based on the learning from the day before or the previous night's homework. These quick writes can be used to assess students' knowledge or to make decisions about next teaching steps or points that need clarifying. This reflection helps students to focus as they enter the classroom or solidifies learning before they leave."
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    My Smart goal is that "By the end of the numbers unit, 60% of students in the Special Education program in MS Spanish 1A - Period 2 will achieve 80% or higher on each formative assessment including listening, speaking and writing assessments." During our meetings we have noticed a significant gap in my pd. 2 in my SPED students. By using exit tickets, I can continuously gauge how well these specific students are understanding the new material of the week before getting to the formal formative assessment on Fridays. These exit tickets can be modified to include speaking and listening skills depending on where the formative reveals the greatest need is. - Margarita
    This video using exit tickets is a great resource for my classroom. My SMART goal is Given 2 months of guided reading instruction, students in below grade-level reading groups will increase their reading level by at least two levels." Using the planning protocol I rated this a 4 in the aligned to the standards category. I could create quick exit tickets based on the story my students are reading. The students could answer the question and I could quickly assess whether they were able to comprehend and understand the story which is a part of my smart goal. Reading comprehension is an important factor when testing students' reading level. I would love to use this in my classroom.
    Smart Target Learning Goal is by the end of marking period 1, 70% of students will score 90% or higher on the EMATS/ performance matters. This will allow me to see where students are still needing understanding about the topic that is being taught. The dimension would be depth of knowledge with 1:recall. This is something that students need to be able to do short hand before they can recall later on.
    SMART GOAL: At least 80% of students in grade two will be reading level K books or above by the end of 6 weeks. (Julie's goal) Dimension: Alignment to Standards Impact: 2 Reason: Exit tickets are self-assessment questions prepared by teachers, often based on learning goals, that are to be completed by students. Since Julie's Smart Goal is based on measurement (80% of students), I believe that Exit Tickets will give her insight on the percentage of her students that illustrate her students reading comprehension levels. For Julie's Exit Tickets, I think that questions she pose should require answers in the form of explanations from students because I believe it would be the most effective way to help her detect the students that may require extra support. If there is not a common theme to student responses, then it may be an instruction gap that is the issue; if so, Julie would need to ensure that the curriculum/lesson plans correlate with state standards.
    Smart Target Learning Goal: By the of Unit 5, 80% of students will score at least 70% on the end of unit assessment. My biggest problem is getting students to retain the important information that will be tested upon. Exit tickets will give me an incite to how well students are retaining the class content by creating exit tickets that are similar to exam questions at the end of a lesson where they learned the content to which the question related. This not only allows me to see if they learned the content but also will allow me to see which types of mistakes the students are making in regards to the test. From here my I will be able to modify my lessons in order to insure that my students are in line with the exam.
    Smart Target Learning Goal: By the of Unit 5, 80% of students will score at least 70% on the end of unit assessment. My biggest problem is getting students to retain the important information that will be tested upon. Exit tickets will give me an incite to how well students are retaining the class content by creating exit tickets that are similar to exam questions at the end of a lesson where they learned the content to which the question related. This not only allows me to see if they learned the content but also will allow me to see which types of mistakes the students are making in regards to the test. From here my I will be able to modify my lessons in order to insure that my students are in line with the exam.
    Dimension: Rigor and Relevance Impact: 4 SMART Goal:Given 1 month of guided reading instruction, students in below grade-level reading groups will increase their reading level by at least one level. Exit tickets are an excellent way for the students to show their ability to comprehend the text by answering a text dependent question about the story that they have read during guided reading. This will give the teacher an insight on the level of comprehension that they student has for that level book that is being read. This is much more rigorous than just asking and answering questions because students are applying the knowledge of the story into the writing that they are doing about the book.
    Hi Elijah! I think the issue is sometimes students do have difficulty retaining the information. I think that the exit tickets will also give you insight into a few different dimensions from the protocol worksheet as well. My SMART goal is by the end of the marking, 80% or higher of students will score a 90% or higher on a base ten assessment. So I think looking at the exit tickets based on the dimensions you should look into student engagement. Since this is important when it comes to exit tickets. If students are not engaged during the lesson then the exit tickets is pretty much showing that the students retained nothing. I think that teachers should always shoot for a 3 or 4 based on the protocol. That way students retention of the information is greater therefore, exit tickets are hopefully higher.
    Video: Exit Tickets Dimension Teacher Friendliness: Score: 3 I rate this strategy as a 3 in terms of teacher friendliness (3 = "low maintenance few materials and/or little prep work). With exit tickets, teachers can ask students to answer simple questions regarding the day's lesson in order to get a sense of students' understanding. This strategy involves little work to prepare for but provides a lot of insight into how to guide future instruction. There may be topics that many students misunderstood or areas that individual students need support in. The SMART goal I considered while watching this video is raising scores in AP Bio for select students who have not taken AP or advanced classes science classes before. I think exit tickets are a low maintenance way to guage which specific areas to focus on for these students.
    Dimension: Impact on Learning Rating: 3- Medium-high impact SMART Goal: By the end of the marking, 80% or higher of students will score a 90% or higher on a base ten assessment. Exit tickets are a useful way to help both students and teachers recognize individual student mastery of a topic or skill. Since exit tickets informally assess student learning from that class period, there would be no impact on student learning as students are completing the task. However, teachers can use the information gathered from exit tickets to inform their instruction for the next days instruction. For instance, my groupmate could assign an exit card with 2-3 problems related to that day's lesson. After students complete the exit tickets, the teacher could evaluate to see who struggled and with what particular strategy. The teacher could then use that information to form small groups and provide re-teaching/alternate instruction as necessary. This ultimately will help students receive more personalized instruction thus enhancing impact on learning.
    I agree that exit tickets are a useful way to evaluate mastery of a concept; however, I do feel they have an impact on student learning as they're completing the task. As students complete an exit card, it requires thought and skill to demonstrate your understanding. Sometimes students make mistakes on exit cards, which helps students learn and grow. This strategy would be helpful as I implement my plan to reach my SMART goal. My SMART goal is "by the end of Marking Period 3, ELL students identified will be able to explain how to solve for an unknown number in an equation with at least 80% accuracy ." Exit card would be extremely helpful in the process of determining necessary supports and areas of need as I complete my action plan. On the planning protocol rubric, I would rate this a four in the dimension of alignment to standards. Exit cards are directly related to what you have taught from the curriculum and therefore align with the standards. This is a great way to evaluate students quickly and frequently on the standards.
    Dimension: Depth of Knowledge Rating: 3 - strategic reasoning SMART goal: Students will be able to solve an on grade level math task, that will require them to respond and defend their work to explain their reasoning 3 out of 5 times by the end of the 1st marking period. I believe that my team would be able to use this instructional tactic because we could use the exit card to see if students meet the SMART goal. I think that exit cards are a powerful tool for teachers to use because it shows instant data of student performance. It is a quick and informal way to see if students understand the concept or not. This video provides a unique way to students to use/take an exit card in the classroom. We could take ideas from this video and apply to it our own classroom.
    I like the fact that students assess themselves (based on the learning target). They also give feedback to one another. In this model teachers can adjust instruction based on how students feel they reached learning targets. I am wondering, though, whether or not young students have enough self-realization to understand how they performed during a given lesson. If we're asking them to rate themselves, we have to hope that they understand how important this is, and what it really means. How does this video address dimensions in the 'Planning Protocol Rubric?' Since most of the dimensions were addressed (in other comments here), I'll comment on this video's ways of addressing 'Technology Integration.' No technology integration seen (though it's certainly possible that it may have occurred during the lesson and before this video was taken). Technology Integration level (based on the available video): 1. My SMART Learning Goal: "After three weeks of targeted instruction--and in concert with the content-area teacher--75% or more of our students will score at least one point higher on their ESOL RELA and ESOL math assessments. (The ESOL RELA [WIDA Access] pre-test was given approximately one month ago, while the baseline math pre-test was developed by our school's math department [and contains test stems from past PARCC exams].)" The 'exit ticket' approach can be used in any classroom, but with ESOL learners it might be more difficult to ascertain whether or not they have understood the question/s on the exit ticket sheet. And again, do they have the skills, understanding and self-realization necessary to rate themselves on how they do in a given classroom on a daily basis?

Schoolwide Structures for Checking for Understanding | EL Education - 1 views

    The 5 check for understanding strategies in this video really support our goal of : By the end of the month, give practice tests the day before exams with at least 75% scoring at least 75%.Checking for understanding is an important step in the teaching and learning process. The background knowledge that students bring into the classroom influences how they understand the material you share and the lessons or learning opportunities you provide. Unless you check for understanding, it is difficult to know exactly what students are getting out of the lesson. In the Planning protocol rubric, student engagement is high for most students. This goes far beyond just asking your students "do you get it?" and I really like the ones that involve movement! Being crammed in a desk all day is no fun at all.
    My SMART goal is to achieve a 100% passing rate amount my target group of students for all county and state standardized English Language exams. This video does have techniques I can use to achieve this goal. I think the focus and techniques using for 'checking of understanding' can help achieve the protocols of 'rigor and relevance' as well as 'depth of knowledge.' I love the idea of debriefs, and 'catch-and-release' at the end of classes and would like to keep myself more honest at doing this, and tightening up my lessons to allow time at the end of my classes for debriefing and to avoid running lessons right up into the bell.
    From the planning protocol rubric the other area I would relate this style of teaching to besides the ones listed above would be "impact on learning"- In which there would be a very high impact on learning. The strategies used in this video focus on student rigor. The principle breaks their instructional tactics into 5 different areas. The SMART target learning goal that these strategies could be used for would be one of my group members "After three weeks of targeted instruction, students will increase their pre-assessment scores by 3 or more points, or 75 percent or higher on the post-assessment" Looking at this learning goal you can see where the following strategies would be very helpful. As well as how we can use them to address the above SMART learning goal in our group. 1. Constantly checking the learning target. (are the students constantly working toward building their skills using PARCC like questions). 2. Guided practice ( The teacher will help lead students in instruction that will help mimic items that might be seen on the PARCC test. 3. Catch and release (The teacher will frequently bring everyone back to a large group to discuss trends or similarities he or she is seeing as students work independently) 4. Cold Calling ( making sure that each student is contributing and assessing that each student understands what is being taught) 5. Derbies ( doing things like exit tickets in the form of a PARCC question as the students leave as well as discussions to see where students are at.) All of these steps could be used for as an instructional tactic for the SMART learning goal in our group as mentioned in examples in the parentheses above. Great video and clearly a very high impact on student learning.

Understanding Main Idea and Supporting Details as a Reading Strategy Tutorial | Sophia ... - 0 views

  • Main Ideas: The Basic
  • Stated and Implied Main Ideas
  • Supporting Details: The Basics
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    • mmeshaffer
      For our purposes, the three highlighted resources on this page would be the three presentations I would use to introduce the skill. I would recommend that the first one be assigned for homework in a flipped scenario since they should have encountered main ideas in English class before this lesson. Then the other two can be done in class with the teacher and student interaction on the activities. 
    Slideshows teaching these skills with built in activities for students. Slideshows are in English, but students will need to understand the skill first before they can transfer it to the target language. Teachers can provide French examples to supplement the slideshows.

Ohio Resource Center > AdLIT > In Perspective Magazine > Content-Area Vocabulary: A Cri... - 0 views

  • We all want our students to demonstrate newly learned concepts with the words they know as they discuss, write, and visually represent specific topics.
  • In fact, teaching vocabulary in the content areas of mathematics, science, history, and English is not a separate entity from teaching the core understandings of each domain. As Vacca and Vacca (2008) have always stated, words are labels for concepts, and so teaching vocabulary is actually teaching about the ideas they represent.
  • Therefore, in regard to teaching words in any content area, we need to keep in mind that different students will have different levels of understanding about a term and will internalize new information through each successive engagement with the term.
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  • Words representing concepts are not taught in a vacuum, but rather in contexts that illustrate how they are associated with other words and ideas. This feature of word knowledge is at the heart of effective content-area teaching and critical to vocabulary building.
  • These examples show how words and their meanings are intricately related to each other and how these relationships are tied to conceptual understanding. It is important then to help students understand these relationships and connections.
  • We must be very cognizant of how students might interpret a word definition that makes sense to us but may be misleading and confusing to those with less background knowledge.
  • Broadly defined learning opportunities include the incorporation of wide reading in content classes as well as word consciousness. Reading widely about a topic across a variety of texts provides students with multiple exposures to newly learned words along with opportunities for incidental word learning to occur.
  • In addition, broad learning opportunities include the development of word consciousness or awareness, where students learn habits of attending to new and interesting vocabulary that will enable them to acquire appropriate language for communicating in particular content areas (Scott, Skobel, & Wells, 2008; Stahl & Nagy, 2006).
  • by promoting an awareness and enthusiasm for learning new words.
  • The steps include preparation, explanation, application, and reinforcement (P.E.A.R.).
  • Too many targeted words can be overwhelming to students, especially those who struggle with reading.
  • student-friendly definitions
  • Such responses are more indicative of learning. Other activities for relating, connecting, clarifying, and applying word meanings are described in Instructional Strategies for Teaching Content Vocabulary, Grades 4–12 (Harmon, Wood, & Hedrick, 2006).
    This article is a resource for teaching content area vocabulary.

Jigsaw | EL Education Empowering Teachers, Inspiring Students | EL Education - 17 views

    "In a jigsaw protocol small groups of students become experts in one section or text and hear oral summaries of the others. The protocol allows students to synthesize across texts and gain new understandings from their classmates about the topic as a whole."
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    Jigsaws are a great way to make sure that everyone does their share of the research. This allows students to really focus on one reading and gain as much information as they can. Then they have time to share what they found with others, while others share information about the topic that they read/researched about.
    Smart Target Learning Goal: By the of Unit 5, 80% of students will score at least 70% on the end of unit assessment. Deciphering vocabulary is an important part of my AP Government curriculum. It is something that my students have had trouble with as it is many of their first AP class. Using a jigsaw for difficult readings would allow me to give my students a way to check their comprehension by working with a small group to complete readings. It would also build students confidence as they would go back to their groups to teach their classmates about their specific reading. This gives them a chance to show off and show their peers that they know the vocabulary.
    Implementing the Jigsaw would be a great method to incorporate to help bridge the learning gap for students that took lower level Biology 1. The heavy use collaboration between students of varying skill or knowledge levels would be beneficial. I also think that since the lesson is broken up into small sections for each to examine and then discuss their findings students of all skill levels gain a better and unique understanding or the material. The students that need to improve their AP Biology knowledge will have the support of the students with a stronger grasp of the material within their small group learning environment.
    Group 5 EDTC 615 Fall 2018 SMART Target Learning Goal: "Students will be able to solve an on level math task, that will require them to respond and defend their work to explain their reasoning 3 out of 5 times by the end of the first marking period." The Jigsaw Protocol: The Jigsaw Protocol is a great tool for promoting Depth of Knowledge by using "Extended reasoning" concepts within Elementary classrooms. Although this video targeted more reading skills, the concepts of research, extended thinking, and recall can all be used to further discuss math equations, math formulas and math projects. Students who are struggling to comprehend, demonstrate or explain mathematical concepts can strengthen their skills by conversing with peers about the written portion of the math work, where the student is asked to "explain" their thinking. #EDTC615 #Fall2018
    EDTC615 FALL2018 My SMART goal is after one marking period of examining musical examples, 90% of students will be able to recognize musical notes and form. This protocol is going to have a high impact on the student learning because the students are able to discuss and dive deeper into their reading. I can apply this to my music class by handing students a piece of music and having them look for the form of the song and the musical notes. They then pair up with someone with the same song and go over the notes a form together.
    Dimension: Student Engagement Rating: 4 - High engagement for most students I particularly enjoyed this strategy presented by fifth-grade teacher Jennifer Dauphinais. The highlights for me were the students engagement from the very beginning in stating the 'Learning Goal.' It's one thing for the teacher to know what the end-goal is, but it strengthens the activity when the student understands the "why." Having students become "experts" in their reading to then discuss details and main ideas in groups is a great recipe for reading comprehension. The students have the ability to hear different perspectives and everyone has a voice. I really enjoyed this. Author Daniel Venables challenges educators in his book, How Teachers Can Turn Data into an Action Plan to "do something different in the classroom" if one approach doesn't materialize student-learning (pp. 60). My gropu's SMART Target Learning Goal is for 75% of students will improve their informational text comprehension by 1 grade level. Dauphinais' 'Jigsaw' method is a fresh approach to literature instruction and could be a great tool for us to get the students to reach this goal. #EDTC615 #Spring2018

Give One, Get One, Move On (Go Go Mo) | EL Education - 16 views

    this is a "protocol students can use to share and gain knowledge in preparation for an assessment."
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    Dimension chosen: Student engagment Rating: 3 (Moderate engagement for most students) This activity would be good for preparing for my SMART learning goal of "by the end of quarter 1, 60% of students will score a 70% or higher on the Quarter 1 Literacy Assessment on Theme." Students could read a text and then come up with various themes based on their own evidence by passing around the clipboard. I think it would be engaging for majority of my fourth grade students to be able to move around and see new ideas from their classmates.
    Dimension: Student Engagement Level: 3 (Moderate Engagement for most students) My partner's SMART goal is "By the end of the numbers unit, 60% of students in the Special Education program in MS Spanish 1A - Period 2 will achieve 80% or higher on each formative assessment including listening, speaking and writing assessments." I could see this GoGoMo protocol as a useful way to both check for understanding and review before upcoming Spanish assessments. Students could help each other review the material, and having to speak to other students also helps them practice in the target language. Also, because students are speaking to multiple other students, it helps keep them active and engaged with this class task.
    Dimension chosen: Student engagement Rating: 3 This activity would be great to review different strategies to solve a certain math problem. Smart Target Learning Goal: By the end of marking period 1, 70% of students will score 90% or higher on the EMATS/ performance matters. This will help the students remember all the different strategies, the more practice the more likely they are going to remember different ways to solve when the assessment happens.
    Dimension: Impact on learning Rating: 4 Students have to be able to reflect on their learning and they also be prepared to summarize it and present it to their peers. This repetition and organization of their learning will help them remember it better and possibly understand it in new ways.
    Dimension: Student engagement Rating: 4 This is a good activity to allow students to collaborate and share ideas. It will allow them to focus on a specific topic (essay) by explaining and allowing interactions with peers so that students are not only reading but they understand that writing takes focus. This is useful in supporting my team's SMART Goal achievement for improving their writing proficiency for the 5th grade students so they are able to reach their WIDA exiting level of 4.4 because students will be able to remember what they are learning. As a writing tool, this concept would help to initiate a meaningful asset for improving a student's skills of communication and concepts of what is needed to form a proper essay for writing. It promotes brainstorming for supporting a topic of discussion.
    Smart Target Learning Goal(s): By the of Unit 5, 80% of students will score at least 70% on the end of unit assessment By the end of the quarter, 80% of students will obtain a 60% or higher in Algebra 1 By the end of the unit, 50% of students will score 70% or higher on the assessment. Impact on learning - Using this protocol the teacher would be able to see what pieces of the content students are comfortable with and which pieces students are unsure about. This match my teams goals as we all wish to improve test scores. In our groups we noticed that there are gaps in the students learning across the board in specific areas. If we all implement this protocol we would be able to see what students do not understand and make sure to go over it before any assessments.
    This protocol uses the most basic collaboration tool of pen and paper. My focus dimension is techonolgy integration. There are several options that can be used to integrate techonlogy but not overly complex to distract the students from the instructor's assigned topic. Students ciuld use googke drive, wiggio, padlet, recap, etc. SMART GOAL * For students to be able to analyze word problems to identify mathematical components needed to solve complex word problems and apply them to real life problems and scenarios. * Extending learning units when covering quadratic equations. Assign weekly formative tests to better track progress and adjust to students individual needs. The formative tests should only be 3-5 questions to be able to show progress and allow the teacher enough time to give detailed feedback but also adjust teaching strategy if necessary. * Goal is to show 90% student improvement from beginning of unit to the end of unit. * The games introduced will directly work to improve reading comprehension and application of quadratic formulas on multiple skill levels. * Time to complete goal is a unit of study, optimally 12-16 weeks. I would use this protocol with this SMART goal in the begining of a lesson as a way for students to share and monitor their own progress. However, the protocol does not allow for the teacher to be able to give direct feedback and adjust lessons. This is a huge part of the goal. If one of the technology tools was integrated into the lesson, it would allow the teacher to monitor progress easier and more individually.
    I would rate the Go Go Mo protocol a 4 in the Rigor and Relevance dimension. While using this protocol, students are not only thinking (when they are giving) but also working. Students are actively moving around the classroom seeking out others from whom they can get new information. The teacher also suggested that they take their readings with them, which may hint at the fact that may still need to actively search for information. My group's SMART goal is that students will be able to analyze word problems to identify mathematical components needed to solve complex word problems and apply them to real-life problems and scenarios. This method could be effective (may be used on a smaller scale with 2-3 people for word problems) in that all students will have to identify information that they deem important and share with their classmates. From here, they can begin to decide what information is actually most important to solving the problem that is proposed and work together to solve the problem.
    This activity will help close the learning gap by enabling collaboration and information sharing between students prior to exams.

Helping All Learners: Tiering | EL Education - 14 views

    A useful module that explains how tiering can provide help learners learn better and has videos of examples. This can help improve Smart Goals for improvement in assessments, and homework and classroom performance.
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    My groups (Group 4, ETDC615) SMART learning goal is "Given 1 month of supplemental biology instruction, students who are currently in AP Biology but took lower level Biology 1, will score at least a 3 on their next unit exam." This EL Education video focuses on using a tiering system of differentiation to make all the content available for all students to learn. Looking at this lesson in terms of impact on learning, it has a potential to have a high impact on student learning. By differentiated the material to different tiers based on students current skills the students are more likely to be successful, because the material will be the right level of engaging/challenging for each student. This lesson method could be used for my groups SMART goal, because I could do a better job to differentiate the material to make up for the learning gaps that students that came from low level biology one have.
    Tiering a lesson is the act of differentiating content to create learning opportunities for all students and allow for the accessibility of content to all students. The learning goal for my group is that students will be able to analyze word problems to identify mathematical components needed to solve complex word problems and apply them to real-life problems and scenarios. Because many of my students struggle with extracting information from word problems, which in turn leads them to an incorrect solution, I believe that tiering would help students access problem-solving strategies in a way that is most helpful to them. While there is an emphasis on showing multiple strategies, it may help students to tier the content in a way that makes sense for the student. Having students circle all important numbers only helps if a student understands why those numbers are important. Tiering may be the way to help bring that understanding to them. Tiering is best evaluated using the impact on learning dimension because differentiation does have a high impact on learning. Allowing students better access to content in a way in which they understand, and puts them in control will impact their learning for years to come.
    This is a great article for our start goal because it discusses how to help all learners and improve assessments which will help those students in need.
    This video about differentiation in teaching provides the dimension of a high impact on learning. The ideal is to provide equivalent learning activities that cater to the students' strengths but bring all of the students to the same learning objective. On one end of the spectrum is the one-size-fits-all learning activity, while on the other end is the completely individualized learning plan for each student. Catering to different students learning styles can help achieve the SMART goal of : By the end of the month, give practice tests the day before exams with at least 75% scoring at least 75%.
    I enjoyed the video on Tiering. Our teams' SMART goal is, "Students will be able to solve an on grade level math task, that will require them to respond and defend their work to explain their reasoning 3 out of 5 times by the end of the 1st marking period." I think an important concept to note, is that this activity has a high Impact on Learning because it differentiates for the particular needs of each student. This process also encourages Student Engagement, which allows for the students to work comfortably in a peer environment. By having more time to plan differentiated work to meet simultaneous goals between students, the teacher is also scaffolding. The teacher is giving support to students who need it and to also challenge those students to maintain interest or to continue the work of those who have mastered a specific skill but may need more advanced strategies to continue the upward curve of learning. EDTC 615 Fall2018
    With the video, the topic of towering the lesson is shown. With my SMART goal focusing on the 11th graders in my health education classes, it I'm important for me to address all the educational needs of my students. Currently, I use DI in my classes and I found a piece of information from the video that can I can begin to implement. The teacher had her students raise their hand with chosen number of fingers in the air. The number represents the level that each student feels they are on in regards to understanding the topic. While the exact way this strategy is used is not something I think will be effective with my high school students, the number system is. I can have my students write and post their perceived number and explain why they chose that number. Then, I can see the comfortability each student has with the topic. THey would have to apply extended reasoning which is a respresentation of depth of knowledge from the planning protocol rubric. EDTC Fall2018 EL

Interactive Word Wall | EL Education - 12 views

    "A word wall in the classroom is a powerful instructional tool to strengthen content vocabulary or concepts. A word wall can be an organized collection of words (and sometimes phrases) displayed on a wall or other space in the classroom."
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    My smart goal is "By the end of the numbers unit, 60% of students in the Special Education program in MS Spanish 1A - Period 2 will achieve 80% or higher on each formative assessment including listening, speaking and writing assessments." By creating an interactive word wall using my spare whiteboard, I can post key questions and sentence starters continuously as we learn them during the week to support students during speaking and listening practice. Students who need additional accommodations with graphic organizers can refer to the word wall during speaking practice to increase their understanding and ability to participate.
    My SMART learning goal of "by the end of quarter 1, 70% of students will score a 90% or higher on the EMATS/performance matters test." This will allow students to move the words around on the wall/ board into different concepts or topics. This will help them categorize the words and review what they learned based on the topic.
    My SMART Goal: By the end of the quarter, 80% of students will obtain a 60% or higher in Algebra 1. The rigor and relevance protocol directly connected to this video because the students did most of the thinking in this activity. I believe that this interactive word wall is a wonderful use of time in the classroom and allows students to share the connections they have made with the content. Most often, I find, that some students have made strong connections to prior knowledge while other students, struggle to see how a single concept can fit into the big picture. I love the idea of using a interactive word wall to help students build a deeper understanding of the content. I also believe that all members of my group could use this resource in the classroom. In particular, I believe that Eli could use this strategy with his AP students to help them understand and connect the readings which they complete at home to concepts they cover in class. I am looking forward to using this in my Tutorial class to help students in across all subjects. This upcoming week, I will work with at least 2 students to build a concept map using an "interactive word wall" that covers words in their math content class.
    Dimension: Impact on Learning Rate: 4 My SMART Target Learning Goal is that 80 % of my Pre-kindergarten class will master their reading foundation skills by the 3rd trimester. Using an interactive word wall is a great idea to have students see the cause and effect relationship. The students will be able to see connections. This will allow them to scaffold the words in order to bring the vocabulary words to life. Once they can bring the words to life their writing will improve. The students essentially build upon each other ideas. For my students they are still learning to read. Therefore, I could use an interactive words wall with the words and pictures. This would help my students learn the words. I believe that this video has a high impact on learning that is why I gave it a four. The students will be able to share what they have learned about the content. EDTC 615 Spring 2018 Week 5
    Dimension: Alighment to Standards Rate: 5 Group Members SMART Goal: By the end of the quarter, 80% of students will obtain a 60% or higher in Algebra 1. The word wall by design has to align with standereds. The whole idea behind using a word wall would be to enforce and teach students content specific vocabulary that created deeper understanding for students. My group memeber's students tend to struggle with remembering specific vocabulary, which leads to low standerdized test scores especially in work problems. A word wall is a good way to ensure students are comfortable with the content specific vocabulary.
    Dimension: Student Engagement Rate: 4 SMART Target Learning Goal: By the end of the third quarter, 80% of first grade students will score 16-20 points (80%-100%) on the next Unit Test which covers all reading skills. The interactive word wall is very engaging for students because it forces students to use words that they have learned in class and make connections between the vocabulary words through explaining their reasoning. This activity is very hands-on and is also a great visual because the students are seeing how vocabulary words can connect and relate with one another. Also, students are collaborating and building upon each other's ideas which can also be very engaging.
    Dimension: Rigor and Relevance Rate: 4 This word wall engages the students, and they are the ones doing the thinking and work to make connections between the concepts. The teacher does some work to prepare the words, but the students are the ones engaging with the material. This protocol could be used for our AP biology students to make and reinforce connections between the science vocab and topics being covered.
    Dimension: Impact on Learning Rate: 4 (High-impact) Smart Goal: By the middle of the fourth trimester, 80% of 3rd grade students will increase at least 40% on STAR reading and math. Implementing an interactive word wall in your classroom is a great way to keep students engaged in their learning. An interactive word wall can have a high-impact on students learning. Students can refer to the word wall when completing a lesson to help remember what the word means. When students continuously refer back to a word, they are more likely to remember the word when taking a state assessment. An interactive word wall is a great way to help students increase in their STAR data in reading and in math. I have an interactive word wall in my class for students to use or refer to when working on practice assessments or completing assignments. I believe my team would benefit from having an interactive word wall in their classroom. All students can use an interactive word to help remember words they may not use on a daily basis. EDTC 615
    EDTC615 FALL2018 GROUP1 Watching this video gave me a great idea for one of my group members Spencer who teaches ESOL students who struggle with verbal/conversational skills and written/language skills. Spencer's SMART Goal is 75% of the 24 students with a C or lower to have a B (80%) or higher in my class, by the end of the 1st quarter. This tool is great for student engagement and impact on learning. With this strategy students can build vocabulary skills by word connections and possible interactions with one another to help strengthen each others vocabulary skills often times with the teacher being the facilitator of instruction not the lead in the instruction.
    Watching this video gave me a great idea for one of my group members Spencer who teaches ESOL students who struggle with verbal/conversational skills and written/language skills. Spencer's SMART Goal is 75% of the 24 students with a C or lower to have a B (80%) or higher in my class, by the end of the 1st quarter. With this strategy students can build vocabulary skills by word connections and possible interactions with one another to help strengthen each others vocabulary skills often times with the teacher being the facilitator of instruction not the lead in the instruction.
    Watching this video gave me ideas on supporting my students. Word Walls are important supports for students in the classroom. They help students solidify their thinking process and content knowledge. Students in this video did the thinking required. This is also important as students tend to rely on teacher lead information. Our SMART goal is that 75% of students will increase their informational text reading comprehension by one grade level. The word wall in this video is a great strategy to make connections with my students.

UNDERSTANDING THE GAPS: WHO ARE WE LEAVING BEHIND - AND HOW FAR? - 1 views The data presented here by the National Education Association (NEA) identifies achievement gaps based on several socio...

NEA learning gap ELL

started by shommel on 30 Jun 18 no follow-up yet

Classroom Protocols in Action: Think-Pair-Share | EL Education - 4 views

    "The Think-Pair-Share protocol is a simple way for all students to get a chance to think, talk, and learn from others. "
    Think-pair-share is a great way to get students talking about information that is being taught. This is a great way to help students think about the topic that is being taught from a peer's point of view. Dimension: Student learning Rating: 2 This would work towards my fellow teammate's SMART goal,"By the end of quarter 1, 60% of students will score a 70% or higher on the Quarter 1 Literacy Assessment. This allows students to talk about what they are understanding about theme and gain new understandings.
    SMART GOAL: Given 1 month of guided reading instruction, students in below grade-level reading groups will increase their reading level by at least one level. (Heather's goal) Dimension: Impact on Learning Impact: 4 Reason: Think-Pair-Share is a strategy where students have a discussion with a partner to solve a problem or answer a question posed by their teacher. After which, the students individually share their ideas/solutions with the entire class. I believe that this strategy will be useful in Heather's attempt in eliminating the reading comprehension gap in her class because asking varying levels of question encourages students to discuss new ideas that deepen their understanding. This strategy will also give Heather the opportunity to assess student understanding by monitoring their discussions. It also has the bonus factor of stimulating student engagement
Alison Burns

Dipsticks: Efficient Ways to Check for Understanding | Edutopia - 3 views

    This blog post by Todd Finley describes what formative assessment is, in particular, what alternative formative assessment (AFA) is and how and why it can be used to advance student learning. Teachers can begin to plan the use of AFA by using the downloadable guide of 53 ways to use AFA. For 615 colleagues, be sure to evaluate any strategy using Venables' Planning Protocol Rubric!

The world needs all kinds of minds - Temple Grandin - YouTube - 0 views

    Temple Grandin is a renown icon in the Autism Field. She has a PHD in Animal Science and was diagnosed with Autism as a very young child. In this specific video she discusses how many students diagnosed with Autism think and view the world. She is an extremely helpful resource as she understands what its like to be in my students shoes. Its important to grasp how students might be thinking or viewing something to better understand their reactions to their environment. In Hopes to better understand why we might see certain behaviors spike at certain points. Furthermore how to address or prevent them from happening. -I am a Special Educator Serving students with Autism

The 5 Keys to Successful Comprehensive Assessment in Action | Edutopia - 19 views

  • goals
  • These methods mean that assessment is no longer done to students, but with them, putting the focus on the student and learning.
  • Although students are awarded grades, they are rewarded through being at their best and coached through their challenges.
  • ...23 more annotations...
    • tricia1022
      I do aspire to coach students through their difficulties. This articles gives teachers a lot to live up to. I like how it condenses unit planning.
  • podcast or a Prezi
  • learning
  • I want to make sure that all of my students succeed, so I must know those goals for all students.
  • "Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content." "Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience." "Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility of each source, and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and providing basic bibliographic information for sources."
  • Whether those are Common Core State Standards or other important district- or school-level objectives and outcomes, we must make sure that our units of instruction are aligned to them.
  • I began with the end in mind when I planned this unit
    • tricia1022
      Having a picture in mind of what product I want students to create is easy. Mapping out all the skills that students will need to create the product I am still working on but very possible.
    • tricia1022
      These standards have to be incorporated into your entire school year for students to receive enough practice to master them. Feedback on the little things like warm up responses should have impact on the larger pieces of writing. LIGHT BULB IDEA have students rewrite responses from warm-ups and read them out loud to a partner. Have them do it the old way once, then the new way.
    • tricia1022
      Explaining a concept in writting is a higher-order thinking skill. A student can demostrate learning through writing an explanation. teachers have to give students enough sustenance to build knowlegde upon to own the concept.
  • . Student Ownership of Assessment Process
  • "How do advertisers trick us?"
  • Even though there was choice in the written products, there was a common, standards-aligned rubric that could be used to assess all the products to ensure that all students were meeting the same outcomes.
  • Portfolio
  • In fact, students were able to show some of their content knowledge as well as speaking and listening standards around collaboration and effective presentation.
  • Performance assessments like these allow us to check not only for engagement, but also for deeper learning through 21st-century skills.
  • Feedback
  • differentiation decisions
  • Students were also given specific, timely, and actionable feedback through the formative assessment process, with peer critique, teacher critique, and even outside expert critique on their performance assessments.
  • the power of media.
  • the rubrics
  • ments
  • learning
    WEEK 8 - (Chris Baugher, Patricia Bankis and A. Burns) Assessment is the key to good instruction. It shows us what students know and allows us to adjust our instruction. Assessment is tied to learning goals and standards, but students must own the assessment process as well, as they must be able to articulate what and how they are being assessed -- and its value.
  • ...2 more comments...
    point 4 - Formative assessment and feedback along the way - "Formative assessment allowed students to experiment and, yes, sometimes fail. However, they were given the tools, both through feedback and instruction, to improve and move forward to success." In the video it is mentioned that we often grade students on a paper, tell them what they have done wrong, but do not let them go back and rewrite the paper. Students should be able to experiment and fail... but need to be able to take these failures as lessons to go forward and succeed!
    Linda Darling-Hammond, professor of education at Stanford University "A false distinction has cropped up in the United States which seems to suggests that it is ok for outside summative assessments to just be multiple choice." She goes on to mention other countries that use project based summative assessments as well as essays, performance and oral examination to allow students to show understanding or learning im more real world methods.
    This article provides five useful strategies to help students improve and to improve assessments. There are two key factors in this article which ring true for me. The first is "formative assessment and feedback along the way" (Miller 2015) where students are given specific feedback on their assessment on how to improve and continue forward (Miller 2015). "Formative assessment allowed students to experiment and, yes, sometimes fail. However, they were given the tools, both through feedback and instruction, to improve and move forward to success." (Miller 2015). What this entails if differentiated instruction; something my district and school are pushing for. The second is "student ownership of assessment process" (Miller 2015). Giving students choice, options, and freedom allows students to take ownership and responsibility for doing something all while doing their best on it. In addition, students will know more about what is being asked of them or what they're supposed to do in order to earn a higher grade or preform the task more effectively. "These methods mean that assessment is no longer done to students, but with them, putting the focus on the student and learning" (Miller 2015). Hopefully with these implementations and integration, students can feel the focus from assessment scores to learning content and gaining understanding.
    This article is useful when considering big picture assessment objectives. In my own experiences, I have touched upon each of these strategies when conducting an assessment, but I've never built each of them into one assessment. The (5) strategies mentioned in this article include: Aligning Essential questions at the beginning of a unit to standars, building in written assessment components for students to describe/explain in writing, creating performance and project-based assessments to demonstrate understanding and application of concepts taught, regular and on-going formative assessments and feeback to help teachers to better tailor instruction to meet each learner's needs, and involving students in the decision-making process when choosing activities and when determining diagnostic measurement tools. As a World Language teacher, I think that these tasks which are challenging in themselves to build into curriculum, become extremely difficult in the L2 setting. I'm wondering how L2 instructors find themselves doing each of these things on a regular basis. Do they conduct all of it in L2, as it is suggested that L2 teachers do, or does some of this end up being done in English?

Standards In Practice: Instructional Gap Analysis Strategy - 24 views

    This presentation talks about instructional gaps and how they relate to a cycle of low achievement. There is a tendency for assignments to fall further away from the appropriate grade level. Following the Standards in Practice (SIP) model, teachers will be able to close an instructional gap and make assignments more rigorous in order to provide students with the instruction they need to obtain proficiency.
  • ...7 more comments...
    This is FANTASTIC resource for teachers to use as a guide for addressing instructional gaps during a data cycle! Thank you for posting this!
    I like the example assignments they gave from the grade 7 assignment to show that students can and will only perform to the level of the assignments they are given.
    Great resource! I was part of the group who didn't realize the significance of the Instructional Gap. This presentation did a great job in showing the importance of understanding the Instructional Gap and how we can work in closing that gap.
    This was a very interesting read. It reminded me of some of the changes we have put in place in my department as a result of the PARCC. We have definitely had to revisit how we teach and what we are teaching, as well as how it aligns to our standards. One issue we faced was that students could not make heads or tails of the grade level writing prompts. Our mentor teacher did a great series of professional developments for us that gave us some strategies for helping students unpack questions. It makes it much more manageable for the kids.
    This resource is excellent for examining instructional gaps. In my program sometimes I feel as if there is no reason to the rhyme. I may use this method to determine exactly what I want to get out of each lesson. Since I am not the lesson planner (my curriculum specialist does it) It is hard to understand why some of the lessons are provided and what they need to know beforehand. This article provided a tool to use for that.
    In this resource it states, "Students can do no better than the assignments they are given..and the instruction they receive." While analyzing my data, I found a instructional gap that I need to address in future lessons. This resource will be a great help to me.
    This presentation is a great resource. I like how it gives specific examples on how to expand an assignment to help students become successful in the classroom. The graph showing the difference in a grade level assignment vs a grade level standard was very telling. If we fail to push our students inside the classroom, we are setting our students up to fail when they are given grade level material on a state assessment. It is important that material given in the classroom matches the standard they will be assessed on later.
    This article provides an overview of instructional gaps and how to expand assignments to ensure we are teaching and assessing students in way that provides good instruction. It was a helpful overview that provided me with great thinking points and a clear structure on how to move forward.
    The article was a lot of help. I typically gave lower level readings to my students that are ELL's so they can understand their concept as their reading levels are typically lower. I'm going to try more with the SIP model to see if students will rise to the occasion.

Problem-based Learning Helps Bridge the Gap between the Classroom and the Real World - 2 views

    Problem-based learning allows us to bring our students, course material, and the real world closer together. A few ideas for getting started with PBL. I enjoyed reading this article because it began with a quote and excellent question. "How do we get our students to understand what 'the field' is really like? How can we help them realize that they not only need to understand the information we are teaching, but that they need to be able to apply the information that we are teaching." This article touched more on the idea of students being able to able to apply the information that we are teaching them in the real world. Problem-based Learning Helps Bridge the Gap between the Classroom and the Real World, Jason R. Weber, (2014) Retrieved from Retrieved on 10/19/15
    This brief article offers a quick introduction to the importance of preparing students for the real world through in-class activities, and provides 5 simple recommendations to help an instructor get the most out of PBL (problem-based learning, here) activities.

Science Shows Making Lessons Relevant Really Matters - 3 views

    Personal relevance examples are given in order to make lessons and information meaningful for students. Personal connections to material will help retention of material as well as motivate student willingness to learn.
    One thing that came to mind when I read this article was a technique of vocabulary instruction that my school has been using for the past few years. It is called the "Marzano" method of instruction (named after Robert Marzano) which asks students to give their own impression/explanation of a new term before it is used in class. I often like using this technique for vocabulary in Physics that has a contemporary meaning aside from how we will be using it in our course. One great example is "Resistance" in circuitry. I will ask the students (as per the Marzano method) to write down a description or explanation of this word, then I will go around and record the results from random students around the room. The 'group' consensus definitions are then combined to come up with the 'official' or 'technical' definition of the word. It's amazing to see how many students have odd connections to words that help explain the science meaning of the word. Once I had a student bring up the idea of resistance meaning a "rebellion" or "uprising" of sorts. In electrical terms that is not the 'true' definition, but having the students visualizing the electric conductor 'fighting back' against the electron flow can easily guide students to the more appropriate usage of the word. This way, students can see that these 'new' terms are ones that they already have an inkling of understanding for. Their understandings are not useless, but rather need to be expanded upon as we learn more about our content.
    This seems a really excellent support for the PBL model of instruction - providing real-world context to the material of a class motivates learning, and allows students to activate prior knowledge. See also the another edutopia article:

Cornell Note-Taking Summary Template - 0 views

    This artifact is an AVID student handout that explains the Cornell Note Taking Summary Template. It describes step by step how to write a complete summary of your Cornell Notes. Being able to complete a summary will help the students reflect on the information they just acquired and make the connections necessary for understanding the material.

Vocabulary: Costa's Levels of Thinking - 0 views

    This artifact is an AVID student handout with Costa's 3 Levels of Thinking. It includes key words to use in your questions to help guide you to create different levels of questions ranging from basic remembering and understanding to creating and evaluating. Students will use this handout to develop the questions they create for their class Cornell Notes, Essential Questions and Cornell Notes they write for their homework reading assignments.

Educational Leadership:Tackling Informational Text:What Students Can Do When the Readin... - 3 views

    This article by Sunday Cummins focuses on teaching students how to self-monitor while reading difficult texts. It suggests teaching students the coding method to help them learn how to self-monitor. Using meaningful symbols to mark up a text students learn how to evaluate what they understand and what they still need to comprehend as well how to go about achieving that deeper comprehension. (Week 7)
    This article addresses aspects of my groups exploration of student reading level ability and achievement on state tests on critical reading. In this article, the author suggests the implementation of a coding method while reading in order to teach students how to self-inform their reading in order to improve upon the student's ability to conduct close readings of informational text. This is just the sort of strategy that could assist IEP and ESOL students (2 subset groups of struggling readers) to improve the learning gap when it comes to reading for meaning.
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