B2B or "B Not 2B" - Does B2B Social Marketing Work? - 1 views
I am sure that by now many of you are thinking that social media is not about advertising, it is about creating relationships with people so you can educate them about problems, solutions, and generally becoming a valuable resource. I totally get it. I think this is a great way to reach out and touch people and that is in fact the primary value in social marketing B2B
Interestingly, a recent study by Performics found that almost 60% of active social networkers said that LinkedIn was their most important social network. Sound great, but it turns out that this is mostly because people are looking for jobs , at least according to Perfomics’ CEO Daina Middleton.
I am sure that by now many of you are thinking that social media is not about advertising, it is about creating relationships with people so you can educate them about problems, solutions, and generally becoming a valuable resource. I totally get it. I think this is a great way to reach out and touch people and that is in fact the primary value in social marketing B2B