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Caltech uses Minecraft to teach Quantum Physics - 0 views

    Minecraft mod created to teach quantum physics!
Frank Barnes

How To Use Google Drive and Evernote To Create Digital Portfolios - 1 views

    • Frank Barnes
      Evernote has been extremely helpful in organizing and assisting my own productivity. This sheds some light on how many of it's features can be a powerful addition to teaching and learning.
    • Lucie deLaBruere
      Thanks Frank, this was my GEM find for the day. I will use it with my eportfolio group.
  • he Google Drive app now allows for the creation of Documents, Spreadsheets, and Folders. Plus, the ability to upload photos and videos from the camera roll. WIth many PDF annotation apps such as Notability and Paperport Notes now allowing direct upload to Google Drive, the process of curating student work becomes even easier.
    • Lucie deLaBruere
      Must show this to my eportfolio team
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • unanswered question is how do we determine
  • unanswered question is how do we determine
  • that they have also gained greater understanding, reflected on their learning, and mastered content?
  • Evernote provides one possible solution to the challenge. The ability to sync across multiple devices, email directly to a notebook, include photos and audio recordings in notes, and share notes, makes Evernote a powerful assessment and portfolio tool. Teachers can create one notebook per student and then curate their projects by taking photos of physical assignments, sharing digital ones via email to the student’s notebook, recording students’ thoughts and reflections with audio, and typing additional notes for assessment purposes, to create a robust portfolio for each child. These student notebooks could then be shared with colleagues, peers, or parents.
    Curation and collecting tools for eportfolio. especially helpful if you are using mobile tools to create eportfolios.
    Frank Shared this amazing article that will inform our work in this class in future weeks.
joan carey

45 Outstanding Apps for Science - 0 views

    Some great ipad apps for science.  (including environmental science, physics, etc)
    Like Jessica I kept going back to the idea that "it's not about technology, it's about the learning." Yet after much mucking about, I kept coming back to this article which one of you introduced early in the semester. To my "pre-app developer" self, it was a real eye opener and inspiration to imagine all these topics being covered (some better than others) in this visual, graphic mode and living on one device. So in the spirit of inspiration, I offer this article as a favorite.
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