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Home/ Groups/ NYU MATH-UA 123.002 Calculus III Spring 2012
Shally M

3D Function Grapher - 4 views

    This helped me when I had trouble visualizing what multi-variable function graphs would look like, without giving away too much like wolfram alpha sometimes does.
Sung Won C

Green's Theorem at work - 2 views

    Planimeter calculates the area enclosed by a curve by tracing the curve
Charliam H

Calculus on the Web - 1 views

    Goes over most concepts of Calculus 3 and provides practice problems.
Tyler H

Latitude/longitude craziness - 1 views

shared by Tyler H on 09 Apr 12 - No Cached
    Relevant to the latest written assignment
Matthew Leingang

Wolfram Demonstrations Project: 3D Graph of a General Quadratic Form - 1 views

    The graph of the equation ax^2 + by^2 + cz^2 + dxy + exz + fyz +gx + hj + i z + j=0 is shown for your settings of the parameters.
    Set d=e=f=0 to keep things regular. Can you find a value of the settings where one parameter makes the surface shift from hyperboloids of two sheets to one?
Matthew Leingang

NYU > A & S > Academic Integrity - 1 views

  • presenting as your own facts, ideas, or written text gathered or downloaded from the Internet;
Charliam H

Regions Described by Double Integrals - 0 views

    A nice applet you can use to visualize double integral regions.
Charliam H

Complex Line Integrals I, part 1 - 0 views

    Line Integrals in the complex plane.
Charliam H

Maxwell's equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Mentioned a bit in the book, these four equations can be used to prove most of E&M.
Charliam H

Lie algebra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Importance of the jacobi identity. Note that the identity actually goes in alphabetical order (and wraps around).
Charliam H

Laplace's equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    More on Laplace's Equation
Charliam H

book:math:visdivcurl - The Geometry of Vector Calculus - 0 views

    Some visuals for Curl and Div
Charliam H

Jacobian matrix and determinant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Something that we didn't really go too deeply into, the Jacobian. The Jacobian is where the r and the r^2sin(theta) com from in the transformation of coordinates from Cartesian to polar and spherical.
Charliam H

Pauls Online Notes : Calculus III - 0 views

    A nice site that goes over most of the major concepts discussed in class.
Charliam H

Work Done by Electric field - 0 views

    Fundamental Theorem of Line Integrals applied to physics, work, and electromagnetic fields.
Matthew Leingang

Millennium Prize Problems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Here is the list of Millennium Problems posed by the Clay Mathematics Institute. The first (P vs. NP) is claimed to have been solved, but the jury is still out. The Poincaré Conjecture has been solved, rather famously, by Grigori Perelman a few years ago. The Riemann Hypothesis is probably the most elusive problem in math now that Fermat's Last Theorem and Poincaré have been knocked down.
Matthew Leingang

Hilbert's problems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Here is the background and list of Hilbert's 23 problems. Four have been called too vague to solve (bet you wish that would work on a test!) and three are still unresolved. One of them, the Riemann Hypothesis, is among the Milennium Problems.
Matthew Leingang

Free Topo Maps - MyTopo/Maptech MapServer - 0 views

    It's centered on Somerville, MA, but you can enter latitude and longitude or a ZIP code to focus on any point in the US. The curved lines represent points with the same elevation. Lines close together mean a steep slope (either upward or downward depending on the actual elevations). Concentric curves mean a peak or valley. What indicates a saddle point?
Matthew Leingang

Wolfram Demonstrations Project: Curvature and Torsion - 0 views

    Curvature and Torsion Choose among several curves and see the rotation of the Frenet-Serret frame as you move the slider. From this you can perceive the curvature and torsion of the curve. Associated objects (such as the circle of curvature, evolute, and osculating sphere, as well as two views of the Frenet frames) may be displayed.
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