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Benno Hansen

The World from Berlin: Merkel's Backpedaling on Aid Is 'Cynicism, Pure and Simple' - SP... - 0 views

  • "The international community gave itself real goals 10 years ago," the German chancellor said. "Unfortunately today, we have to recognize that we are probably not able to reach these objectives."
  • "Development aid cannot continue indefinitely," she said. "The task therefore is to use limited resources as effectively as possible. This can only work through good governance which taps that country's potential."
Benno Hansen

FN-topmøde ender resultatløst | - 0 views

  • Jeg er bange for, at disse topmøder ender med at blive en udsigtsløs øvelse i at holde taler og afgive forsigtigt formulerede løfter, uden at de bliver fulgt op af meningsfuld handling,« skrev Annan
  • »Der er kun fem år tilbage, inden de otte mål, FN satte sig i 2000, skal være opfyldt. Trods de manglende fremskridt fortsætter lederne af de rige lande med at holde inspirerende taler og love bistandspenge, som aldrig bliver udbetalt. Hvad vi hører fra stats- og regeringschefer, er mest tom retorik,« sagde Deborah Doane, direktør for den britiske World Development Movement.
  • »Vi har af erfaring lært at være skeptiske over for store erklæringer under topmøder. Vi vil gerne vide, hvor mange af de 40 mia. dollar er nye penge fremfor at være blevet rykket rundt på nationale budgetter,« sagde Emma Seery, talskvinde for den britiske ngo-gruppe Oxfam. »Hvis vi skal være seriøse, vil det koste 88 mia. dollar at få de to mål i hus inden 2015. Intet mindre vil slå til.«
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  • Calderisi fortæller f.eks., at regeringen i Uganda fornylig bestilte for 300 mio. dollar jagerfly i Rusland fremfor at bruge pengene - der stammer fra forventede indtægter fra nylige fund af olie- og naturgasforekomster - på at investere i uddannelse. »Donorlandene bliver nødt til at belønne u-lande med god regeringsførelse og straffe dem, der bevidst spilder ressourcer,«
Benno Hansen

Reuters AlertNet - Is climate change the missing link in the millennium goals? - 0 views

  • Sifting through the 31-page draft declaration on the MDGs expected to be formally adopted at the Sept. 20-22 meeting of world leaders, there is surprisingly little reference to the growing importance of environmental concerns.
  • what is missing is a bold statement about the worsening effects of climate change on poor people and a genuine sense of how important it is to help them adapt to more extreme weather and rising seas if advances on the MDGs are to be safeguarded
  • the U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP) plans to issue a brief for policy makers that will include concrete examples of how investing in clean energy, sustainable transport, forests and environmentally-friendly forms of agriculture can at the same time improve health, provide safe drinking water and combat hunger and disease.
Benno Hansen

The Associated Press: Memo portrays UN chief wanting control, secrecy - 0 views

  • secretiveness serves us poorly
  • your style comes out as one of command and control
  • The U.N.'s ability to police itself for major fraud and corruption since the disbanding of an elite, anti-corruption U.N. Procurement Task Force in 2008 is of concern to the United States and other major donors, who worry about the billions of dollars they contribute to improve the lives of the world's poorest people.
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  • your actions are not only deplorable, but seriously reprehensible. No secretary-general before you has questioned the authority delegated to (the head of OIOS) to appoint the staff in OIOS. Your action is without precedent and in my opinion seriously embarrassing to yourself
Benno Hansen Africa: Guebuza Warns on Climate Change - 0 views

  • some African countries may fail to attain the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) as a consequence of climate change
  • "In the first MDG we commit ourselves to eradicating hunger and extreme poverty", he said, questioning if these objectives can be met in a scenario where floods and droughts are becoming more intense and more frequent than before, affecting food and nutritional security.
Benno Hansen

Biodiversity loss brings ecological systems closer to a tipping point, Ban says - 0 views

  • Some 70 per cent of the world's poor live in rural areas, and depend directly on biodiversity for their daily sustenance and income
Benno Hansen

Obama's engagement policy: good for the U.N., bad for Obama? | The Cable - 0 views

  • 60 percent of those surveyed had a positive view of the United Nations, that's up ten points from data only 10 months ago
  • Thirty percent said they viewed the U.N. unfavorably
  • "The U.N.'s image has been impacted by a very positive news environment around the organization providing humanitarian relief during the natural disasters that have happened recently around the world,"
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  • although 78 percent of respondents claimed to "closely" follow international affairs, an equal 78 percent said they had "never heard" of Ban Ki-moon when asked about him
  • Eighty-seven percent said they supported U.S. involvement in achieving the goals by 2015
  • only 40 percent of respondents said they would support spending an additional 1 percent of the U.S. budget on foreign assistance, with 55 percent opposed
Benno Hansen

BIODIVERSITY: We Can Live Without Oil, But Not Without Flora and Fauna - IPS - 0 views

  • "you can clearly see the outlines of what could be the sixth great extinction event of all life on Earth," said Thomas Lovejoy
Benno Hansen

3rd Joint Annual Meetings of the AU Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance and ... - 0 views

    Official website
Benno Hansen African Finance Ministers Dismiss Development Declarations - 0 views

  • The budgetary targets are embedded in a set of important declarations and decisions adopted by Africa's 53 Presidents as far back as 2000.
  • these declarations and decisions commit governments to devote up to 20 per cent of their budgets to education, 15 per cent to health, 10 per cent to agriculture and 0.5 per cent to water and sanitation
  • the positions taken by the finance ministers completely undermine African governments attempts to hold their development partners accountable for the promises reached
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  • Cecil Noel, South Africa's chief finance director set the tone for the debate that followed, stating, 'These targets do not make any sense. I shall be asking my head of state to propose a review of these targets in the AU Summit in Kampala in July.' He proceeded, supported by Egypt's deputy minister Hany Dimian to argue, 'The heads of states have made a colossal mistake. These targets straightjacket the process of budgeting in our countries.'
  • The Nigerian head of delegation further noted, 'I worry about the precedence we are setting where we make commitments and drop them when it is expedient.'
  • this could indicate an abandonment of the bold financing that has gone into reversing vulnerability to food insecurity, disease and denial of access to education
  • how will Africa now have the integrity to hold the G8 and international community to the commitments that they have made to contribute 0.7 per cent of their gross national product and double development assistance to Africa?
  • behind these declarations and decisions are a number of research consultancies, numerous meetings of African ministers of education, agriculture, water and sanitation and health, at least five summits of Addis-based ambassadors, ministers of foreign affairs and heads of states and their delegations. At a conservative figure, this could have run into US$10 million over the last ten years.
Benno Hansen

Food Security: The Challenge of Feeding 9 Billion People -- Godfray et al. 327 (5967): ... - 0 views

  • more than one in seven people today still do not have access to sufficient protein and energy from their diet, and even more suffer from some form of micronutrient malnourishment
  • Increases in production will have an important part to play, but they will be constrained as never before by the finite resources provided by Earth’s lands, oceans, and atmosphere
  • a period of rising and more volatile food prices driven primarily by increased demand from rapidly developing countries, as well as by competition for resources from first-generation biofuels production
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  • agricultural land that was formerly productive has been lost to urbanization and other human uses, as well as to desertification, salinization, soil erosion, and other consequences of unsustainable land management
  • the world will need 70 to 100% more food by 2050
  • Low yields occur because of technical constraints that prevent local food producers from increasing productivity or for economic reasons arising from market conditions.
  • In the most extreme cases of failed states and nonfunctioning markets, the solution lies completely outside the food system.
    • Benno Hansen
      Why? Pc in Haiti a counter example?
  • Fair returns on investment are essential for the proper functioning of the private sector, but the extension of the protection of intellectual property rights to biotechnology has led to a growing public perception in some countries that biotech research purely benefits commercial interests and offers no long-term public good. Just as seriously, it also led to a virtual monopoly of GM traits in some parts of the world, by a restricted number of companies, which limits innovation and investment in the technology.
    • Benno Hansen
      factual mention of IP -> limits innovation
  • the environmental costs of food production might increase with globalization, for example, because of increased greenhouse gas emissions associated with increased production and food transport
  • Food production has important negative "externalities," namely effects on the environment or economy that are not reflected in the cost of food.
  • Food production in developing countries can be severely affected by market interventions in the developed world, such as subsidies or price supports.
    • Benno Hansen
      Is sugar always sweet?
  • The introduction of measures to promote sustainability does not necessarily reduce yields or profits. One study of 286 agricultural sustainability projects in developing countries, involving 12.6 million chiefly small-holder farmers on 37 million hectares, found an average yield increase of 79% across a very wide variety of systems and crop types
    • Benno Hansen
  • Unexploited genetic material from land races, rare breeds, and wild relatives will be important in allowing breeders to respond to new challenges
  • superior technologies may become available and that future generations may be wealthier
  • Roughly 30 to 40% of food in both the developed and developing worlds is lost to waste
  • In the developing world, losses are mainly attributable to the absence of food-chain infrastructure
  • retailers discard many edible, yet only slightly blemished products
  • unwanted food goes to a landfill instead of being used as animal feed or compost because of legislation to control prion diseases
  • About one-third of global cereal production is fed to animals
  • the argument that all meat consumption is bad is overly simplistic
  • There is no simple solution to sustainably feeding 9 billion people
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