This article was about using critical thinking in math. The author believes critical thinking allows for students to develop the ability to focus on their thinking, plan and make better decisions. "Metacognition helps students to recognize that math is logical reasoning on solutions to problems" (Su, H.F et al, 2016). All in all, if students are able to think critically, reason and understand the logic behind mathematics rather than memorize formulas, students will be able to have a deeper connection with math and solve problems correctly.
This article is useful for the team because our team wants students to be able to explain their math answers. If students are able to think critically, as this article suggest, students will be able to understand the reasoning behind their math equations and will be able to explain and discuss in detail. This article is also beneficial to the team because it provides recommendations for educators to use in the classroom based on research and experience. "The process of 'thinking through math' helps students to think critically and discover new relationships and patterns of mathematical equations, leading to innovation and creation of new ideas and implementations, for which there is high demand within our this information age"((Su, H.F et al, 2016). If students can think through math, they can solve and explain any problem given to them by critically thinking.
Su, H.F., Ricci, F.A., & Mnatsakanian, M. (2016). Mathematical teaching strategies: Pathways to critical thinking and metacognition. Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 2 (1), 190-200.
Educational Research Article for MEd Diigo Group
This article was about using critical thinking in math. The author believes critical thinking allows for students to develop the ability to focus on their thinking, plan and make better decisions. "Metacognition helps students to recognize that math is logical reasoning on solutions to problems" (Su, H.F et al, 2016). All in all, if students are able to think critically, reason and understand the logic behind mathematics rather than memorize formulas, students will be able to have a deeper connection with math and solve problems correctly.
This article is useful for the team because our team wants students to be able to explain their math answers. If students are able to think critically, as this article suggest, students will be able to understand the reasoning behind their math equations and will be able to explain and discuss in detail. This article is also beneficial to the team because it provides recommendations for educators to use in the classroom based on research and experience. "The process of 'thinking
through math' helps students to think critically and discover new relationships and patterns of mathematical equations, leading to innovation and creation of new ideas and implementations, for which there is high demand within our this information age"((Su, H.F et al, 2016). If students can think through math, they can solve and explain any problem given to them by critically thinking.
Su, H.F., Ricci, F.A., & Mnatsakanian, M. (2016). Mathematical teaching strategies:
Pathways to critical thinking and metacognition. Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 2 (1), 190-200.