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Berita : Indonesia Dilirik Bank Syariah Tertua di Dunia
16-02-2011, 13:11:46
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON-Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB) berkeingin untuk mengembangkan kerja sama dengan Bank Syariah dan menyampaikan ketertarikannya akan pasar perbankan syariah di Indonesia. "Keinginan itu disampaikan Managing Director yang juga Penasehat Dubai Islamic Bank Capital (DIB Capital), Anwar Belgaumi, saat bertemu dengan Konsul Jenderal RI Dubai, Mansyur Pangeran, di KJRI Dubai," kata Sekretaris Pertama KJRI Dubai, Adiguna Wijaya kepada pers di London, Rabu.
Ia menyebutkan, Belgaumi kini berkunjung ke Jakarta sebagai tindak lanjut dari kunjungan sebelumnya. Konjen RI menyampaikan bahwa KJRI Dubai juga telah menerima surat dari Bank Indonesia (BI) yang memberitahukan rencana kunjungan Belgaumi ke Jakarta untuk bertemu dengan pihak BI. ..
Aplikasi e-Business Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah atau yang selanjutnya kami sebut sebagai Sistem Informasi Manajemen Koperasi Syariah (SIMKOPSYAH) adalah Aplikasi OPEN SOURCE/FREE yang diperuntukan bagi UKM yang bergerak dibidang usaha Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah/BMT, yang dibangun oleh Kemkominfo bekerja sama dengan Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah (MES). Pengembang awal dari Software SIMKOPSYAH ini adalah Waditra Reka Cipta, perusahaan konsultan IT yang telah banyak menangani proyek-proyek IT di lingkungan pemerintah ataupun swasta.
Software yang menjadi salah satu Nominator INAICTA 2010 ini memiliki fasilitas untuk pengelolaan dana simpanan atau pinjaman (Simpan-Pinjam) termasuk didalamnya pengelolaan data nasabah yang kesemuanya terintegrasi dengan data-data keuangan sehingga saat kasir/teller menginputkan data transaksi simpanan ataupun pinjaman, saat itu juga terbentuk Jurnal Umum, Buku Besar ataupun Laporan Keuangan lainnya (Smart Akunting).
Software juga mampu mencetak transaksi simpanan ke kartu Simpanan Nasabah. Juga memiliki Log Book (Audit Trail) yang mampu menelusuri setiap aksi yang dilakukan user pada aplikasi.
Software SIMKOPSYAH ini dapat berjalan di "Single User" ataupun "Multi User", dan mampu beroperasi di lingkungan Windows ataupun Linux (Multiplatform).
"GanttProject is a cross-platform desktop tool for project scheduling and management. It runs on Windows, Linux and MacOSX, it is free and its code is opensource. What can it do?
Gantt chart.
Create work breakdown structure, draw dependencies, define milestones.
Assign human resources to work on tasks, see their allocation on the Resource Load chart.
PERT chart.
Generate PERT chart from Gantt chart.
Save charts as PNG images, generate PDF and HTML reports.
Import projects from and export them to Microsoft Project formats. Export to spreadsheets with CSV.
Share projects with your colleagues using WebDAV."
Gantter is revolutionizing project scheduling
Gantter features all the power of leading desktop scheduling software products without users having to buy or install anything!
Yes, it is totally free and requires nothing but a web browser.
Simply select the 'Start Now' button and start experiencing the power of Gantter.
Whether you are planning a complex project like a large construction project, rolling out a new website, managing a big IT project, or simply need to manage your next home renovation project Gantter is the tool for you. Gantter even provides you with a gallery of project templates to help you build your schedule in a fraction of the time.
Microsoft Project users don't worry. Gantter allows you to import your Microsoft Project files so getting started can be easier than ever.
Google Docs users enjoy Gantter's seamless integration. Gantter allows you to easily save and open schedules directly to and from Google Docs. You can also share your schedules with other users via Google Docs and collaborate with those users in real time over the web on your project plans. Gantter automatically makes your shared members resources on the project so they can easily be assigned tasks and update items in your shared project schedules.
Need more power? Simply install our lightweight Google Chrome or FireFox extensions and you can create Gantter Project Schedules directly from inside of Google Docs. Learn more about our Google Integration capabilities."
"OpenProj is a free, open source desktop alternative to Microsoft Project. OpenProj has been downloaded over 1,250,000 times in over 142 countries and has quickly become one of the most popular open source applications. If you are managing a group project we recommend Projects On Demand. If you want a free replacement to commercial desktop software, then OpenProj is perfect. OpenProj is also now included with Star Office in Europe. It's available on Linux, Unix, Mac or Windows, and it's free. Download Now!"
"LibreOffice is the free power-packed Open Source personal productivity suite for Windows, Macintosh and Linux, that gives you six feature-rich applications for all your document production and data processing needs: Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math and Base. Support and documentation is free from our large, dedicated community of users, contributors and developers. You, too, can also get involved!"
Sistem Administrasi Pengelolaan Domain .ID,
Sistem ini memungkinkan anda untuk melakukan administrasi domain .id. Anda dapat menggunakan fitur-fitur utama administrasi domain melalui daftar link dibawah atau melalui menu di sebelah kiri halaman ini.
An Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, or Xara X, using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format.
Inkscape supports many advanced SVG features (markers, clones, alpha blending, etc.) and great care is taken in designing a streamlined interface. It is very easy to edit nodes, perform complex path operations, trace bitmaps and much more. We also aim to maintain a thriving user and developer community by using open, community-oriented development.
"Cara instalasi Adobe Flash Player Plugin untuk Mozilla Firefox di Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) sebagai berikut:
1. Jalankan Applications > Ubuntu Software Center
2. Search "adobe flash"
3. Klik Adobe Flash Plugin 10 atau Adobe Flash Installer, lalu klik Install.
(Bila muncul dua-duanya, pilih yang Adobe Flash Plugin 10)
Setelah proses download & install selesai, restart Firefox dan Anda sudah bisa menonton video di YouTube, main game di Facebook, dll.
Catatan: Saat install harus konek ke Internet."
Wink is a Tutorial and Presentation creation software, primarily aimed at creating tutorials on how to use software (like a tutor for MS-Word/Excel etc). Using Wink you can capture screenshots, add explanations boxes, buttons, titles etc and generate a hi
Proses Pentahapan
Pendaftaran dari para startup untuk mengikuti program SWAstartup.
Proses seleksi tertulis.
Proses seleksi dengan presentasi dari para startup yang lolos seleksi tertulis.
Pengumuman para startup yang masuk daftar Top Startup Indonesia yang siap untuk diberi pelatihan berdasarkan modul-modul pelatihan yang dibutuhkan oleh startup untuk bisa lebih berkembang.
Startup yang terpilih akan ditampilkan profilnya di SWA yang meliputi: ide, nilai lebih jasa/produk yang ditawarkan, gambaran prospeknya, analisa masa depan secara bisnis. Dengan penyajian ini, diharapkan akan ada sejumlah calon investor yang tertarik.
Temu startup dengan investor dan menominasikan Top Startup Indonesia ke program-program seleksi dan pendanaan forum investor global.
Beware the Nile perch
It's a huge freshwater fish, easy to catch and eat, and tempting to introduce into non-native waters.
And when it shows up? It will eat everything it can and probably drive competitive smaller fish extinct. Good intentions are rewarded with plenty of Nile perch (for now) but a degraded ecosystem in the long run.
There are bright shiny objects you can bring into your life (that project, that employee, that new office) that might just push the other useful items aside. You get hooked on them or they demand more attention or they make too much noise and the less-shiny projects or people whither away.
An art museum brings in a traveling show from a famous artist. It's important, expensive, time-consuming and brings big crowds. For the next six months, all eyes are on the big show. And then, of course, a vacuum, because the important but less glamorous work didn't get done.
A lawsuit or a merger or a shift to a new office space might seem like a good idea at the time--but be careful what you wish for.
The Nile perch is nefarious yet applauded (in the short run). Don't be afraid to call it when you see it.
Charming, witty man plus smart thinker...
Never looks back, yet always look stylish n' casual...
Addiction Warning: There's a high chance you'll find me too fun to let go! ;-)